2022-11-04 Credentials Meeting notes

2022-11-04 Credentials Meeting notes


Nov 4, 2022


  • @Edward Zarecor

  • @Glib Glugovskiy

  • @Roman Yeskov

  • @Peter Koblyakov


  • Review status of Credentials discovery project

  • Review estimates of remaining scope for Old Mongo Deprecation and Verified Credentials Implementation

 Discussion topics










Certificates update

@Glib Glugovskiy

  • Series of ADRs are in draft

    • MFE ADR will require ~20 additional hours of work.

    • Issuer ADR will require ~1 additional hour of work

    • Django Apps ADR will require ~6 additional hours of work.

    • Reserving some buffer for writing an OEP to pull all of the threads together.

  • @Glib Glugovskiy expects to have complete sign and verify scope and estimation finalized next week

  • Investigating the py to js bridge as a potential solution, at least for MVP, for using the DCC library code.

Python sign and verify

@Edward Zarecor

We have agreement in principle for creating and hosting at the openedx GitHub organization a python implementation of the sign and verify library code.

Move forward with this work depends upon current py to js bridge discovery.


Old Mongo scope

@Edward Zarecor

We are creating a new scope document for completing the Old Mongo deprecation that will include:

  • scope to fix the broken or skipped tests that were referencing the deprecated modulestore.

  • scope to migrate the signature assets used for certificates from GridFS via c4x via Old Mongo.

  • @Roman Yeskov will provide a single scoping document for both milestones that will include any required hours for project management.

 Action items
