

Note: the Olive master branches were created on October 11th 2022. Code on master/main will now be part of Palm. Note your changes there.

If you have a fix for Olive, make a pull request against open-release/olive.master






The 15th Open edX community release will be named Olive. It will be released December 9th, 2022. The open-release/olive.master branches will be created two months earlier, on October 10th. Code on master/main as of October 10th will be part of Olive. Code merged after that will need special handling to be part of Olive.

Put stuff here that we have to remember when we start packaging up Olive.  Especially important is information that system installers or operators will need to know. Please include your name when you add an item, so that we can get back to you with questions.


  • The Learning MFE is no longer optional, and must be run it as part of your installation now. It has been the default for a couple releases with an opt-out, but that opt-out has been removed (see Deprecations & Removals below for more).

Feature Changes

Added features

Deprecations and Removals

Based on estimated dates 2022-04-11 to 2022-10-10.


Other removals/deprecations this release:

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