March 12th 2020
Date, time, and location
Thursday, March 12th, 15:00 UTC (time converter)
Meet & greet newcomers if any
Recap of agenda items - any to add? comments?
I’m posting my updates here since I can’t attend this meeting (Nimisha)
Done: Created the Open edX platform testing survey and published in Discourse.
Waiting for submissions now.
Thank you to those who have submitted already.
Update: Feature Toggle/Settings Annotation/Reporting
Anticipated outcomes of Feature Toggle/Settings project: (1) Consistency of toggles when testing in all environments, (2) discoverability of features in the system (what features and how-to use them), (3) sustainable pipeline to DEPR with accountable feature deadlines.
We would like to engage with interested parties. The agenda would be to share each of our goals with this project and make decisions on what information to include in the annotations. If time permits, we will also create an action plan.
Does Wed, March 18th work for interested parties?
What is a good time that meets most time zone requirements?
Do folks agree with the proposal for the agenda?
Daylight saving changes - Moving the next meeting 1h earlier?
Release working group & documentation update (Regis)
Marketing workgroup follow-up (Stefania)
Ideas Factsheet to organize the work to be done >> we will move to a Trello board and notify you all
Architectural investments update (Nimisha): Needed Architecture Investments
Update from me (Nimisha)
In Q4 (Apr-Jun), we are investing in improvements in the bottom 2 sections of the wiki:
Tests, starting with Bokchoy & Discovery of Pain-points
Docs, starting with Feature Toggles/Settings
Devstack, improvements through containerization via @Bill DeRusha (Deactivated)'s efforts with the edX DevOps team
Who/when/how will the community help with efforts listed in the top section of the wiki - so we can make progress on the unplanned work?
Or who/when/how will the community support the efforts I listed at the bottom of the wiki - so we can move faster/better with the already planned work?
APIs & plugins (Xavier) - Next steps?
Commitments documents update
Forum thread
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