Open edX for Enterprise Internal Trainings
Enterprise training for employees is a special use case that differs in many aspects with the typical MOOC use, for which Open edX was designed. However, most of the learning process applies and there is a consistent demand for such a service that can certainly be satisfied by Open edX.
In this document we wanted to write down a collection of requests and demands that we usually receive from companies in the process of adopting an e-learning initiative for their employees.
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In this scenario we identify some specific personas:
Employees: are like the students in a MOOC, although their motivation can be slightly different.
Team managers: want to have information and control about the trainings assigned to the employees under their scope
HR or training staff: responsible of the learning offering inside the company. They need to consolidate the information of training process, schedule and content.
Critical success factors
A successful e-learning initiative should have:
Strict control of course schedule, including email reminders for the course or chapters due dates
Concept of employee belonging to a team in an organization tree
Registration restricted to authorized personnel.
Bulk and/or automatic enrollment by employee sector
Course catalog by sector in the organization. E.g.: a set of courses may be available for all employees, another for all operations sector, another for all engineers in the operations sector.
Mandatory and optional courses
Track of progress and completion
Integration with HR systems
Reporting by employee, team, or company-wide with different levels of access to information
Mandatory content prerequisites (e.g. cannot advance without completing a video)