2023-02-03 Maintainers' Office Hours Notes
BOM presentation of the new repo health dashboard
Repos for releases
Problem statement: What would be the list of all the things included in a release to be able to say that the release was fully maintained.
Tutor cannot include the learner record MFE because there is no tutor plugin for credentials
Does something need to be in Tutor to be considered in a release
Currently, as of Olive, this is not true.
[KB] LR MFE is included as experimental. Tutor support should be considered a baseline requirement.
Ned had started the exercise of figuring out what this list would be
Feanil also did some discover around this as well while unwinding the pypi credentials
Ambiguity around whether things are in or not makes it fell less urgent.
Problematic examples
Taxonomy connection
poorly documented
used by the community
what next
Potential phases
Phase 3, all MFEs are maintained that are part of the core product offering
Phase 4, core product offering including backend services
Phase 5, supported extensions
Phase N, edx-platform is maintained
No repos
ADRs and lazy concensus for maintainership
Feeling that the current phase, phase 2, requirements are unclear to folks.
phase 1 is clear
phase 2 is messy.
By policy we're going to say the all new repos need to have a named maintainer.
Conversation originated around creating a repo for the typescript configuration file.
In this case FED-BOM has agreed to be the named maintainer in this case.