Operation Tame: Phase 1 Notes
Operation Tame: Phase 1 Notes
Phase 0 Notes:
- Create plan for automating metadata extraction from code to output the equivalent of the spreadsheet.
- Create "Draft Best Practices" page.
- Creation of new things. Where does it go?
- Cleaning up old things. Common libs pip installed should no longer be pip installed.
Phase 1 Notes:
- Next Steps:
- Validate seams
- Review by stakeholders: Learner, Educator, Business, Analytics, TestEng, Platform, Eng Management
- Run-through a few use-cases
- Move to logical components within edx-platform
- Dependency analysis to find low-level, high-level, etc components
- Move low-level components to their own repos
- If modified a lot
- if not modified a lot
- Best practices (OEP)
- clear interfaces
- folder structure
- etc
- Move current pip-installable apps in edx-platform into their own repo (common/lib/*)
- Reduce # of acceptance tests
- Validate seams
- Folder example:
- openedx/
- core/
- middlewares/
- performance/
- features
- capa/
- discussions/
- grades/
- course-blocks/
- courses/
- certificates/
- core/
- openedx/
The diagram and spreadsheet that were previously available here have been moved to edx-platform Repository Overview.
, multiple selections available,
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