February 13th 2020

Date, time, and location

Thursday, February 13th, 15:00 UTC

Video recording



Chat log

00:02:03 Gabriel: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/COMM/pages/1203634177/Feburary+13th+2020 00:04:47 Nate Aune: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/COMM/pages/1203634177/Feburary+13th+2020 00:07:04 Régis B.: what do you think about insights? 00:14:36 Peter: +1 00:18:53 Gabriel: I'd go for Discourse? 00:22:12 stetrabby: or we call it OpenSpace 00:23:24 Nimisha Asthagiri: https://codeascraft.com/2018/10/10/etsys-experiment-with-immutable-documentation/ 00:23:59 Nimisha Asthagiri: ^ Something we’re using within edX to provide support to each other on debugging issues. 00:26:57 Xavier Antoviaque: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/1165461538/Needed+Architecture+Investments 00:37:57 Nimisha Asthagiri: Frontend Plugin Framework 00:38:01 Nimisha Asthagiri: Toggles 00:38:05 Nimisha Asthagiri: Documentation 00:38:06 Nimisha Asthagiri: Tests 00:42:39 Régis B.: https://github.com/edx/code-annotations 00:51:32 Nimisha Asthagiri: Regis: Will help via BTR group; mega PR
Felipe: Will help to doc features (not necessarily operation settings) 00:58:54 Gabriel: I have comments and questions to share on each topic, my proposal since we have 2 minutes lefts is to take the discussion to Discourse : ) 01:00:00 Peter: +1 01:00:20 Nate Aune: We (Appsembler) has created a feature matrix that could get cleaned up and contributed as marketing collateral for the Open edX website. 01:00:29 Peter: RG will join the marketing call 01:00:45 Gabriel: Separate meeting is good for me too +1 01:01:17 Nate Aune: one Discourse thread per topic? 01:02:56 Nate Aune: There is Learning Technologies conf today in London, but neither edX nor Open edX are not listed as exhibitors. https://www.learningtechnologies.co.uk/ 01:03:47 Nate Aune: Moodle has a large booth from our people on the ground there. 01:03:58 Peter: EduCause is coming 01:04:04 Gabriel: It would be useful to build a common list of relevant conferences :) 01:04:18 Gabriel: And do pub crawls 01:04:32 Juan Camilo Montoya: +1 (on both) 01:05:01 Nimisha Asthagiri: List of conferences would be great!
