BD-21 Blended Toggles and Settings Retrospective


Apr 1, 2021




@Robert Raposa @Régis B. 


This is a retro for .


Start doing

Stop doing

Keep doing

Start doing

Stop doing

Keep doing

  • Kick-off project with expectations around time, schedules, vacations, and how to adjust as needed.

  • Lots of questions being raised was useful, but could we have anticipated this, and what would it have changed?

  • Co-developing may have helped. Potentially on same PR for certain types of actions.

  • More synchronous meetings when an issue has more than 2 back-and-forths?

  • Confluence wiki for project management/ticketing.

    • Also, don’t continually add to the project without it being clear how and if it affects scope and priority.

  • Completed high-value work that is in Production and affects the Open edX community in a positive way.

  • Merged a large amount of pull requests with very few issues.

  • Create bookmark for all open blended ticket PRs, and keeping a project prefix [BD-21] in PR titles.

  • Making development schedule transparent.

  • Making use of __future__ for introducing backward incompatible changes worked really well.

Action items