DEPR Meeting Notes (2018-Oct to 2020-Nov)

Kickoff Agenda (10/9/18) - turn it into own page so that we can take notes

  • Introduction to group

  • Discuss known areas for deprecation

  • Discuss strategies for tackling and managing debt

  • What do we want from this group?

    • How often do we want to meet?

    • What future topics would we like to discuss?

    • How do ensure that our decisions are actionable?

    • How do we track progress of the group?

Agenda (11/27) -

  • What do we want to tell engineering about DEPR process?

    • Use DEPR-6 as an example

    • Be aware of Ironwood cut date

    • Reference OEP a lot

      • Discuss different states

      • 'Deprecated' state is optional

      • Timelines can be as short as 2 weeks

    • Don't be afraid of the Open Source community using things

    • Encourage people to make DEPR tickets

    • Mention working group

      • Datadog work

      • Microsites

      • Maybe cookies

      • Invite people to come kill code with us

  • Removed After date - can we rename?

Agenda (12/11/2018) - 

  • Removal Date:

    • Can we give firmer dates or how do we indicate that we don't know when it will be removed?

    • RESOLVED: text has been updated to say 'removed after' instead of 'removed by'

  • How do we get rid of datadog in terms of execution?

    • Update DEPR-9 with info as we remove things

  • Can we get rid of Password History right now?

  • Try using this time to kill things, especially smaller things

Agenda (1/8/2019) -

  • How are we doing on our existing DEPR tickets?

    • Datadog

      • edx-platform PR 

      • Remaining Datadog repos

  • Let's go through the repos in the edx org and figure out which ones can be deleted

    • Existing OEP to cover this issue:

      • This seems like something to update

      • Is there Github functionality for this?

      • Can we just remove things and see how things break?

    • Useful for code search: remove edx-platform-old and delete master branch of edx-platform-private - @Michael Terry (Deactivated)

      • Check with DevOps and Security Working Group

    • Tabling this conversation for now until it becomes a bigger issue.

  • Hackathon Pre-planning

    • See if we can pick up stragglers who don't have projects

  • Assign DEPR ticket creation

  • Spreadsheet

Agenda (1/22/2019) -

  • LTI Module migration policy. How do we handle this?

    • We are going to abandon this for now, because there's a lot of people still using this, including

  • @Fred Smith (Deactivated) reminded me about deprecation and removal of code behind feature flags/toggles.  Even if we don't have a full-fledged reporting mechanism (as described in OEP-17), perhaps we can take a first cut at it or do something else.

    • Hackathon project planned for annotating feature flags and toggles

    • We can postpone this conversation until that project has happened.

  • Opaque Keys

    • Focus on removing the usages of from_deprecated_string and to_deprecated_string

    • We will create a DEPR ticket around this (see Action Items)

Agenda (2/5/19) -

  • Datadog Celebration

  • Datadog Miniretro

    • What went well?

      • It got done!

      • Good job of splitting up the work across people

      • Using this time to work on it

      • Solved issues searching across edx repos

      • We didn't have to implement a replacement

    • What could we do better next time?

      • During Hackathon, MITx said that they were still using it, but we weren't aware of this

        • They were willing to move away from the current implementation, but we just had no awareness that it was happening

      • Be aware that older code will run into linting and general code cleanliness issues as we remove it.

      • We don't have a good process for things that are temporarily unmaintained

        • Hibernating? On hiatus?

    • What pain points did we run into?

      • Older code not up to standards

      • searching across edx repos was tricky

  • Review Action Items

    • Exciting things!

      • WordCloud being converted into XBlock from XModule

      • OpenCraft converting capa and video into XBlocks

      • Switching off Greenkeeper to Renovate

  • Review DEPR tickets

Agenda (2/19/19) -

  • Ownership of DEPR tickets

    • Can we assign ownership to a group or team?

      • Can we add a field for it?

    • BOMB squad

    • This group will be responsible for triage and assigning / informing owners of tickets

  • Is there a middle ground for recording things that need to be deprecated?

    • Suggest that people create DEPR tickets

    • Create a ticket template - @Diana Huang

      • Can we include fields for Contagion / Effort / Impact?

      • Subtasks for DEPR tickets

      • Can make a business case for which ones should be pushed forward

  • Feedback on DEPR process from community

    • Peter Pinch likes the DEPR process

      • Can we add another channel for notifying the community about changes?

      • Move slash-n-burn channel to Open edX?

      • Notify community on removal as well as proposal.

  • What should we work on next?

    • External auth over the line

    • Microsites

    • Opaque Keys / Mobile APIs

Agenda (3/19/19) - 

  • Action items

  • DEPR triage

  • External Auth Celebrations!

    • At the Open edX conference

  • DEPR → INCR tickets

    • Opaque Keys seems like a good place for this

  • XBlock Deprecations: Deprecating and Disabling an XBlock for the edX website - Farhana is going to merge some wiki pages as part of the OfficeMix work

  • Island of Misfits

  • Pipeline to DEPR

    • Finding dead code in Prod

      • Can we run on a machine in Prod?

      • Vulture - can do static code analysis of dead code

    • Awareness

      • Celebrating successes

        • Post upstairs.

      • Occasional reminders to feature teams

Agenda (4/2/2019) -

  • Action Items

    • @Diana Huang - Make DEPR tickets for:

      • EdxRestApiClient

      • FontAwesome webfonts in favor of SVG → INCR tickets

      • Learner Analytics Dashboard

    • @Diana Huang - Make INCR ticket for removing notes - no manual testing required

    • Team will ensure that

      • DEPR-17, DEPR-18, and DEPR-19 are communicated out to the community

      • Attempt to chunk up the microsites work

        • Remove from certificates

        • Remove from shoppingcart

        • bulk_enroll

        • commerce

        • django-comment-client

        • static-template-view

        • user-api

        • user_authn

      • Microsites for later 

        • theming

        • site_configuration

        • edxmako

  • Triage

  • Open edX discussion

    • Pinata talking point 

    • What else can we do to invite the community into the process?

      • deprecated swag for taking on or proposing DEPR/INCR tickets?

        • old pins, old t-shirts?

        • zombie Xsy stickers.

        • Slack badges? @Jeremy Bowman (Deactivated) looking into this

          • Can be reused for INCR ticket participation as well

      • challenge coins with zombie piñata on it

Agenda (4/16/19) -

Agenda (4/30/19) -

  • Action Items

    • Add subtasks to microsites story

      • @Diana Huang

    • Communicate out DEPR-22

      • Have we removed from cookiecutter?

        • We have filed a Github issue against the cookiecutter repo

    • Look into the migration between LTI module and LTI XBlock.

    • Capa Module → Capa XBlock close to merging (hooray!)

    • Update set of stickies in the Cafeteria

      • we have deprecated more things, list them!

  • Hack on Things

    • Microsites

    • Finish opaque keys. What else needs to be done?

      • Handled edx-microsite

Agenda (6/4/19) -

  • Wins!

  • Django 1.11 → Django 2.2

    • Django 1.11 ends support in April 2020

      • Focus on Python 3 for now?

    • Encourage teams to upgrade their IDAs

    • Not owned by this team

      • might be worth it to ask engineering management how this is going to be project managed and resourced.

      • @Feanil Patel (Deactivated) is running this for Python 3, including tooling to handle upgrades which engineering should be able to make use of for Django upgrade.

  • BOM Squad find deprecated APIs/API endpoints that are not being used

    • What can we do to support this?

    • Maybe add it to the agenda for next time

  • Tools team is finding all feature toggles.

    • We can remove code branches that are not used any longer.

    • We can review this as a team once the report is ready.

  • Deprecation of the Month?

    • Invite people to get involved in removing things when they have time that month.

    • Try Friday 3-5?

  • What else do we need to do for ?

    • Merge opaque-keys branch to remove these methods

    • Make it a major version bump

    • Update other repos to use the new version

Agenda (6/11/19) -

  • Opaque Keys

    • Need to get other edx-platform dependencies updated

    • edx-ccx-keys needs to be updated as well due to dependencies

      • Maybe we can move this into OEP-18 and maybe add to the Jenkins job

      • Maybe we can move this into opaque-keys 

  • Microsites

    • Theming in progress

    • Nimisha cleared out a lot of djangoapps

  • Eng All Hands presentation

    • Is there anything missing?

  • Hack on things

Agenda (6/25/19) -

  • Wins

    • Brittney removed the old Enterprise API endpoints!

  • Removing portions of large deprecation efforts

    • Ex: shopping cart pdf generation

      • We want to get rid of shoppingcart

        • Can someone put together a proposal for getting rid of shoppingcart?

          • Have we moved donations?

          • We are still seeing activity on NR, what is that from?

          • What is our strategy that we would like to take for getting rid of this?

          • Maybe a hackathon project

    • What other things can we do this for?

      • Login/Registration?

        • Find whether or not this is blocked by anything else

        • What other things use the old pages as a dependency?

  • Hackathon

  • Microsites

    • Continue hacking

Agenda (8/6/2019) -

  • Hackathon Debrief

    • Notes work:

      • Reach out and let @Brian Mesick (Deactivated) know that we're going to be taking this on

      • @Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated) to take on this PR

    • Microsites work:

      • Issues with tests, continuing onwards.

    • shoppingcart ticket

      • @Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated) to talk to Arch squad about replacing Donations on the dashboard page

        • communicate with Revenue squad to understand the impact of donations

        • reach out to @Brian Mesick (Deactivated) about data about donations that go through shoppingcart

  • Wins

  • White Label being sunsetted in February 2020

    • Can we ask the Enterprise team to create a DEPR ticket?

    • @Michael Terry (Deactivated) to talk to the Enterprise team about this.

      • What alternatives are for the open source community?

  • Brainstorming: Reaching out to other parts of the org about DEPR help and support

    • Theme Demos

      • Make the business case for why deprecation is important

      • @Diana Huang to work with @Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated) on this

    • FEDx? Other working groups?

      • Removal of old code blocked in part by the microfrontends story and also white label

    • Quarterly pinata!

      • People who have removed things get to hit it first

      • Lunch on Eng-All-Hands day

      • Can we get a mascot?

    • Encourage people to make tickets as soon as they find things that are no longer used

      • Can we set up a slack integration for this? 

      • Ensure that we discuss new deprecation tickets during DEPR for triage and moving things along

    • INCR

      • Django 2 warnings

      • EdxRestApiClient

    • Reach out to @Ned Batchelder (Deactivated) about APIs that seem like they can be removed.

  • Common issues in deprecation

    • Dependencies

    • Test updates

      • Arch squad to tackle evaluating the usefulness of tests in the future

  • Hacking

  • Agenda - (8/20/2019)

    • Wins!

      • Microsites

        • What can we do to document the process for removing djangoapps – including migrations?

        • This will be useful for Notes

        • Make sure to ping @Matt Tuchfarber (Deactivated) when this documentation exists

      • DOPrecation!

        • Making progress

        • Finalizing getting insights off of it

        • VEDA is the last IDA using it

    •  Journals

      • With guests from Enterprise team!

      • Aiming to remove by Juniper

      • Haven't started doing this work yet

      • DEPR team to assist with the documentation, etc

    • DEPR triage

      • shoppingcart

        • Is this blocked on Dashboard rewriting?

        • How many people are still donating?

          • We haven't gotten any donations through this path since April

          • Very limited usage over two years

        • What can we cut out bits and pieces?

        • Discuss with Revenue Product Owner about donations and acceptable alternatives

          • @Diana Huang

        • Enterprise looking into setting up subscriptions

      • DEPR-44 - @Michael Terry (Deactivated)

        • take on cleanup of ticket

        • announce to community

        • do some quick code analysis

    • Check in on action items

      • Talk to Enterprise about White Label going away - what is the plan around this?

        • last usage in Feb

        • no plans to remove this right now – community still seems to be using it 

        • @Michael Terry (Deactivated)

      • Talk to BOM squad about deprecated APIs

    • Theme Demos Presentations

Agenda (9/3/19) -

  • Wins

    • Journals work

      • Digression into getting onto a newer version of Elasticsearch, hopefully at least getting onto 2, where both Haystack and elasticsearch-dsl are both supported

  • Updates on shoppingcart deprecation

    • still need to get time with product to discuss this

    • PDF generation still generates invoices for donations, so we may still need this

  • Triage

    • no new updates

  • OEP updates

    • @Diana Huang to take on the responsibility of updating these to remove references to edx-code and transfer arbiter responsibilities

  • Pinata emoji for announcing removals

  • Hack on things

Agenda (9/17/19) -

  • Pattern Library

    • Places it exists

      • ecommerce

      • edx-platform

      • insights

    • existing INCR tickets

    • we are still dealing with v1 pages on edx-platform

    • pair programming on one of the INCR tickets to see if we can move over at least one of these locations

    • future work: start documenting the v1 pages to prep for conversion

  • Shoppingcart update

    • Trying to product time

    • Replace PDF receipts with text on the email

    • Still angling for Paypal button on the dashboard to replace shoppingcart flow

  • Wins

    • OEP updates complete

    • Notes?

    • Documentation on removing djanogapps

    • Removing the USE_AS_ANALYTICS_SERVER flag.

  • Triage

  • Track the number of lines of code in an organization between meetings! @Diana Huang

  • Hack on things

Agenda (10/1/29) -

  • DOP-recation!

    • @Diana Huang to announce to community

      • accepted 2 weeks out

      • removed in February

    • Can we carve out time to work on this?

      • Maybe during next hackathon

      • Maybe the Django 2 conversion team will have time

      • Maybe during hacking time of the deprecation working group?

    • @Julia Eskew (Deactivated) to add subtasks to the DEPR ticket

  • Messaging for Mongo Modulestore

    • How do we alert community?

    • 0.6% of our traffic is going to old mongo

    • Add messaging to old mongo courses

    • Juniper - warning messaging

    • Koa - read-only old Mongo

    • Lilac - removal of old Mongo

      • rerouting of traffic to old Mongo courses towards a newer run of the course

    • Switch the default for unit tests to use split instead of old mongo

    • Message to product that we're planning this

  •  Updates

    • shoppingcart

      • got sign off from Shelby on replacing the donation button w/Paypal button

      • may be able to kill donations entirely

    • pattern library

    • Notes - @Diana Huang

  • What next?

    • Finish Notes

    • Focus on Juniper for Mongo Modulestore

    • DOPrication

  • Hack on things

Agenda (10/15/19)

  • Hack on things!

    • Doprication

    • Messaging around Mongo Modulestore

    • UX Pattern Library

Agenda (10/29/19)

  • Guest: @Farhanah Sheets (Deactivated)

    • edx-search

      • Where is this being used?

        • built-in marketing site

        • Teams?

        • courseware search at some point?

        • edx-enterprise

      • Could we replace this with elasticsearch-dsl?

        • Better supported

        • What would the scope be? (see previous question)

      • Once we have answers to these questions, create a DEPR ticket and proposal.

  • What have we deleted lately? slides

  • Wins!

    • Old Notes

  • Updates

    • Mongo Modulestore

    • DOPRication

      • Veda DOPrication completed by S&E!

        • Also on Python 3!

      • Remaining work is still Insights and edx-mktg

        • Subtask created for edx-mktg

    • Logistration cleanup and removal

      • Arch-FED team is working this

      • Removed ENABLE_COMBINED_LOGIN_AND_REGISTRATION and deprecated endpoints

  • Triage

  • Hack on things

Agenda (11/12/19)

  • Estimate of XModule → XBlock conversion by OpenCraft

  •  Triage

  • Hack on things

    • edx-search

      • TNL are planning on adding it to courses on a course-by-course basis

      • Elasticsearch upgrade

        • Forums does need to upgrade things 

        • Grab stakeholders for a discussion about elasticsearch upgrades

    • DOPrication

      • Unsure of status

      • Only remaining service is Insights

      • Can this working group take on the work to do this removal once Insights is complete?

    • pattern library

    • anything else?

Agenda (11/26/19)

  • Old Mongo migration

    • planning on deleting the old Mongo courses

    • can we delete the old data out of CSM?

      • limiting factor on adding back in an index onto

      • probably not worth it

        • need to understand the impact on data dumps and the course lifecycle

  • What do we do with the Dead Xsy?

    • Ghosts?

      • post-its found

    • Skulls?

  • Ongoing projects

    • DOPRication

    • Logistration cleanup

      • ensure that this is mentioned in Juniper release notes

  • What should we focus on next?

Agenda (1/21/20)

  • Wins

    • old discovery!!!!

      • piñata at 2:30pm

    • cleanup of logistration code

  • Continuing work

    • DOPrication

    • deprecation warnings pytest plugin

  • Discussion deprecated Xblock apis

  • Old Mongo Removal

    • Will be handled by TNL

  • Field trip to Target?

    • Currently put on hold

  • Future of DEPR working group?

    • should we reschedule?

    • what should we focus on?

      • removal of things that are deprecated that predate DEPR process

        • should be able to leverage warnings report for that

      • continue picking at things

        • finding things that have been ignored over the years?

    • Review of 

      • lti_module - TNL has plans

      • display_name_with_default_escaped - make DEPR ticket?

  • Action Items

    • Announce DEPR-57 

Agenda (2/4/20) -

  • Wins

    • Old Mongo DEPR accepted

    • enterprise catalogs DEPR filed by enterprise

    • Ghost sticky notes 

  • Updates

    • DOPRication continuing

Agenda (2/18/20)

  • Hackathon readout

    • shoppingcart

    • class_dashboard

  • Next steps

    • The problem of shoppingcart

      • Financial reporting the big blocker on this

      • Can we add a product to ecommerce for this?

      • Let's talk to DE about whether or not they can tackle this.

        • @Diana Huang

    • Tackling EdxRestApiClient

      • Using refactoring tools for doing this work - @Diana Huang

    • CourseTalk deprecation

      • Find relevant product person (probably Marco) to see if we can remove this functionality

      • Announce to the community

  • Hack on things

Agenda (3/3/20)

  • Wins

    • Shoppingcart donation flow removal approved

      • Update DEPR to mention that the donation flow is being removed as well.

    • DOPrecation is complete

      • Clears the way for Django 2

  • Next steps

    • How do we get rid of shoppingcart?

      • Announce to community

        • Update DEPR to remove the donation flow entirely

        • Action Item: @Diana Huang 

      • Get rid the donation flow and confirm that it's gone and working

      • Get rid of the shoppingcart app.

        • Ensure that the old tables remain for financial history purposes

    • DOPrecation

      • Make sure that the data is backed up somehow

        • Current plan is to back up to sql dumps and store on S3

    • EdxRestApiClient


      • break up into subtasks

      • automated refactoring wouldn't be sufficient for fixing these

      • Can we split things into INCR tickets?

        • Would need to have good documentation

        • Attempt to pick up usages and fix them

        • Carry this over until next time

    • Pattern Library

    • Course Reviews

  • Hack on things

Agenda (3/17/20)

  • INCR++ - staging for INCR, more complex INCR

    • We did get a PR from EduNext to remove pattern_library from program_details

  • Course Reviews

    • We have confirmation from product about getting rid of it

    • Action Item: announce to community @Diana Huang

  • shoppingcart

    • Action Item: announce to community @Diana Huang

Agenda (4/14/20)

  • Django 2, hooray!

  • shoppingcart and course reviews updates

    • shoppingcart accepted

      • how do we want to tackle?

    • course reviews rejected

      • will talk with product to make clear our intentions to remove code that is already outdated according to our standards

  • Blended development of DEPR tickets

    • Pattern library - already a ticket in place:

      • To be announced to community by @Adam Butterworth (Deactivated)

      • Can we track the pre-pattern library pages to get a sense of what that looks like?

        • @Adam Butterworth (Deactivated) to take a first stab at it.

    • EdxRestApiClient

      • @Diana Huang to make a brief around this

    • SiteConfiguration removal - discussion with eduNext - could be owned by the people using it

      • @Diana Huang to reach out to #white-label-eng

  • DEPR-22 and DEPR-5 next steps

    • @Adam Butterworth (Deactivated) to follow up with Paragon working group on DEPR-22

    • Announce DEPR-5 to the community, don't give it more than 2 weeks for comment @Michael Terry (Deactivated)

  • DEPR of old MFE implementations

    • how can we get the Open edX community to use MFE?

      • theming is the biggest blocker it seems

    • Wordpress model: provide the set of apps, but allow people to replace MFEs

    • Can we make this a blended development project?

    • We probably want this to be an OEP?

    • Blockers

      • Running in devstack - handled by TNL @David Joy (Deactivated)

      • Theming - ????

      • Running in Open edX production stack - @Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated) to attempt to do this blended

      • edX white label (wait this out)

Agenda (5/12) - 

  • Blended update

    • still need to finish EdxRestApiClient blended brief

  • Other updates

    • Possible DEPR tickets

      • nose (for testing)

        • remove from all the remaining repositories where it is still being used

      • cyclomatic complexity - radon

        • call library directly instead of through another layer of abstraction

  • Hack on stuff

    • shoppingcart

      • tests

        • remove references to shoppingcart from tests that are not in shoppingcart

      • frontend templates that are referring to shoppingcart

      • find code outside of shoppingcart that refers to it

Agenda (6/9) -

  • Updates

    • pattern library changes

      • Done as part of blended

      • Work is ongoing

    • Old Mongo

      • Messaging is going up soon in Studio for courses that are still using it

    • shoppingcart

    • elasticsearch work done as part of blended development as well

      • proposal from contractor, hopefully will finalize soon

  • veda should have a DEPR ticket soon

  • Hack on things


Agenda (next time) -

  • Deprecating XBlocks/XModules

    • Create a general process around deprecating these thing

      • LTI specifics

      • Maybe talk with partner support

  • Another proposed DEPR

    • inline_js.html

      • Create a DEPR ticket around this - @Diana Huang

  • XServer deprecation -

    • XQueue still in use by university partners

    • Replace with xqueue-watcher

      • Queues can point to a new endpoint with remote config

  • pattern-library

    • Work being handled as a blended project

    • @Michael Terry (Deactivated) to communicate out to community

  • Microfrontend replacement work

    • Can we blend this?

    • Talk with Cory and Bill on SRE as input on this

    • @Feanil Patel (Deactivated) and @Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated) to do the high-level discovery on this in prep to either do a BOM project or blended project

  • shoppingcart

Agenda (7/7/2020) -

  • shoppingcart hacking

  • Old Mongo deprecation continuing apace.

Agenda (8/4/20) -

  • Toggles pipeline into DEPR

  • In light of # , is there DEPR work to be done for the notifier repository?

    • Action Item: Make DEPR ticket for notifier - @Diana Huang

    • Is there code in edx-platform as well as the notifier repo that needs to be removed?

  • Who do we need to notify about removal of donation flow from dashboard?

    • Marco volunteered to be our product person to notify others when this is happening.

      • Action Item @Feanil Patel (Deactivated)

    • Notify Data Engineering that this change is happening, so they can prepare for it

      • Action Item: @Diana Huang

    • Write an ADR about using ecommerce over shoppingcart

      • Should we deprecate the v0 commerce api?

Agenda (8/18/20) -

  • Look through toggle report to find candidates for DEPR

    • Make tickets for good candidates

  • Notifier deprecation

    • A few minor comments but not much

    • Can we move to accepted?

  • shoppingcart deprecation

    • Hooray for getting rid of donations workflow!

    • Javascript issues

      • Javascript calls urls that are in shoppingcart

      • Let’s take a look at whether or not these endpoints are called in production

    • Tests are relying on having a stubbed shoppingcart for their flows

    • Work plan:

      • Put stuff back into PR until tests pass

        • This seems to be a cascading problem, skipping to moving stub payment service next

      • Remove Javascript separately

        • Understand what needs to be done for verify_student JS

        • We might be able to delete payment steps from the verify_student flow. Are people in the community using this?

      • Move stub payment service into commerce or other reasonable place without shoppingcart stub parts

      • Remove all other shoppingcart code

Agenda (9/15/20)

  • Elasticsearch Upgrade

    • have to get the deploy out to stage

    • set up infrastructure

  • Removing entire services - how do we get these over the line? - holding up service upgrades for Python versions, etc.

    • XServer

      • Open PR to remove queues that point to XServer

      • Are there courses still pushing things onto those queues?

        • XQueue probably has that data

      • Once that’s done, we can move xserver to unsupported

      • Destroy infrastructure - in edx-internal, edx-secure, edx-gomatic, configuration(?), terraform

      • Remove from sandboxes and jenkins-workers

    • Notifier

      • notifications is still configured on sandbox/devstack

      • probably talks to cs_comments_service directly

        • nope

        • notifier_api djangoapp in edx-platform

      • create subtasks for the work

        • turn off on sandboxes

        • remove code/secrets from edx-platform

    • VEDA

      • talk to Alan about the process

      • targeted for removal on Sep 25

  • shoppingcart

    • Last PR to get rid of shoppingcart djangoapp is very close to landing

    • JS side of things is still unclear

Agenda (9/29/20) -

Special Guest - @Kyle McCormick (Deactivated)

  • Upcoming Deprecations -


      • LMS doesn’t validate the orgs for courses

      • Organizations table used by default

      • Toggle to enable this behavior, default to off.

      • Recommendation: default to false. DEPR to remove toggle. aim for Koa. if doesn’t make cutoff, let it go to Lilac

    • sys hack removed

      • break imports of edx-platform into libraries

  • Shoppingcart hacking

    • 10

Agenda (10/13/20) -

  • Shoppingcart - what’s left?

    • ~20k lines of code deleted as part of this project from edx-platform

    • assuming 2 million lines of code in edx-platform, this is about 1% of the codebase being deleted

  • After shoppingcart

    • What’s next?

      • notifier, XServer

Agenda (10/27/20) -

Agenda (11/10/20) -

Agenda (11/24/20) -