2022-09-25 BTR Meeting notes

2022-09-25 BTR Meeting notes


Sep 25, 2022


  • @Maksim Sokolskiy




 Discussion topics










Olive branch cut

@Ghassan Maslamani

As it’s schduled 10/Oct for branch cut date.
To check:
- If there any thing needed prior to the release
- If the release manager is ready ( to check with @Matjaz Gregoric?)
- Does the ref below cover the steps for branch
- Ensure translation are synced priror to the release (This is from @Ghassan Maslamani )
- Check with repo owner who are tagged for open-release if their repos should be tagged for open-release (@Ned Batchelder (Deactivated) mention this in previous meeting)
- What/Which are the status of MFEs that are to be added in Olive
- Can we confirm with edX/2U if there would be a spesfic featuer that is planned to be added around 10/OCT, i.e. a featuer requires two PRs one get merged before 10/OCT and other 11/OCT. Can we be sure such scinario would not happen?

- Olive wiki page: Olive
- Process to create a release: Process to Create an Open edX Release | T&L team/edx platform owners

Update of external library, i.e. Elasticsearch/Node/Ruby

@Peter Pinch

Are those going to be updated in tutor

@Ned Batchelder (Deactivated) Support window:
Support Windows

 Action items

Create an issue which MFEs are going to be added Olive: list of new MFEs · Issue #200 · openedx/wg-build-test-release
Mention in the release process about pulling the strings before the branch is cut.

Starting a thread in Slack channel during the week (when Kyle is back) about which repos to be added.


  • The open-release/olive.master branches will be created 11/OCT (Because there is a holiday in 10/OCT).


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