Operation Tame: Phase 1 Notes

Operation Tame: Phase 1 Notes

Phase 0 Notes:

  • Create plan for automating metadata extraction from code to output the equivalent of the spreadsheet.
  • Create "Draft Best Practices" page.
    • Creation of new things.  Where does it go?  
    • Cleaning up old things.  Common libs pip installed should no longer be pip installed.

Phase 1 Notes:

  • Next Steps:
    1. Validate seams
      1. Review by stakeholders: Learner, Educator, Business, Analytics, TestEng, Platform, Eng Management
        1. JIRA perspective: https://docs.google.com/a/edx.org/spreadsheets/d/15Uz3JrwPVg51Pj6cw02iPUAAZ53AchbtgZ3g1TPmb7g/edit?usp=sharing
      2. Run-through a few use-cases
    2. Move to logical components within edx-platform 
    3. Dependency analysis to find low-level, high-level, etc components
    4. Move low-level components to their own repos
      1. If modified a lot
      2. if not modified a lot
    5. Best practices (OEP)
      1. clear interfaces
      2. folder structure
      3. etc
    6. Move current pip-installable apps in edx-platform into their own repo (common/lib/*)
    7. Reduce # of acceptance tests
  • Folder example:
    • openedx/
      • core/
        • middlewares/
        • performance/
      • features
        • capa/
        • discussions/
        • grades/
        • course-blocks/
        • courses/
        • certificates/

The diagram and spreadsheet that were previously available here have been moved to edx-platform Repository Overview.

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