Skilljar - Certificates

Skilljar allows courses to issue certificates on Skilljar and directly on LinkedIn as an automated “action” on course completion, with optional emails and other tasks being possible as part of the sequence. Staff can require learners to achieve a score in a quiz lesson in order to be eligible for the certificate, or simply require the completion of units of the course, as it tracks course completion on a per “lesson” basis.

Skilljar certificates are essentially fairly thin in nature, and surprisingly include no logos or similar in their formatting - you have to add them as part of the background image, which must be created off the platform.

Certificates can be set to expire, and customised including the following limited range of information:

  • {{ student_name }}

  • {{ course_title }}

  • {{ organization_name }}

  • {{ enrolled_at }}

  • {{ completed_at }}

If a course is set to expire, it can automatically email learners to let them know their certificate will be expiring soon and that they need to recertify. Certificates can be created for catalog pages, which are effectively programs, specializations, or similar, and certificates can be set up to add the certification directly to the learner’s LinkedIn profile.
