DEPR Meeting Notes (2018-Oct to 2020-Nov)
Kickoff Agenda (10/9/18) - turn it into own page so that we can take notes
Introduction to group
Discuss known areas for deprecation
Discuss strategies for tackling and managing debt
What do we want from this group?
How often do we want to meet?
What future topics would we like to discuss?
How do ensure that our decisions are actionable?
How do we track progress of the group?
Agenda (11/27) -
What do we want to tell engineering about DEPR process?
Use DEPR-6 as an example
Be aware of Ironwood cut date
Reference OEP a lot
Discuss different states
'Deprecated' state is optional
Timelines can be as short as 2 weeks
Don't be afraid of the Open Source community using things
Encourage people to make DEPR tickets
Mention working group
Datadog work
Maybe cookies
Invite people to come kill code with us
Removed After date - can we rename?
Agenda (12/11/2018) -
Removal Date:
Can we give firmer dates or how do we indicate that we don't know when it will be removed?
RESOLVED: text has been updated to say 'removed after' instead of 'removed by'
How do we get rid of datadog in terms of execution?
Update DEPR-9 with info as we remove things
Can we get rid of Password History right now?
Try using this time to kill things, especially smaller things
Agenda (1/8/2019) -
How are we doing on our existing DEPR tickets?
edx-platform PR
Remaining Datadog repos
Let's go through the repos in the edx org and figure out which ones can be deleted
Existing OEP to cover this issue:
This seems like something to update
Is there Github functionality for this?
Can we just remove things and see how things break?
Useful for code search: remove edx-platform-old and delete master branch of edx-platform-private - @Michael Terry (Deactivated)
Check with DevOps and Security Working Group
Tabling this conversation for now until it becomes a bigger issue.
Hackathon Pre-planning
See if we can pick up stragglers who don't have projects
Assign DEPR ticket creation
Look at Deprecation/Removal Evaluation for assignments.
Agenda (1/22/2019) -
LTI Module migration policy. How do we handle this?
We are going to abandon this for now, because there's a lot of people still using this, including
@Fred Smith (Deactivated) reminded me about deprecation and removal of code behind feature flags/toggles. Even if we don't have a full-fledged reporting mechanism (as described in OEP-17), perhaps we can take a first cut at it or do something else.
Hackathon project planned for annotating feature flags and toggles
We can postpone this conversation until that project has happened.
Opaque Keys
Focus on removing the usages of from_deprecated_string and to_deprecated_string
We will create a DEPR ticket around this (see Action Items)
Agenda (2/5/19) -
Datadog Celebration
Datadog Miniretro
What went well?
It got done!
Good job of splitting up the work across people
Using this time to work on it
Solved issues searching across edx repos
We didn't have to implement a replacement
What could we do better next time?
During Hackathon, MITx said that they were still using it, but we weren't aware of this
They were willing to move away from the current implementation, but we just had no awareness that it was happening
Be aware that older code will run into linting and general code cleanliness issues as we remove it.
We don't have a good process for things that are temporarily unmaintained
Hibernating? On hiatus?
What pain points did we run into?
Older code not up to standards
searching across edx repos was tricky
Review Action Items
Exciting things!
WordCloud being converted into XBlock from XModule
OpenCraft converting capa and video into XBlocks
Switching off Greenkeeper to Renovate
Review DEPR tickets
Agenda (2/19/19) -
Ownership of DEPR tickets
Can we assign ownership to a group or team?
Can we add a field for it?
BOMB squad
This group will be responsible for triage and assigning / informing owners of tickets
Is there a middle ground for recording things that need to be deprecated?
Suggest that people create DEPR tickets
Create a ticket template - @Diana Huang
Can we include fields for Contagion / Effort / Impact?
Subtasks for DEPR tickets
Can make a business case for which ones should be pushed forward
Feedback on DEPR process from community
Peter Pinch likes the DEPR process
Can we add another channel for notifying the community about changes?
Move slash-n-burn channel to Open edX?
Notify community on removal as well as proposal.
What should we work on next?
External auth over the line
Opaque Keys / Mobile APIs
Agenda (3/19/19) -
Action items
DEPR triage
External Auth Celebrations!
At the Open edX conference
DEPR → INCR tickets
Opaque Keys seems like a good place for this
XBlock Deprecations: Deprecating and Disabling an XBlock for the edX website - Farhana is going to merge some wiki pages as part of the OfficeMix work
Island of Misfits
Pipeline to DEPR
Finding dead code in Prod
Can we run on a machine in Prod?
Vulture - can do static code analysis of dead code
Celebrating successes
Post upstairs.
Occasional reminders to feature teams
Agenda (4/2/2019) -
Action Items
@Diana Huang - Make DEPR tickets for:
FontAwesome webfonts in favor of SVG → INCR tickets
Learner Analytics Dashboard
@Diana Huang - Make INCR ticket for removing notes - no manual testing required
Team will ensure that
DEPR-17, DEPR-18, and DEPR-19 are communicated out to the community
Attempt to chunk up the microsites work
Remove from certificates
Remove from shoppingcart
Microsites for later
Open edX discussion
Pinata talking point
What else can we do to invite the community into the process?
deprecated swag for taking on or proposing DEPR/INCR tickets?
old pins, old t-shirts?
zombie Xsy stickers.
Slack badges? @Jeremy Bowman (Deactivated) looking into this
Can be reused for INCR ticket participation as well
challenge coins with zombie piñata on it
Agenda (4/16/19) -
Action Items
@Diana Huang still needs to make INCR tickets for notes
Still need subtasks on DEPR tickets
DEPR-17 needs to be communicated out (get ARCH to do it?) - keep on hold for now
Find a tool for searching and de-duping across edx org repos
This is the one that we were thinking of earlier: GitHub - jaebradley/github-searcher-cli: Search GitHub via the Terminal
Create DEPR for dependencies @Feanil Patel (Deactivated)
Communicate out DEPR-21 & DEPR-23 - @Diana Huang
Communicate out DEPR-22 - @Michael Terry (Deactivated)
Discuss with Adam & ARCH FedX about removing old font-awesome bindings from cookiecutter and existing frontend apps.
Hack on things
Fontawesome web fonts → turn into INCR tickets
Triaging into specific steps
Agenda (4/30/19) -
Action Items
Add subtasks to microsites story
@Diana Huang
Communicate out DEPR-22
Have we removed from cookiecutter?
We have filed a Github issue against the cookiecutter repo
Look into the migration between LTI module and LTI XBlock.
Capa Module → Capa XBlock close to merging (hooray!)
Update set of stickies in the Cafeteria
we have deprecated more things, list them!
Hack on Things
Finish opaque keys. What else needs to be done?
Handled edx-microsite
Agenda (6/4/19) -
Removing old edx forks!
We are going to create a new github org for archived repos
Django 1.11 → Django 2.2
Django 1.11 ends support in April 2020
Focus on Python 3 for now?
Encourage teams to upgrade their IDAs
Not owned by this team
might be worth it to ask engineering management how this is going to be project managed and resourced.
@Feanil Patel (Deactivated) is running this for Python 3, including tooling to handle upgrades which engineering should be able to make use of for Django upgrade.
BOM Squad find deprecated APIs/API endpoints that are not being used
What can we do to support this?
Maybe add it to the agenda for next time
Tools team is finding all feature toggles.
We can remove code branches that are not used any longer.
We can review this as a team once the report is ready.
Deprecation of the Month?
Invite people to get involved in removing things when they have time that month.
Try Friday 3-5?
What else do we need to do for DEPR-16: Remove usages of opaque_key's from_deprecated_string and to_deprecated_string from edX reposRemoved ?
Merge opaque-keys branch to remove these methods
Make it a major version bump
Update other repos to use the new version
Agenda (6/11/19) -
Opaque Keys
Need to get other edx-platform dependencies updated
edx-ccx-keys needs to be updated as well due to dependencies
Maybe we can move this into OEP-18 and maybe add to the Jenkins job
Maybe we can move this into opaque-keys
Theming in progress
Nimisha cleared out a lot of djangoapps
Eng All Hands presentation
Is there anything missing?
Hack on things
Agenda (6/25/19) -
Brittney removed the old Enterprise API endpoints!
Removing portions of large deprecation efforts
Ex: shopping cart pdf generation
We want to get rid of shoppingcart
Can someone put together a proposal for getting rid of shoppingcart?
Have we moved donations?
We are still seeing activity on NR, what is that from?
What is our strategy that we would like to take for getting rid of this?
Maybe a hackathon project
What other things can we do this for?
Find whether or not this is blocked by anything else
What other things use the old pages as a dependency?
What can we encourage people to work on?
Microsites completion
Strategy for removing shoppingcart
DEPR-15: firebase-token-generator-python is no longer maintainedRemoved
See if we can shuffle this along
DEPR-21: EdxRestApiClientAbandoned
Can we put together or find a sample PR for converting this? @Michael Terry (Deactivated)
Evaluate API endpoint usage in New Relic and see what isn't being used at all.
Sniff for unused code in prod as input for new DEPR ticketsd
Add these suggestions to the Hackathon idea list! @Diana Huang
Continue hacking
Agenda (8/6/2019) -
Hackathon Debrief
Notes work: DEPR-18: Remove Notes djangoapp from edx-platformRemoved
Reach out and let @Brian Mesick (Deactivated) know that we're going to be taking this on
@Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated) to take on this PR
Microsites work:
Issues with tests, continuing onwards.
shoppingcart ticket
@Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated) to talk to Arch squad about replacing Donations on the dashboard page
communicate with Revenue squad to understand the impact of donations
reach out to @Brian Mesick (Deactivated) about data about donations that go through shoppingcart
ParsePY: DEPR-41: Remove usage of ParsePY from edx-platformRemoved
firebase-token-generator: DEPR-15: firebase-token-generator-python is no longer maintainedRemoved
White Label being sunsetted in February 2020
Can we ask the Enterprise team to create a DEPR ticket?
@Michael Terry (Deactivated) to talk to the Enterprise team about this.
What alternatives are for the open source community?
Brainstorming: Reaching out to other parts of the org about DEPR help and support
Theme Demos
Make the business case for why deprecation is important
@Diana Huang to work with @Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated) on this
FEDx? Other working groups?
Removal of old code blocked in part by the microfrontends story and also white label
Quarterly pinata!
People who have removed things get to hit it first
Lunch on Eng-All-Hands day
Can we get a mascot?
Encourage people to make tickets as soon as they find things that are no longer used
Can we set up a slack integration for this?
Ensure that we discuss new deprecation tickets during DEPR for triage and moving things along
Django 2 warnings
Reach out to @Ned Batchelder (Deactivated) about APIs that seem like they can be removed.
Common issues in deprecation
Test updates
Arch squad to tackle evaluating the usefulness of tests in the future
Agenda - (8/20/2019)
What can we do to document the process for removing djangoapps – including migrations?
This will be useful for Notes
Make sure to ping @Matt Tuchfarber (Deactivated) when this documentation exists
Making progress
Finalizing getting insights off of it
VEDA is the last IDA using it
With guests from Enterprise team!
Aiming to remove by Juniper
Haven't started doing this work yet
DEPR team to assist with the documentation, etc
DEPR triage
Is this blocked on Dashboard rewriting?
How many people are still donating?
We haven't gotten any donations through this path since April
Very limited usage over two years
What can we cut out bits and pieces?
Discuss with Revenue Product Owner about donations and acceptable alternatives
@Diana Huang
Enterprise looking into setting up subscriptions
DEPR-44 - @Michael Terry (Deactivated)
take on cleanup of ticket
announce to community
do some quick code analysis
Check in on action items
Talk to Enterprise about White Label going away - what is the plan around this?
last usage in Feb
no plans to remove this right now – community still seems to be using it
@Michael Terry (Deactivated)
Talk to BOM squad about deprecated APIs
Theme Demos Presentations
Agenda (9/3/19) -
Journals work
Digression into getting onto a newer version of Elasticsearch, hopefully at least getting onto 2, where both Haystack and elasticsearch-dsl are both supported
Updates on shoppingcart deprecation
still need to get time with product to discuss this
PDF generation still generates invoices for donations, so we may still need this
no new updates
OEP updates
@Diana Huang to take on the responsibility of updating these to remove references to edx-code and transfer arbiter responsibilities
Pinata emoji for announcing removals
Hack on things
Agenda (9/17/19) -
Pattern Library
Places it exists
existing INCR tickets
we are still dealing with v1 pages on edx-platform
pair programming on one of the INCR tickets to see if we can move over at least one of these locations
future work: start documenting the v1 pages to prep for conversion
Shoppingcart update
Trying to product time
Replace PDF receipts with text on the email
Still angling for Paypal button on the dashboard to replace shoppingcart flow
OEP updates complete
Documentation on removing djanogapps
Removing the USE_AS_ANALYTICS_SERVER flag.
Track the number of lines of code in an organization between meetings! @Diana Huang
Hack on things
Agenda (10/1/29) -
@Diana Huang to announce to community
accepted 2 weeks out
removed in February
Can we carve out time to work on this?
Maybe during next hackathon
Maybe the Django 2 conversion team will have time
Maybe during hacking time of the deprecation working group?
@Julia Eskew (Deactivated) to add subtasks to the DEPR ticket
Messaging for Mongo Modulestore
How do we alert community?
0.6% of our traffic is going to old mongo
Add messaging to old mongo courses
Juniper - warning messaging
Koa - read-only old Mongo
Lilac - removal of old Mongo
rerouting of traffic to old Mongo courses towards a newer run of the course
Switch the default for unit tests to use split instead of old mongo
Message to product that we're planning this
got sign off from Shelby on replacing the donation button w/Paypal button
may be able to kill donations entirely
pattern library
Notes - @Diana Huang
What next?
Finish Notes
Focus on Juniper for Mongo Modulestore
Hack on things
Agenda (10/15/19)
Hack on things!
Messaging around Mongo Modulestore
UX Pattern Library
Agenda (10/29/19)
Guest: @Farhanah Sheets (Deactivated)
Where is this being used?
built-in marketing site
courseware search at some point?
Could we replace this with elasticsearch-dsl?
Better supported
What would the scope be? (see previous question)
Once we have answers to these questions, create a DEPR ticket and proposal.
What have we deleted lately? slides
Old Notes
Mongo Modulestore
Veda DOPrication completed by S&E!
Also on Python 3!
Remaining work is still Insights and edx-mktg
Subtask created for edx-mktg
Logistration cleanup and removal
Arch-FED team is working this
Removed ENABLE_COMBINED_LOGIN_AND_REGISTRATION and deprecated endpoints
DEPR-53: pycountry in ecommerce (date TBD)Abandoned
Will have to wait until White Label is gone forever(!?)
Hack on things
Agenda (11/12/19)
Estimate of XModule → XBlock conversion by OpenCraft
Hack on things
TNL are planning on adding it to courses on a course-by-course basis
Elasticsearch upgrade
Forums does need to upgrade things
Grab stakeholders for a discussion about elasticsearch upgrades
Unsure of status
Only remaining service is Insights
Can this working group take on the work to do this removal once Insights is complete?
pattern library
anything else?
Agenda (11/26/19)
Old Mongo migration
planning on deleting the old Mongo courses
can we delete the old data out of CSM?
limiting factor on adding back in an index onto
probably not worth it
need to understand the impact on data dumps and the course lifecycle
What do we do with the Dead Xsy?
post-its found
Ongoing projects
Logistration cleanup
ensure that this is mentioned in Juniper release notes
What should we focus on next?
Deprecation ticket/announcement for track.backends.django.TrackingLog if applicable - DEPR-57: Remove track.backends.django.TrackingLog from edx-platformRemoved
Agenda (1/21/20)
old discovery!!!!
piñata at 2:30pm
cleanup of logistration code
Continuing work
deprecation warnings pytest plugin
Discussion deprecated Xblock apis
Can move to removing
Removed xblock.fragment support
Replaced by WebFragment package
Removed runtime without id_generator support
Will be handled in architecture
Old Mongo Removal
Will be handled by TNL
Field trip to Target?
Currently put on hold
Future of DEPR working group?
should we reschedule?
what should we focus on?
removal of things that are deprecated that predate DEPR process
should be able to leverage warnings report for that
continue picking at things
finding things that have been ignored over the years?
Review of
lti_module - TNL has plans
display_name_with_default_escaped - make DEPR ticket?
Action Items
Announce DEPR-57
Agenda (2/4/20) -
Old Mongo DEPR accepted
enterprise catalogs DEPR filed by enterprise
Ghost sticky notes
DOPRication continuing
shoppingcart donations → paypal conversion project - may not be tenable in the time period
DEPR-21: EdxRestApiClientAbandoned - somewhat manual - maybe a good project for using the refactoring tools - small, self-contained. can just be removed. the only holdouts were from Stanford and they are no longer running their own instance
Hack on DEPR-57
Agenda (2/18/20)
Hackathon readout
Next steps
The problem of shoppingcart
Financial reporting the big blocker on this
Can we add a product to ecommerce for this?
Let's talk to DE about whether or not they can tackle this.
@Diana Huang
Tackling EdxRestApiClient
Using refactoring tools for doing this work - @Diana Huang
CourseTalk deprecation
Find relevant product person (probably Marco) to see if we can remove this functionality
Announce to the community
Hack on things
Agenda (3/3/20)
Shoppingcart donation flow removal approved
Update DEPR to mention that the donation flow is being removed as well.
DOPrecation is complete
Clears the way for Django 2
Next steps
How do we get rid of shoppingcart?
Announce to community
Update DEPR to remove the donation flow entirely
Action Item: @Diana Huang
Get rid the donation flow and confirm that it's gone and working
Get rid of the shoppingcart app.
Ensure that the old tables remain for financial history purposes
Make sure that the data is backed up somehow
Current plan is to back up to sql dumps and store on S3
break up into subtasks
automated refactoring wouldn't be sufficient for fixing these
Can we split things into INCR tickets?
Would need to have good documentation
Attempt to pick up usages and fix them
Carry this over until next time
Pattern Library
Review of INCR-43: Remove edx-pattern-library from edx-platform in favor of bootstrapDone
Understand Jira Wizardry to move blocked tickets into DEPR instead of INCR
Course Reviews
Get confirmation from product about removal @Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated)
Hack on things
Agenda (3/17/20)
INCR++ - staging for INCR, more complex INCR
We did get a PR from EduNext to remove pattern_library from program_details
Maybe we can ask them for ongoing help in getting rid of pattern library
Will follow up with TNL about ensuring code review gets done
Course Reviews
We have confirmation from product about getting rid of it
Action Item: announce to community @Diana Huang
Action Item: announce to community @Diana Huang
Agenda (4/14/20)
Django 2, hooray!
shoppingcart and course reviews updates
shoppingcart accepted
how do we want to tackle?
course reviews rejected
will talk with product to make clear our intentions to remove code that is already outdated according to our standards
Blended development of DEPR tickets
Pattern library - already a ticket in place:
To be announced to community by @Adam Butterworth (Deactivated)
Can we track the pre-pattern library pages to get a sense of what that looks like?
@Adam Butterworth (Deactivated) to take a first stab at it.
@Diana Huang to make a brief around this
SiteConfiguration removal - discussion with eduNext - could be owned by the people using it
@Diana Huang to reach out to #white-label-eng
DEPR-22 and DEPR-5 next steps
@Adam Butterworth (Deactivated) to follow up with Paragon working group on DEPR-22
Announce DEPR-5 to the community, don't give it more than 2 weeks for comment @Michael Terry (Deactivated)
DEPR of old MFE implementations
how can we get the Open edX community to use MFE?
theming is the biggest blocker it seems
Wordpress model: provide the set of apps, but allow people to replace MFEs
Can we make this a blended development project?
We probably want this to be an OEP?
Running in devstack - handled by TNL @David Joy (Deactivated)
Theming - ????
Running in Open edX production stack - @Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated) to attempt to do this blended
edX white label (wait this out)
Agenda (5/12) -
Blended update
still need to finish EdxRestApiClient blended brief
Other updates
Possible DEPR tickets
nose (for testing)
remove from all the remaining repositories where it is still being used
cyclomatic complexity - radon
call library directly instead of through another layer of abstraction
Hack on stuff
remove references to shoppingcart from tests that are not in shoppingcart
frontend templates that are referring to shoppingcart
find code outside of shoppingcart that refers to it
Agenda (6/9) -
pattern library changes
Done as part of blended
Work is ongoing
Old Mongo
Messaging is going up soon in Studio for courses that are still using it
elasticsearch work done as part of blended development as well
proposal from contractor, hopefully will finalize soon
veda should have a DEPR ticket soon
Hack on things
Agenda (next time) -
Deprecating XBlocks/XModules
Create a general process around deprecating these thing
LTI specifics
Maybe talk with partner support
product wrote a document about how to do this work
Who are our Content and Partner Success Leads?
Is this DEPR-by-DEPR process? - We don’t want this to be the case.
Reach out to Jennifer Akana about this
Need to figure out how to get contact with individual PMs, especially with cross-cutting features (that we are removing)
Can we get a designated communication person for DEPR-work?
Reach out to Lauren/Product for a communication/project manager - @Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated)
Another proposed DEPR
Create a DEPR ticket around this - @Diana Huang
XServer deprecation -
XQueue still in use by university partners
Replace with xqueue-watcher
Queues can point to a new endpoint with remote config
Work being handled as a blended project
@Michael Terry (Deactivated) to communicate out to community
Microfrontend replacement work
Can we blend this?
Talk with Cory and Bill on SRE as input on this
@Feanil Patel (Deactivated) and @Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated) to do the high-level discovery on this in prep to either do a BOM project or blended project
Agenda (7/7/2020) -
shoppingcart hacking
Old Mongo deprecation continuing apace.
Agenda (8/4/20) -
Toggles pipeline into DEPR
Deprecating things that we haven’t touched in years
We have a sample that was presented to Arch Tea Time! -
Need to spend some time analyzing it for DEPR
Will have to think about how to automate analysis at some point
Looking at expiration dates at the very least
Looking at modification dates > two years ago
Next meeting, do a more thorough analysis.
In light of # , is there DEPR work to be done for the notifier repository?
Action Item: Make DEPR ticket for notifier - @Diana Huang
Is there code in edx-platform as well as the notifier repo that needs to be removed?
Who do we need to notify about removal of donation flow from dashboard?
Marco volunteered to be our product person to notify others when this is happening.
Action Item @Feanil Patel (Deactivated)
Notify Data Engineering that this change is happening, so they can prepare for it
Action Item: @Diana Huang
Write an ADR about using ecommerce over shoppingcart
Should we deprecate the v0 commerce api?
Agenda (8/18/20) -
Look through toggle report to find candidates for DEPR
Make tickets for good candidates
Notifier deprecation
A few minor comments but not much
Can we move to accepted?
shoppingcart deprecation
Hooray for getting rid of donations workflow!
Javascript issues
Javascript calls urls that are in shoppingcart
Let’s take a look at whether or not these endpoints are called in production
Tests are relying on having a stubbed shoppingcart for their flows
Work plan:
Put stuff back into PR until tests pass
This seems to be a cascading problem, skipping to moving stub payment service next
Remove Javascript separately
Understand what needs to be done for verify_student JS
We might be able to delete payment steps from the verify_student flow. Are people in the community using this?
Move stub payment service into commerce or other reasonable place without shoppingcart stub parts
Remove all other shoppingcart code
Agenda (9/15/20)
Elasticsearch Upgrade
have to get the deploy out to stage
set up infrastructure
Removing entire services - how do we get these over the line? - holding up service upgrades for Python versions, etc.
Open PR to remove queues that point to XServer
Are there courses still pushing things onto those queues?
XQueue probably has that data
Once that’s done, we can move xserver to unsupported
Destroy infrastructure - in edx-internal, edx-secure, edx-gomatic, configuration(?), terraform
Remove from sandboxes and jenkins-workers
notifications is still configured on sandbox/devstack
probably talks to cs_comments_service directly
notifier_api djangoapp in edx-platform
create subtasks for the work
turn off on sandboxes
remove code/secrets from edx-platform
talk to Alan about the process
targeted for removal on Sep 25
Last PR to get rid of shoppingcart djangoapp is very close to landing
JS side of things is still unclear
Agenda (9/29/20) -
Special Guest - @Kyle McCormick (Deactivated)
Upcoming Deprecations -
LMS doesn’t validate the orgs for courses
Organizations table used by default
Toggle to enable this behavior, default to off.
Recommendation: default to false. DEPR to remove toggle. aim for Koa. if doesn’t make cutoff, let it go to Lilac
sys hack removed
break imports of edx-platform into libraries
Shoppingcart hacking
Agenda (10/13/20) -
Shoppingcart - what’s left?
~20k lines of code deleted as part of this project from edx-platform
assuming 2 million lines of code in edx-platform, this is about 1% of the codebase being deleted
After shoppingcart
What’s next?
notifier, XServer
Agenda (10/27/20) -
MIT deprecating sysadmin dashboard!
Peter Pinch handling all the notifications and such himself
can we get him something in celebration?
we could maybe have a budget for doing things?
can we make a DEPR Xsy? Scissors Xsy? - @Diana Huang to reach out to Xsy designers
Challenge coins? - @Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated) to investigate in general
Questions about notifier repo
can we avoid MySQL and Ubuntu upgrades?
@Diana Huang to communicate that we’re dropping notifier from openedx
get it into Koa?
code might not be ready but we can just drop the repo
A set of courses need to be verified that they are removed or updated
We have a PR ready to go. Need the bandwidth to monitor XQueue activity once the PR is merged to ensure no other issues appear.
shoppingcart cleanup
what else needs to be done?
Questions around JS? - wait on the new microfrontend to be ready for OpenEdX so we can deprecate and remove that frontend code
let people know this was removed - all hands vs. theme demos
@Diana Huang to do
Heads up on incoming DEPRs from Programs theme:
What’s next?
After notifier/XServer
Removing verify student/account settings/profile
Need to create a DEPR for verify student in edx-platform
can we start gathering data for why we should get rid of edge
What is the cost of supporting new features?
Agenda (11/10/20) -
Notifier removal status
Just remaining
XServer removal status
Quick followup on sysadmin dashboard deprecation, rewards for community DEPRs
Waiting for Diana on this, focus on the badge first
Looked at TNL-related DEPR tickets in the pipeline seems ready to move to removing?
Hacking time
Feanil created testeng-secure PR for Notifier removal, passed to SRE for review
Jeremy working on edx-internal PR for Notifier removal
Feanil looking into XServer removal
Nimisha and Sarina following up on and
Notifier removal done except for moving to edx-unsupported
Agenda (11/24/20) -
Start next steps in for shoppingcart DB tables removal
Continue XServer removal?