The New ORAs Grading Experience

The New ORAs Grading Experience


Our new ORAs grading experience (internally known as Enhanced Staff Grader or ESG) will have a linked demo for all users on 4/18/2022. In this new on-platform grading experience one can easily preview common file types, assign rubric values, provide comments, and coordinate grading with all members of the course teams. In this demo, users will be able to preview the experience but will not be able to submit grades. On 5/2/2022, we will roll out the new grading experience to all users.

Release date: 5/2/2022

Product owner: @Spencer Tiberi


What is it? 

Our new ORAs grading experience


Key talking points for customers:

Is there anything a user needs to do to enable the feature? 

Before full rollout on 5/2/2022, course teams may enable our new ORAs grading experience by reaching out to their partner support rep. To enable it for them, we simply need to flip the openresponseassessment.enhanced_staff_grader waffle flag for either their course run or the entire partner. Otherwise, the course teams will not need to do anything after 5/2/2022.

How does it connect to existing or future features?

This experience will work for both ORAs and Team ORAs!


Link(s) to additional details: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PT/pages/3391390018

Credits:@Mat Carter (Deactivated) @Nathan Sprenkle @Ben Warzeski (Deactivated) @Jansen Kantor @Justin Lapierre (Deactivated) @Leangseu Kim (Deactivated) @Gabriel Weinberg (Deactivated)


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