Data Working Group Latest News

Bi-weekly news from the Data Working Group!


Funded contributions

  • Aspects data pipelines & reports: Rory delivered Instructor and Operator charts & dashboards, contributed a fix to dbt. Contract ends 17 Nov.

  • Schema/performance/security: offer extended to a Superset/ClickHouse contributor, awaiting response.

  • More FCs are in the works.


  • Aspects Beta testing and dev is ongoing, see for details.

  • Product owner is interviewing instructional designers about their data needs, and pain points.
    Call to action contact @Chelsea Rathbunto participate.

  • Aspects charts and dashboards are now localized, translations needed.
    Call to action contact @Brian Mesick to participate.

  • @Cristhian Garcia has started integrating the event bus with Aspects.
    Call to action Use cases for event bus + analytics? contact @Brian Mesickwith yours.