2023-02-17 Maintainers' Office Hours Notes
@Jeremy Bowman (Deactivated) , @Edward Zarecor , @Michelle Philbrick , @Ned Batchelder (Deactivated) , @Feanil Patel , @Zainab Amir (Deactivated) , @Sarina Canelake
[Michelle|Jenna] Product review process The product folks would like to see PRs earlier in the process to ensure
There is a lightweight product issue template.
PMs don't want to be responsible for triage of the product board
Want to know when product review is complete and they are unblocked to ride herd over the issues related to a "feature ticket."
Jenna has created a workflow for the product portion: https://lucid.app/lucidchart/891867fe-6bf7-4f27-96ff-74248a4cd421/edit?from_internal=true
Repos for Phase 3
Checks -> statuses, statuses not labels
Feanil will open a ticket to investigate what we can do here.
Things that need attention but can be done in parallel.
Getting the CLA
Getting tests run
(Optional) Needs product review.
[Zainab] Questions
What to do if we're blocked because we're using continuous delivery and we don't release on Friday? Just add a comment and let the author know, that's completely OK, but
we should communicate it
move contribution tickets to blocked so we don't forget to merge them
The vanguards specific board is here: Contributions • openedx
[JB] Repo health progress
There's a PR, needs Ned's attention as of yesterday, fix: add repo health job workflow by UsamaSadiq · Pull Request #52 · openedx/.github
[FP] Noticed that auto merging of PRs for requirements updates seems to be on, wanted some context on the plans around that.
[JB] Rationale [Discovery] Automate python requirements upgrade review process · Issue #78 · edx/edx-arch-experiments
[JB] Implementation build: add a workflow to merge upgrade PRs by iamsobanjaved · Pull Request #50 · openedx/.github
[FP] Additional Implementation fix: use correct command for merging by iamsobanjaved · Pull Request #58 · openedx/.github
We should communicate out if this is going to be our standard operating procedure
The belief is that this should only merge PRs with the "ready to merge" label, but it seems to have been more eager than that.
Feanil is sharing PRs with Jeremy to investigate what happened
[MG] Seeing issues after upgrading from V1 of CodeCov Github action to V3
Feanil and Jeremy note that this service has been flaky historically
Jeremy mentions that there was a Jenkins job for tracking how flaky that could be reified potentially if we continue to see this.
For now we should monitor and see if it is persistent.
Action Items
[Feanil, Michelle, and Tim] will create a flow diagram for the contribution process, referencing Jenna's flow for product review
[Feanil] will open a ticket to investigate what we can do about automating status updates based on GitHub check status and other statuses. We are interested in:
Needs tests approved
CLA check failure
Test/Linting failures
[Jeremy Bowman] Investigate and comms around the auto-merging of requirements updates