

The 10th Open edX release will be named Juniper.

Put stuff here that we have to remember when we start packaging up for Juniper.  Especially important is information that system installers or operators will need to know. Please include your name when you add an item, so that we can get back to you with questions.


Juniper is gated by the upgrade to Django 2.2

As of April 27, it looks like all services will be upgraded and in production this week.  The master branches can be created soon after that point.  We are triaging issues ( CRI-171 - Getting issue details... STATUS ) and will decide when to make the master branches based on that triaging.

Upgrading from Ironwood

A high-level upgrade guide is being collaboratively created here.

Installation and Operations

  • Inter-service Communication Impact

    • OAuth2 DOP→DOT Migration (Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated)Julia Eskew (Deactivated)Troy Sankey, Robert RaposaDiana HuangJeremy Bowman (Deactivated))
      • DEPR-47 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      • Any OAuth Applications/Clients registered in the LMS that are using the old Django-OAuth-Provider will need to be migrated to Django-OAuth-Toolkit.  These applications include your Open edX Mobile Apps (iOS, Android) as well as your Open edX services (e-commerce, Insights, Credentials, etc.) 
        • For updating your Open edx services, see Setup OAuth Client for Internal Services (Django Oauth Toolkit version)
          • Note: there exist management commands used in devstack, but edx.org did this manually.

        • For updating your mobile apps:
          • Create a new OAuth application at https://<lms>/admin/oauth2_provider/application/ for each of your mobile app types (iOS and Android).
            • Client_id: <autogenerated>
              User: select the "service user" you've created specifically for this mobile app type
              Redirect Uris: <blank>
              Client type: Public (differs from services above)
              Authorization grant type: Resource owner password-based (differs from services above)
              Client secret: <autogenerated>
              Name: a unique name you choose to identify this mobile app type
          • Update your mobile app configuration:
            • OAUTH_CLIENT_ID should be updated to the Client_id from the step above.
            • The oauth2/access_token URL defined in the code should already work as-is.
    • A new OAuth2 scope, 'user_id', is required for SSO access between the LMS and satellite Open edX services (e-commerce, Insights, Credentials, etc.)  For existing Open edX instances, please add the 'user_id' scope for each of your satellite services at /admin/oauth_dispatch/applicationaccess/.  You may use a management command to do so (see https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/20076).  For newly provisioned instances, this scope will be added automatically with https://github.com/edx/devstack/pull/394. (Robert Raposa)

    • Ecommerce expects to find a unique user id (LMS user id) for each user, either in a JWT or social auth. If it cannot find this id, a MissingLmsUserIdException will be raised; this exception can be silenced by enabling the allow_missing_lms_user_id waffle switch. The LMS user id can be back-filled for existing users by running the ecommerce/core/management/commands/import_user_ids.py management command. See ecommerce/docs/decisions/0004-unique-identifier-for-users.rst. (crice (Deactivated))

    • In edx-platform/lms/djangoapps/courseware/courses.py - The function check_course_access has been renamed to check_course_access_with_redirect.  A new implementation of check_course_access returns AccessResponse objects, rather than performing redirects when access is denied.  check_course_access_with_redirect is a drop-in replacement for the old behavior of check_course_access.  This is likely a breaking change for any code outside of edx-platform (such as plugin apps) that was using the check_course_access function directly.  See https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/23651 for more information.
  • Mobile Apps

     Click here to expand...
    • Android
      • Android 2.20.2 Added a testing feature of the 'Upgrade to Verified' course.
      • Android 2.20.1
        • You can now view the edX app in French, German, Portuguese, Chinese, and Turkish. The application uses your device language to specify this setting.
        • It's now clearer when there are areas of a course that cannot be completed in the app or are unavailable for audit track learners.
        • We have fixed the ‘Downloading Videos’ to phone memory issue. All users having any OS and device model should be able to download them on phone memory now.
        • We have hidden/removed the ‘Downloading Videos’ to SD-Card feature for OS 9 and above for now (as this beta feature is having many issues on them and team will prioritize its fixes in near future). While all users having any device and OS below 9 can enable the feature from settings and should face no issue.
      • Android 2.19.0
        • Watch and learn at your own pace by adjusting the video play speed controls.
        • You can now choose to store downloaded videos in your SD card from the settings area.
      • Android 2.18.2 Facebook login/register button brand enforcement.
      • Android 2.18.1 You can now search edX programs and degrees using the mobile application.
      • Android 2.17.1 Accessibility improvements
    • iOS
      • iOS 2.20.0 You can now view the edX app in German, Hebrew, French, Portuguese, Chinese, and Turkish. The application uses your device language to specify this setting.
      • iOS 2.18.1 You can now search edX programs and degrees using the mobile application!
      • iOS 2.17.1 Accessibility improvements.
  • Forum:
    • The MONGOID_AUTH_MECH environment variable needs to be defined, even if just empty. Otherwise the following error will be triggered: "in `encoded_name': undefined method `encode' for nil:NilClass(NoMethodError)".
  • Database migration:
    • Due to a migration in "SiteConfiguration", it is not possible to have an Ironwood instance serving traffic while a Juniper one is being set up with zero downtime. It will result with OperationalError exceptions being raised until the Ironwood instance is shutdown. (Slack thread)

Impact on Your Code

Deprecations and Removals

Based on Juniper Dates: 2019-01-17 to 2020-05-27


key summary reporter status deprecation proposal accepted date removal date


  • DEPR-12 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Removal of microsites includes the removal of several tables that were in this djangoapp: https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/21355/
    • We have removed the entire djangoapp, but if installations would like to clean up these tables after upgading, they can drop all the tables prefixed by microsite_configuration.
  • DEPR-52 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Removed now unused /login_post endpoint, which was just used by Studio login.  Note: /login_ajax points to the same login code.  BOM-1096 - Getting issue details... STATUS (was ARCH-1253)
    • Several breaking changes were made to clean-up login_user, used by our login POST endpoints.
      • JSON is now always returned, including for the third-party auth errors.
      • 400 status is now used for errors instead of 200. JSON included 'success': 'failure' both before and after the change.
  • DEPR-51 - Getting issue details... STATUS  : https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/22006 (Bill DeRusha (Deactivated))
  • edx-certificates is no longer installed. This was an error.  edx-certificates is still part of Juniper.

key summary reporter status deprecation proposal accepted date removal date

Feature Changes

  • Will Public Course Content be on by default?

  • Learner Portal. learner-portal (https://github.com/edx/frontend-app-learner-portal) and it's accompanying configuration service (https://github.com/edx/portal-designer) were created

  • SAML. Irfan Uddin Ahmad: As part of https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/20665 we have updated the username match criterion for SAML SSO users to be based on email only instead of both email & username.

  • e-Commerce
    • As part of https://github.com/edx/ecommerce/pull/2621, the payment page microfrontend is the default payment page for edx ecommerce. To use your own microfrontend, you need to add enable_microfrontend_for_basket_page to your site configuration as well as payment_microfrontend_url . If you do not use the microfrontend, you can use the waffle flag disable_microfrontend_for_basket_page to see the old basket page for testing, etc. (Brandon Baker (Deactivated))
    • Performance improvements, etc. (Emma Green (Deactivated))
      • TBD - Need to provide a description of feature changes in ecommerce since April 2019 as it impacts the community. (Perhaps links to ADRs.)

  • LMS
    • Learner Dashboard. Adeel Ehsan (Deactivated): As part of https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/20439 by default LMS dashboard will show only limited courses based on the course limit set in configuration. Show all the courses link will be at bottom if enrolled courses count is greater than course limit.

    • Instructor Dashboard
    • Gradebook
      • TBD - Need to provide a description of changes in gradebook since April 2019 as it impacts the community.

    • Proctoring
      • TBD - Need to provide a description of changes in proctoring since April 2019 as it impacts the community.

    • ORA-2
      • TBD - Need to provide a description of changes in ORA-2 since April 2019 as it impacts the community.
    • Course Dates
      • TBD - Need to provide a description of changes to course dates since April 2019 as it impacts the community.

    • SGA xBlock
      • Python3 and Django 2.2 compatibility added in version 0.11.0. This version is not backward compatible with Python2 and Ironwood.

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