[FC-0044] List of Studio known issues

[FC-0044] List of Studio known issues










May 15, 2024

@Glib Glugovskiy

Change structure

Divide sidebar and studio MFE into sections


May 2, 2024

@Glib Glugovskiy @Anastasiia Bondarenko

Add initial document

Left Navigation Sidebar

1.[sidebar_cache] The Unit name in the sidebar doesn't update after publishing a new name


  1. change the unit name

  2. save and publish

  3. reload the unit page as a student





Studio MFE


1. [UnitPage] The info popup does not update the name when a user copies an item and changes the item name


  1. create a xblock

  2. click “Copy to clipboard“

  3. change the name of the copied xblock


the name of the element isn't updated


the name is updated

2. [CertificatePage] Delete button tooltip appears on the background of the delete modal


  1. Login as a staff to Studio

  2. Go to Course -> Certificates page

  3. Create a certificate

  4. Click delete icon


the same behavior on the Textbook page






The delete button tooltip shouldn’t be shown on the background of the delete modal

3. [CertificatePage] An error occurs when the user clicks "Cancel" for an editable signature in the legacy page view


  • A certificate has been created in MFE

  • waffle flag `contentstore.new_studio_mfe.use_new_certificates_page` is



  1. Log in to Studio as a staff

  2. Go to Studio certificate page

  3. Click edit for one of the added signatures



user can cancel signatory editing


4. [Tags.copy/paste_xblock] Related tags aren’t saved after copy/paste xblock


  • some tags are added to xblock


  1. Login as a staff to Studio

  2. Go to Course-> outline-> Unit

  3. Click three dots menu for component with tag count and select "Copy to clipboard"

  4. Create a new unit and paste the copied component




5. [Unit.scorm_module] An error appears while rendering Scorm in studio


  1. add scorm xblock to the unit page

  2. upload the scorm file




In Learning MFE is OK

6. [video_xblock] 500 error appears while duplicating


  • "video_xblock" is added to the unit page


  1. open the unit with the added Video xblock

  2. add the Vimeo video

  3. duplicate the xblock


500 error occurs. Same behavior on the Legacy unit page


7. [Unit_Edit_modal] Edit modal reopens for Google Calendar and Google document xblocks after the user clicks "save"


"google-calendar" and "google-document" added to course Advanced module list



  1. Go to course

  2. Create new Unit

  3. Add xblocks "Google Calendar" and "Google Document" from advanced list

  4. Click edit for the "Google Calendar" xblock in the unit, make some changes and click "Save"

  5. Click edit for the "Google Document" xblock in the unit, make some changes and click "Save"




Edit modal isn’t reopening after the user clicks "save"

8. [Unit_Edit_poll/survey] Edit modal is freezing if user opens it during xblock content rendering


The edit modal is freezing if a user opens it during xblock content rendering




All content is rendering in Edit modal i if a user opens it during xblock content rendering

9. [edit_modal] First xblock in the Unit is moved down if user opens edit modal for it


  1. Go to course

  2. Create new Unit

  3. Add xblock from advanced list

  4. Click edit for the first xblock in the unit



10. [edit_modal] Errors related to the iframe of the xblock editing modal window aren't handled


"poll" is added to the advanced module list



  1. go to the unit page in Studio

  2. Add, for example, Poll xblock

  3. Click "Edit" button

  4. Change maximum substitutions to 0 and click "Save"




11. [Unit.pdf] the PDF isn't displayed in studio MFE


  1. open the unit in Studio

  2. Add the PDF xblock

  3. Upload the file



Legacy Studio



12.[copy_unit_component] 500 error appears if a user copies a unit or xblock with emoji

django.db.utils.OperationalError: (1366, 'Incorrect string value: \'\\xF0\\x9F\\x98\\x80">...\' for column \'olx\' at row 1') specifies that there is support only for 3-byte encoding in the MySQL database. Smiles are encoded with 4 bytes and this error happens.

Upstream issues - We must migrate the mysql databases from utf8mb3 to utf8mb4 · Issue #938 · overhangio/tutor

13.[group_configuration] Content experiment in Unit MFE

If contentstore.new_studio_mfe.use_new_unit_page flag is enabled, the user faces the following problems when working with experiment groups:

  • 500 error if a user tries to add Content Experiment xblock in Unit MFE:


  • Content Experiment xblock is rendered incorrectly if xblock has been added in legacy:

Content Experiment xblock rendering in Unit MFE

  • User cannot edit Content Experiment xblock,

  • User can delete Content Experiment xblock,

  • User can proceed to the content experiment, page only from the Group Configurations page.

Content Experiment xblock rendering in legacy


500 error on the Learning MFE page

It occurs when staff add a content experiment xblock to a unit and publish the changes. When the user tries to get to the Learning MFE page he gets an error.

The error occurs only when a group has not been added to the xblock.

edx.devstack.lms | File "/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/openedx/core/djangoapps/courseware_api/views.py", line 615, in get edx.devstack.lms | return Response(sequence.get_metadata(view=view, context=context)) edx.devstack.lms | File "/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/xmodule/seq_block.py", line 375, in get_metadata edx.devstack.lms | meta = self._get_render_metadata(context, children, prereq_met, prereq_meta_info, banner_text, view) edx.devstack.lms | File "/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/xmodule/seq_block.py", line 553, in _get_render_metadata edx.devstack.lms | blocks = self._render_student_view_for_blocks(context, children, fragment, view) if prereq_met else [] edx.devstack.lms | File "/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/xmodule/seq_block.py", line 763, in _render_student_view_for_blocks edx.devstack.lms | item_type = get_icon(block) edx.devstack.lms | File "/edx/app/edxapp/venvs/edxapp/lib/python3.8/site-packages/edx_django_utils/plugins/pluggable_override.py", line 77, in wrapper edx.devstack.lms | return prev_fn(*args, **kwargs) edx.devstack.lms | File "/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/openedx/core/lib/xblock_utils/__init__.py", line 522, in get_icon edx.devstack.lms | return block.get_icon_class() edx.devstack.lms | File "/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/xmodule/vertical_block.py", line 254, in get_icon_class edx.devstack.lms | child_classes = {child.get_icon_class() for child in self.get_children()} edx.devstack.lms | File "/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/xmodule/vertical_block.py", line 254, in <setcomp> edx.devstack.lms | child_classes = {child.get_icon_class() for child in self.get_children()} edx.devstack.lms | File "/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/xmodule/split_test_block.py", line 398, in get_icon_class edx.devstack.lms | return self.child.get_icon_class() if self.child else 'other' edx.devstack.lms | File "/edx/app/edxapp/venvs/edxapp/lib/python3.8/site-packages/django/utils/functional.py", line 57, in __get__ edx.devstack.lms | res = instance.__dict__[self.name] = self.func(instance) edx.devstack.lms | File "/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/xmodule/split_test_block.py", line 176, in child edx.devstack.lms | if self.child_block is not None: edx.devstack.lms | File "/edx/app/edxapp/venvs/edxapp/lib/python3.8/site-packages/django/utils/functional.py", line 57, in __get__ edx.devstack.lms | res = instance.__dict__[self.name] = self.func(instance) edx.devstack.lms | File "/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/xmodule/split_test_block.py", line 166, in child_block edx.devstack.lms | child_blocks = self.get_child_blocks() edx.devstack.lms | File "/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/xmodule/split_test_block.py", line 216, in get_child_blocks edx.devstack.lms | group_id = self.get_group_id() edx.devstack.lms | File "/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/xmodule/split_test_block.py", line 245, in get_group_id edx.devstack.lms | return partitions_service.get_user_group_id_for_partition(user, self.user_partition_id) edx.devstack.lms | File "/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/xmodule/partitions/partitions_service.py", line 146, in get_user_group_id_for_partition edx.devstack.lms | raise ValueError( edx.devstack.lms | ValueError: Configuration problem! No user_partition with id -1 in course course-v1:2u+1+1




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