Skilljar - ORA

Staff-Graded Assessment

Skilljar features File Upload quiz questions, which can be automatically marked correct if any file of the indicated type is uploaded, or marked by staff. There is also the Free Form Response quiz question type, which provides a simple plain text area which can be either marked as correct on any submission, or manually graded by staff.

Staff can conduct all outstanding grading tasks for courses they have access to from one place, the Tasks dashboard. Alternatively, they can find a learner on their dashboard, and then grade any outstanding tasks by that learner. Organisations can choose to receive email notifications to course staff members when there are new tasks to grade. This is enabled by default, and can only be disabled by request to Skilljar’s support team.

Lastly, and perhaps most interestingly, Skilljar tracks lesson (page) completion automatically, and automatic completion can be disabled for any specific lesson. This means that staff can require learners to take actions outside of the platform, which they then manually mark as complete in order to allow a learner to complete that lesson.

Above: Configuration for a Free Form Response question with its two grading options.


Above: Manually grading a free form response

Overall, Skilljar’s staff grading options are very basic, but do basically handle the use-case of staff grading. Their grades have very little nuance to them regardless of text or file submission, the question is considered either correct or incorrect, so no rubric is necessary. It is worth noting that Skilljar’s primary use case is customer education and corporate learning, where staff grading is less commonly used, which explains a lot about their lack of  nuanced functionality.


Peer Assessment

Skilljar does not appear to offer a peer assessment tool. This may be due to their intended use-case being self-paced courses with small audiences that will be unlikely to coexist in courses at the same time, making peer review impractical.

Self Assessment

Skilljar does not appear to offer a self assessment tool.