[2U] Program & Degree level Zoom Integration

[2U] Program & Degree level Zoom Integration

Originally published on internal 2U Confluence on 17 February 2022


Programs and Masters’s degree teams will now be able to integrate zoom into their edX program pages/degree portals. edX administrators can configure zoom so that these teams can schedule and manage meetings and learners can see and attend those meetings, in-platform.


Release date: Feb 17th, 2022

Product owner: @Aamir Ayub

What is it? 

Zoom integration at the program level has been delivered as part of this work. edX administrators can configure zoom for program + Master’s teams. Once configured, zoom can be accessed in the Live tab as seen below.


Key talking points for customers:

Is there anything a user needs to do to enable the feature? 

Program teams will need to contact their partner support team in order to configure zoom. They will need to provide LTI integration credentials from the zoom LTI pro app which can be generated as follows:

  1. Create or log in to zoom account.

  2. Install the Zoom LTI Pro app ( App Marketplace ) from the marketplace in your account.

    1. If you are using an institutional Zoom license, you may need to contact an administrator to have this application enabled for your license and use. They will be able to complete steps 3-6 and provide you the right LTI details to share with the partner support team.

  3. Navigate to configurations of the LTI Pro app via the “Configure” option.

  4. Click on “Create a new credential”.

  5. LTI URL, LTI Key, LTI Secret will be auto-generated for you and will be used in the next steps.

  6. Add the following in the “Approved Domains” section:

    1. For programs - add “https://edx.org ” and “https://courses.edx.org

    2. For Master’s degrees - add “https://masters.edx.org


Who will notice the change, and where (LMS/Studio)?

Learners enrolled in programs will see the new program progress page “Live” tab once Zoom has been enabled by edx administrators for their program.


How does it connect to existing or future features?

We are planning to have Zoom integration at the course level in the near future. It would be configurable in the “Live” configuration card on the “Pages and Resources” page (similar to configuring Discussions, Teams, etc.). Once configured and enabled, Zoom would appear in a “Live” tab similar to the “Course”, “Progress”, “Discussion” tabs in a course. More details to be shared on this effort soon!



We hope to enable this functionality for any Master’s using edX’s portal pages and existing off-platform video conferencing providers. Further adoption of this tool across programs will be explored with the help of our learning + partner success teams.

Link(s) to additional details: https://2u-internal.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PROD/pages/8914914 (Spec Memo)

Credits: Thanks to the Infinity team (@Mehak Nasir (Deactivated) , @Ahtisham Shahid , @Asad Azam (Deactivated) , @Awais Ansari , @Awais Jibran (Deactivated) , @Saad Yousaf ) for discovery, development, and testing features in this milestone and @Marco Morales (Deactivated) for guidance and support.

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