EdX as an LTI Tool Provider
EdX as an LTI Tool Provider
LTI Provider Architectural Direction
LTI Launch
The LTI launch section covers the details of accepting an LTI launch request in EdX. Topics include:
- Required LTI fields and privacy settings.
- LTI version compatibility.
- Consumer key management.
- Eventual IMS certification.
Resource Presentation
Resource presentation covers what EdX material can be displayed in a campus LMS and how. Topics include:
- The types of material that can be accessed through LTI.
- The scope of content that will be available through an LTI launch (section, subsection, unit, XBlock, or some combination).
- The user experience when working with that content.
- Defining any constraints that may be imposed on material.
Resource Configuration
Resource configuration describes the processes that make a given piece of EdX content available over LTI. Topics include:
- Listing available resources in a simple way.
- Configuring resources on the studio side.
- Access control to material (cross-course content sharing).
- Enabling authoring tools over LTI for simpler content creation.
User Management
User management covers issues around resolving user identities between campus platforms and EdX. Topics include:
- Anonymous users and their implications.
- Linking anonymous and EdX accounts.
- Batch creation of accounts.
Grade Integration
Grade integration concerns the passback of graded EdX assignments to a campus system. Topics include:
- Implementing the LTI grade passback protocol.
- Using different grading scales for different materials.
- Integration with ongoing EdX gradebook designs.
Analytics Integration
Analytics integration involves extracting research data in such a way that it can be used both by EdX researchers as well as those studying campus systems. Topics include:
- Research data formatting.
- Passing data back to campus systems.
- Distinguishing between user interactions that were triggered through LTI or through the main EdX site.
, multiple selections available,
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