2022-09-30 Credentials Meeting notes

2022-09-30 Credentials Meeting notes


Sep 30, 2022


  • @Edward Zarecor

  • @Glib Glugovskiy

  • @Igor Degtiarov

  • @Michelle Philbrick



 Discussion topics












30 mins

Clarify the next steps

We plan to start authoring and submitting PRs for ADRs against the credentials repos to capture decisions related to the work to support sharing Open edX credentials as verifiable credentials.

List of candidate ADRs and their proposed statuses. Any of these decisions could be merged into a single ADR if that made sense. Statuses should be considered stakes in the group, any disagreements should discussed.

  1. DECIDED: The initial release will target the OpenBadges V3 specification only.

  2. DECIDED: Related functionality will be developed as a separate Django application or applications that will be optional to run for deployers of the Open edX platform. This ADR will describe the mechanisms for enabling or disabling the feature.

  3. DECIDED: For the initial release only Program certificates are in scope.

  4. DECIDED: Decision to target the DCC wallet for v1

  5. DECIDED: User-facing screens for sharing verifiable credentials will be added to the existing credentials MFE

  6. DISCOVER: We need a design to handle reissuing credentials when they are updated on the platform.

  7. DISCOVER: Mechanism for storing and provide the revocation list.

  8. DISCUSS: Extending hooks and signals API (basic Django signals) – initial conversation to determine whether we should do this now.

  9. DISCUSS: Creation of a python sign-and-verify library

  10. DISCUSS: Dual signatories will be implemented via a new organization that subsumes all signatories.

  11. DISCUSS: The DID will come from the DCC wallet for the first version.

  12. DISCUSS: Need decision about storing the DID

  13. DISCOVER: Gather and store issuer information in the platform.

  14. DISCUSS: How many issuers should we support initially.

  15. DISCUSS: Feature Flags based mechanism in MFEs

  16. DISCUSS: Should we consider a plugin framework for the credentials application that is similar to what is available in edx-platform and goes beyond the simple model of creating a new Django app?


Potential collaboration with DCC team on a python sign and verify library


  • Discussing this with the team at MIT

  • Should have a framework for collaborating by next week

 Action items

@Edward Zarecor Share notes with the credentials team
@Glib Glugovskiy Create a ticket on the credentials board for deciding required VC claims fields and mapping to Open edX data (created: https://github.com/openedx/credentials/issues/1798 )


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