cs_comments_service ES7 upgrade

cs_comments_service ES7 upgrade


Testing Notes

Stage Testing

  • Use Robert's Stage Test Course

  • Test cases (see below) using LMS

    • Splunk search: index="stage-edx" /search/threads


    • TO DO: Capture the results from some of the searches below.

Production Testing

UI Testing Tasks that involve Elasticsearch

  • “Add a Post” - creates a new thread and indexes it in ES.

  • “Add a Response” - creates a new comment and indexes it in ES.

  • “Search all posts” - runs the search endpoint and returns results from posts and responses. Results appear on the left-hand side by post - responses are grouped under posts, not listed as separate items.

  • “Show all posts” - use this to filter posts by unread and unanswered. Hits ES to filter. Can test by creating new posts with a second account and filtering by unread, or creating a new post and filtering by unanswered.

  • “By recent activity” - Sorts posts by various criteria, hitting ES again to do the sort.

  • “…” → “Edit” - Edits a post or response. Editing the body of the post/response will update the index, and the new text should be searchable. Test both.

  • “…” → “Delete” - Deletes a post or response - this should remove it from the index so it’s no longer searchable. Test on post and response.

  • Vote - affects sorting by most votes. Get two accounts, add some votes, see that the sorting is different.

Elasticsearch Rake Tasks

You’ll need a ruby env to run these, most likely. On devstack, you can source devstack_forum_env in order to get this set up. Then you can change directory into cs_comments_service and run the rake tasks:

rake search:initialize

Should create the indices but does not populate them.

rake search:validate_indices

Validates that the indices are correct. The output indicates success.

rake search:rebuild_indices

Populates the indices. Oddly, this re-creates them as well, so initialize isn’t terribly useful.

rake search:catchup[comments_index_name,comment_threads_index_name,minutes,batch_size]

Will index comments/threads created in the last X minutes.


rake search:catchup[comments_20201009141049692,comment_threads_20201009141049692,10,10]

Finding out the index names can be slightly challenging, since they’re timestamped - best bet is to query ES to find out:

curl http://edx.devstack.elasticsearch7:9200/_cat/indices - Obviously, replace the domain/port with your environment’s ES server.



Production searches and responses (ES 1.5): https://courses.edx.org/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/discussion/forum/search?ajax=1&text=work {"annotated_content_info": {"5dfd592dc76277095a0031b8": {"ability": {"can_openclose": false, "editable": false, "can_report": true, "can_delete": false, "can_reply": true, "can_vote": true}, "subscribed": false, "voted": ""}, "5e0e81fa95b06209470024cb": {"ability": {"can_openclose": false, "editable": false, "can_report": true, "can_delete": false, "can_reply": true, "can_vote": true}, "subscribed": false, "voted": ""}, "5e0e7b827febe5092e0038c1": {"ability": {"can_openclose": false, "editable": false, "can_report": true, "can_delete": false, "can_reply": true, "can_vote": true}, "subscribed": false, "voted": ""}, "5e0e6f8295b062095c002a40": {"ability": {"can_openclose": false, "editable": false, "can_report": true, "can_delete": false, "can_reply": true, "can_vote": true}, "subscribed": false, "voted": ""}, "5e0e7f407febe5091f00293a": {"ability": {"can_openclose": false, "editable": false, "can_report": true, "can_delete": false, "can_reply": true, "can_vote": true}, "subscribed": false, "voted": ""}, "5e0e7425c76277091a0031d1": {"ability": {"can_openclose": false, "editable": false, "can_report": true, "can_delete": false, "can_reply": true, "can_vote": true}, "subscribed": false, "voted": ""}, "5dfd6e9695b062091a002926": {"ability": {"can_openclose": false, "editable": false, "can_report": true, "can_delete": false, "can_reply": true, "can_vote": true}, "subscribed": false, "voted": ""}, "5e0e7139c76277092700235c": {"ability": {"can_openclose": false, "editable": false, "can_report": true, "can_delete": false, "can_reply": true, "can_vote": true}, "subscribed": false, "voted": ""}, "5e0e78c795b0620956002e7c": {"ability": {"can_openclose": false, "editable": false, "can_report": true, "can_delete": false, "can_reply": true, "can_vote": true}, "subscribed": false, "voted": ""}, "5e0e8ccfc76277092400235f": {"ability": {"can_openclose": false, "editable": false, "can_report": true, "can_delete": false, "can_reply": true, "can_vote": true}, "subscribed": false, "voted": ""}, "5dfd5b4b7febe5094600216d": {"ability": {"can_openclose": false, "editable": false, "can_report": true, "can_delete": false, "can_reply": true, "can_vote": true}, "subscribed": false, "voted": ""}, "5f86a6a326ea960a69fde560": {"ability": {"can_openclose": false, "editable": false, "can_report": true, "can_delete": false, "can_reply": true, "can_vote": true}, "subscribed": false, "voted": ""}, "5dfd57f3c76277093f0031cc": {"ability": {"can_openclose": false, "editable": false, "can_report": true, "can_delete": false, "can_reply": true, "can_vote": true}, "subscribed": false, "voted": ""}, "5e0e802e7febe50958002a8e": {"ability": {"can_openclose": false, "editable": false, "can_report": true, "can_delete": false, "can_reply": true, "can_vote": true}, "subscribed": false, "voted": ""}, "5e0e7a36c76277094b002180": {"ability": {"can_openclose": false, "editable": false, "can_report": true, "can_delete": false, "can_reply": true, "can_vote": true}, "subscribed": false, "voted": ""}}, "page": 1, "num_pages": 73, "discussion_data": [{"pinned": true, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "commentable_id": "d0d8328908f8b75289b677671847d4fa1046cc05", "anonymous": false, "updated_at": "2020-10-13T22:59:41Z", "title": "Happiness at Work", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-13T22:59:41Z", "username": "jslindsey", "thread_type": "discussion", "user_id": "18243589", "type": "thread", "body": "Now that you've learned about Happiness at Work and seen your Happiness at Work Quiz score, what do you think? Did your score make sense to you? Does the Happiness at Work quiz feel like it taps into or captures what it means to be happy at work? Why or why not?", "at_position_list": [], "context": "course", "id": "5e0e8ccfc76277092400235f", "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-01-03T00:37:35Z", "endorsed": false, "courseware_title": "Module 4 / Happiness at Work", "votes": {"down_count": 0, "point": 0, "up_count": 0, "count": 0}, "read": false, "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@6048afc6750b48e5854199b847cf2aab", "comments_count": 102, "abuse_flaggers": [], "unread_comments_count": 102}, {"pinned": true, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "commentable_id": "8d41ae095f912fba42bc125b713e9c25af7469c9", "anonymous": false, "updated_at": "2020-10-12T03:01:05Z", "title": "Kindness at Work", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-12T03:01:05Z", "username": "jslindsey", "thread_type": "discussion", "user_id": "18243589", "type": "thread", "body": "Now that you've learned what it takes to enhance Kindness at Work, seen your own Kindness at Work score, and explored how it compares to scores from others in this course, what do you think? Did your score make sense to you? Does experiencing kindness at work feel like it taps into something that contributes to being happy at work? Why or why not?", "at_position_list": [], "context": "course", "id": "5e0e81fa95b06209470024cb", "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-01-02T23:51:22Z", "endorsed": false, "courseware_title": "Module 4 / Kindness at Work", "votes": {"down_count": 0, "point": 0, "up_count": 0, "count": 0}, "read": false, "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@0df56e277b214593b6c6cec782bc1f3f", "comments_count": 127, "abuse_flaggers": [], "unread_comments_count": 127}, {"pinned": true, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "commentable_id": "8ef25da869c25c4e76fd1a79b8c4031fc31020dd", "anonymous": false, "updated_at": "2020-10-13T22:47:59Z", "title": "Status at Work", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-13T22:47:59Z", "username": "jslindsey", "thread_type": "discussion", "user_id": "18243589", "type": "thread", "body": "Now that you've learned a little bit about status and the Power Paradox, seen your own Status at Work score, and explored how it compares to scores from others in this course, what do you think? Did your score make sense to you? Does Status at Work feel like it taps into something that contributes, or poses a barrier, to being happy at work? Why or why not?", "at_position_list": [], "context": "course", "id": "5e0e802e7febe50958002a8e", "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-01-02T23:43:42Z", "endorsed": false, "courseware_title": "Module 4 / Workplace Status", "votes": {"down_count": 0, "point": 0, "up_count": 0, "count": 0}, "read": false, "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@ea770ae538524bfa9f669d7cde184ca0", "comments_count": 178, "abuse_flaggers": [], "unread_comments_count": 178}, {"pinned": true, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "commentable_id": "ce0368c540fff748f0fbd40ef99814dd2c1538a5", "anonymous": false, "updated_at": "2020-10-12T02:26:33Z", "title": "Gratitude at Work Quiz", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-12T02:26:33Z", "username": "jslindsey", "thread_type": "discussion", "user_id": "18243589", "type": "thread", "body": "Now that you've learned a little bit about gratitude and seen your Grateful Organizations Quiz score, what do you think? Did your score make sense to you? Does gratitude feel like it taps into something that contributes to being happy at work? Why or why not?", "at_position_list": [], "context": "course", "id": "5e0e7f407febe5091f00293a", "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-01-02T23:39:44Z", "endorsed": false, "courseware_title": "Module 3 / Gratitude at Work", "votes": {"down_count": 0, "point": 1, "up_count": 1, "count": 1}, "read": false, "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@e260f18017bd4c70aeb361737a963361", "comments_count": 162, "abuse_flaggers": [], "unread_comments_count": 162}, {"pinned": true, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "commentable_id": "250b43536a9c91fa642e282b7e8aa711ee678716", "anonymous": false, "updated_at": "2020-10-12T23:07:11Z", "title": "Friendships at Work", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-12T23:07:11Z", "username": "jslindsey", "thread_type": "discussion", "user_id": "18243589", "type": "thread", "body": "Now that you've learned a little bit about Friendships at Work, seen your own Friendship at Work score, and explored how it compares to scores from others in this course, what do you think? Did your score make sense to you? Does having friends at work feel like it taps into something that contributes to being happy at work? Why or why not?", "at_position_list": [], "context": "course", "id": "5e0e7b827febe5092e0038c1", "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-01-02T23:23:46Z", "endorsed": false, "courseware_title": "Module 3 / Friendships at Work", "votes": {"down_count": 0, "point": 2, "up_count": 2, "count": 2}, "read": false, "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@c6d8b152a21b4605a96fea4920256ede", "comments_count": 246, "abuse_flaggers": [], "unread_comments_count": 246}, {"pinned": true, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "commentable_id": "3ae05b0b53adee97d5facd441a22ae83a080e44a", "anonymous": false, "updated_at": "2020-10-14T18:01:24Z", "title": "Three Funny Things at Work and Mindfulness at Work", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-14T18:01:24Z", "username": "jslindsey", "thread_type": "discussion", "user_id": "18243589", "type": "thread", "body": "We are committed to offering clear, actionable strategies for fostering happiness at work throughout this course, and deeply interested in your thoughts about them. Please take a moment to share your perspective on the practices that you have tried thus far: Three Funny Things at Work and Mindfulness at Work. 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Did your score make sense to you? Does Resilience feel like it taps into something that contributes to being happy at work? Why or why not?", "at_position_list": [], "context": "course", "id": "5e0e78c795b0620956002e7c", "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-01-02T23:12:07Z", "endorsed": false, "courseware_title": "Module 2 / Resilience at Work", "votes": {"down_count": 0, "point": 2, "up_count": 2, "count": 2}, "read": false, "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@e4887781f03c48f1b38dd3aaa6fd0ade", "comments_count": 245, "abuse_flaggers": [], "unread_comments_count": 245}, {"pinned": true, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "commentable_id": "dc73d76baa72fce060662559d49f616b85998d26", "anonymous": false, "updated_at": "2020-10-14T05:26:26Z", "title": "Engagement at Work", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-14T05:26:26Z", "username": "jslindsey", "thread_type": "discussion", "user_id": "18243589", "type": "thread", "body": "Now that you've learned a little bit about engagement, seen your own Engagement at Work score, and explored how it compares to scores from others in this course, what do you think? Did your score make sense to you? Do you feel like Engagement at Work, as captured in the previous survey, contributes importantly to being happy at work? Why or why not?", "at_position_list": [], "context": "course", "id": "5e0e7425c76277091a0031d1", "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-01-02T22:52:21Z", "endorsed": false, "courseware_title": "Module 2 / Engagement at Work", "votes": {"down_count": 0, "point": 2, "up_count": 2, "count": 2}, "read": false, "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@b0d0d2aaab3d43bcb085d46c6603c1de", "comments_count": 267, "abuse_flaggers": [], "unread_comments_count": 267}, {"pinned": true, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "commentable_id": "5ffba78a51bf08c25d9d1bbbdeed779b4b863019", "anonymous": false, "updated_at": "2020-10-14T04:52:20Z", "title": "Emotions at Work", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-14T04:52:20Z", "username": "jslindsey", "thread_type": "discussion", "user_id": "18243589", "type": "thread", "body": "Now that you've learned a little bit about Emotions at Work, seen your own Emotions at Work score, and explored how it compares to scores from others in this course, what do you think? Did your score make sense to you? Do you feel like the emotions that you typically feel at work contribute importantly to being happy at work? Why or why not?", "at_position_list": [], "context": "course", "id": "5e0e7139c76277092700235c", "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-01-02T22:39:53Z", "endorsed": false, "courseware_title": "Module 2 / Emotions at Work", "votes": {"down_count": 0, "point": 1, "up_count": 1, "count": 1}, "read": false, "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@510e2ba6dfa24df6a7e078b8d4556d05", "comments_count": 327, "abuse_flaggers": [], "unread_comments_count": 327}, {"pinned": true, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "commentable_id": "0e9c59023d68b1d916694efd9722dce36a63abea", "anonymous": false, "updated_at": "2020-10-13T21:27:23Z", "title": "What If Everyone Walked Into Work Happier?", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-13T21:27:23Z", "username": "jslindsey", "thread_type": "discussion", "user_id": "18243589", "type": "thread", "body": "We've just surveyed the literature from leading scientific and industry thinkers about what happiness at work is, and why it matters. Imagine something changed at your work tomorrow, and everyone who walked in was happier at work than they were the day before. How do you think things would change? What would be different for you? For others? For the organization? 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Did your score make sense to you? Does having \"a calling\" at work feel like it taps into something that contributes to being happy at work? Why or why not?", "at_position_list": [], "context": "course", "id": "5dfd6e9695b062091a002926", "closed": false, "created_at": "2019-12-21T01:00:06Z", "endorsed": false, "courseware_title": "Module 2 / Work as Calling", "votes": {"down_count": 0, "point": 2, "up_count": 2, "count": 2}, "read": false, "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@a560fa81d8584ee0afe60f16fe8a879d", "comments_count": 443, "abuse_flaggers": [], "unread_comments_count": 443}, {"pinned": true, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "commentable_id": "355d02c967150d407efd769d083acc3ccdd78ba3", "anonymous": false, "updated_at": "2020-10-14T09:59:29Z", "title": "Happiness at Work", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-14T09:59:29Z", "username": "jslindsey", "thread_type": "discussion", "user_id": "18243589", "type": "thread", "body": "Now that you've responded to the Happiness at Work scale questions, seen your score, and explored how it compares to scores from others in this course, what do you think? Did your score make sense to you? Does the Happiness at Work scale feel like it taps into or captures what it means to be happy at work? Why or why not? ", "at_position_list": [], "context": "course", "id": "5dfd5b4b7febe5094600216d", "closed": false, "created_at": "2019-12-20T23:37:47Z", "endorsed": false, "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Reflect on Happiness at Work", "votes": {"down_count": 0, "point": 6, "up_count": 6, "count": 6}, "read": false, "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@323d4556f2874d5b822044e02d3066df", "comments_count": 704, "abuse_flaggers": [], "unread_comments_count": 704}, {"pinned": true, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "commentable_id": "57df2c6ff1f84f510ef8c60769d9ca7c5c6c1735", "anonymous": false, "updated_at": "2020-10-14T09:50:36Z", "title": "Job Satisfaction", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-14T09:50:36Z", "username": "EmilianaST", "thread_type": "discussion", "user_id": "3201225", "type": "thread", "body": "Now that you've learned a little bit about Job Satisfaction, seen your own Job Satisfaction score, and explored how it compares to scores from others in this course, what do you think? 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Why or why not?", "at_position_list": [], "context": "course", "id": "5dfd592dc76277095a0031b8", "closed": false, "created_at": "2019-12-20T23:28:45Z", "endorsed": false, "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Job Satisfaction", "votes": {"down_count": 0, "point": 1, "up_count": 1, "count": 1}, "read": false, "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@d455e9134d0b4d148a275f6690388c6c", "comments_count": 1065, "abuse_flaggers": [], "unread_comments_count": 1065}, {"pinned": true, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "commentable_id": "95c666d9f890afcc840e98fa3bd428f1c67ec7c2", "anonymous": false, "updated_at": "2020-10-14T15:31:59Z", "title": "Now Introduce Yourself!", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-14T15:31:59Z", "username": "EmilianaST", "thread_type": "discussion", "user_id": "3201225", "type": "thread", "body": "Now that you have met Dacher and Emiliana, take a moment to introduce yourself to your classmates\u2014like-minded people from all over the world and every industry imaginable. 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Did your score make sense to you? Does experiencing kindness at work feel like it taps into something that contributes to being happy at work? Why or why not?", "at_position_list": [], "context": "course", "id": "5e0e81fa95b06209470024cb", "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-01-02T23:51:22Z", "endorsed": false, "courseware_title": "Module 4 / Kindness at Work", "votes": {"down_count": 0, "point": 0, "up_count": 0, "count": 0}, "read": false, "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@0df56e277b214593b6c6cec782bc1f3f", "comments_count": 127, "abuse_flaggers": [], "unread_comments_count": 127}, {"pinned": true, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "commentable_id": "8ef25da869c25c4e76fd1a79b8c4031fc31020dd", "anonymous": false, "updated_at": "2020-10-13T22:47:59Z", "title": "Status at Work", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-13T22:47:59Z", "username": "jslindsey", "thread_type": "discussion", "user_id": "18243589", "type": "thread", "body": "Now that you've learned a little bit about status and the Power Paradox, seen your own Status at Work score, and explored how it compares to scores from others in this course, what do you think? Did your score make sense to you? Does Status at Work feel like it taps into something that contributes, or poses a barrier, to being happy at work? Why or why not?", "at_position_list": [], "context": "course", "id": "5e0e802e7febe50958002a8e", "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-01-02T23:43:42Z", "endorsed": false, "courseware_title": "Module 4 / Workplace Status", "votes": {"down_count": 0, "point": 0, "up_count": 0, "count": 0}, "read": false, "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@ea770ae538524bfa9f669d7cde184ca0", "comments_count": 178, "abuse_flaggers": [], "unread_comments_count": 178}, {"pinned": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "commentable_id": "340e4fcc6528f9ce1eb891360ac2f4c94a91bf6d", "anonymous": false, "updated_at": "2020-06-20T20:33:37Z", "title": "Our lives at work speak through our actions and reactions", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "last_activity_at": "2020-06-20T20:33:37Z", "username": "galaleldien", "thread_type": "discussion", "user_id": "28039082", "type": "thread", "body": "I like this peace by Parker J Palmer, it explains to me best understanding to work's calling, the one you create instead of waiting. Generally I feel my work calling and I get enough self-satisfaction:\nOur lives speak through our actions and reactions, our intuitions and instincts, our feelings and bodily states, perhaps more profoundly than through words. If we can learn to read our own responses, we'll receive the guidance we need to live more authentic lives. The soul speaks only under quiet, inviting, and safe conditions. If we take some time to sit silently listening, the soul will tell us the truth about ourselves\u2014the full, messy truth. An often ignored dimension of the quest for wholeness is the need to embrace what we dislike about ourselves as well as what we're proud of, our liabilities as well as our strengths.\n", "at_position_list": [], "context": "course", "id": "5edff6ed3b790108250b3e1a", "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-06-09T20:54:05Z", "endorsed": false, "courseware_title": "Module 2 / Work as Calling", "votes": {"down_count": 0, "point": 2, "up_count": 2, "count": 2}, "read": false, "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@a560fa81d8584ee0afe60f16fe8a879d", "comments_count": 2, "abuse_flaggers": [], "unread_comments_count": 2}], "corrected_text": null} {"discussion_data": [{"id": "5f7903a926ea960a45fdd9a6", "title": "Happy to be here!", "body": "Hello everyone, my name is Shelby. I work in an project management role for a large construction company in Canada. I'm looking forward to pursuing a greater sense of fulfilment and happiness within an industry that I find so exciting.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-10-03T23:05:13Z", "updated_at": "2020-10-03T23:05:13Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "95c666d9f890afcc840e98fa3bd428f1c67ec7c2", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-03T23:05:13Z", "username": "sbarnstable", "user_id": "37374050", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@5e45c434a0434049b2556ce03307b98e", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Introduction"}, {"id": "5f72a3b426ea960a5bfdd737", "title": "Happy employee = better productivity", "body": "Yes, my score makes sense. If employees feel happy and motivated, you will see that of the productivity. In other hand, an employee with no motivation will no sum to the team work.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-09-29T03:02:12Z", "updated_at": "2020-09-29T03:02:12Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "355d02c967150d407efd769d083acc3ccdd78ba3", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "question", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-09-29T03:02:12Z", "username": "ilianatovar22", "user_id": "37295455", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@323d4556f2874d5b822044e02d3066df", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Reflect on Happiness at Work"}, {"id": "5f6e0ac4d1eb0c0ac3a6f036", "title": "Presentation", "body": "hi i'm carlo, i work as a chef in singapore, the days are long and often tiring, but this is the job... i have always wondered if i have to be hard in my job, or i need to be kinder ... i want to take this course to improve different aspects that unfortunately ruin the world of catering, make the days more positive and happier", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-09-25T15:20:36Z", "updated_at": "2020-09-25T15:20:36Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "95c666d9f890afcc840e98fa3bd428f1c67ec7c2", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-09-25T15:20:36Z", "username": "castellini1981", "user_id": "35801539", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@5e45c434a0434049b2556ce03307b98e", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Introduction"}, {"id": "5f6e074626ea960a2afdcce4", "title": " 23/5000 my work inspires me", "body": "my work inspires me, gives me empowerment, gives me joy, gives me strength. I am very happy as a lawyer, having my office and I try to improve myself every day to deliver the best to my client. @Roeseladvogados is my realization.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-09-25T15:05:42Z", "updated_at": "2020-09-25T15:05:42Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "57df2c6ff1f84f510ef8c60769d9ca7c5c6c1735", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-09-25T15:05:42Z", "username": "claudianeroesel", "user_id": "28455721", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@d455e9134d0b4d148a275f6690388c6c", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Job Satisfaction"}, {"id": "5f68d16cecdbe809dd7d3cf7", "title": "Status at work", "body": "In this matter I believe that in your career people is searching for a point of growing and gaining status, what it is important always to remember is what comes with it, is more that responsibilities but keep it humble, that keep the power you gain projects in the right way and not taking the worst of you as a leader and as a person.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-09-21T16:14:36Z", "updated_at": "2020-09-21T16:14:36Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "8ef25da869c25c4e76fd1a79b8c4031fc31020dd", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-09-21T16:14:36Z", "username": "Monica_gomezd", "user_id": "35021311", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@ea770ae538524bfa9f669d7cde184ca0", "courseware_title": "Module 4 / Workplace Status"}, {"id": "5f60b948d1eb0c0a9fa6e7eb", "title": "Leadership and Workplace Happiness", "body": "Based on my experience, the quality of leadership is at the heart of having everyone walk into work happier. This intricate relationship impacts most, if not all, aspects of your work life. This will set the precedent of not just your happiness, but your performance and your future where you work.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-09-15T12:53:29Z", "updated_at": "2020-10-12T13:50:24Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "0e9c59023d68b1d916694efd9722dce36a63abea", "comments_count": 4, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 4, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-12T13:50:24Z", "username": "Zarah_Edralin", "user_id": "36534362", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@c815f08e61634cfc92004758440ef42e", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Why Happiness at Work?"}, {"id": "5f4f9451d1eb0c0a90a6d548", "title": "Job Satisfaction", "body": "I am very happy in my job so I expected the satisfaction score I received. Being able to feel satisfied with you overall job, coworkers, and participation within the organization can directly relate to the overall happiness one feels at work. When you don't feel that your contributions are important this could lower the satisfaction you feel about your position and therefore lower your feelings of happiness at work. I realize that every job is different, smaller companies can allow for more freedom and participation, but no matter what your role and the size of the company you work for there are lots of ways to showcase your knowledge and bring more happiness into the workplace. \nI am also a very strong believer in if your work doesn't make you happy and satisfied you should move on and find the job that you will actually be happy working in. We spend so much of our lives 'at work' that it doesn't make sense to waste this time being unhappy.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-09-02T12:47:13Z", "updated_at": "2020-09-05T07:29:01Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "57df2c6ff1f84f510ef8c60769d9ca7c5c6c1735", "comments_count": 1, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 1, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-09-05T07:29:01Z", "username": "NicoleSpinks14", "user_id": "14121936", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@d455e9134d0b4d148a275f6690388c6c", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Job Satisfaction"}, {"id": "5f317600cd56ad090e9ffa2e", "title": "Happiness Scale ", "body": "I scored average on the happiness at work scale, which mirrored my own perception. I've not reached a threshold where my (un)happiness is tainting other facets of my life and I need to leave the organization, but I am definitely cognizant that my work is a source of lower happiness than the other key facets of my life and have made allowances for that. While the scale may be good at determining how happy I am, I would also like to understand which PERK aspects are really contributing to my score. Maybe that will come later in the course...:)", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": true, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-08-10T16:29:52Z", "updated_at": "2020-08-28T15:27:27Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "355d02c967150d407efd769d083acc3ccdd78ba3", "comments_count": 1, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 1, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-08-28T15:27:27Z", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@323d4556f2874d5b822044e02d3066df", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Reflect on Happiness at Work"}, {"id": "5f13fd72cd56ad090e9fd4b0", "title": "CHO from Hong Kong", "body": "hi i am Amen Lee from Hong Kong and promoting Chief Happiness Officer program here", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-07-19T07:59:46Z", "updated_at": "2020-09-12T18:33:41Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "95c666d9f890afcc840e98fa3bd428f1c67ec7c2", "comments_count": 4, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 4, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-09-12T18:33:41Z", "username": "Amenlee", "user_id": "20183792", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@5e45c434a0434049b2556ce03307b98e", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Introduction"}, {"id": "5efc340aeac4b40835a15555", "title": "Being happy at work in Corona times", "body": "Are your scores in Corona times different than usual? ", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-07-01T06:58:18Z", "updated_at": "2020-07-10T07:03:59Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "355d02c967150d407efd769d083acc3ccdd78ba3", "comments_count": 3, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 3, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-07-10T07:03:59Z", "username": "gam18696", "user_id": "23147523", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@323d4556f2874d5b822044e02d3066df", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Reflect on Happiness at Work"}, {"id": "5ef2576fcd56ad09179fae06", "title": "Barista/ Carryout- Covid19 became a weird and slightly morbid opportunity", "body": "So, I work at a restaurant, and specifically at the barista/carryout counter there, or at least this is what compromises most of my shifts (definitely the preferred ones). I definitely don't feel like I'm contributing anything meaningful to my community, and to be frank, there's a lot of things about our work that feels like if anything, it would be more harmful to our community than anything, because of wage issues and managers really not having an understanding of where our employees are coming from- both mentally and physically, as well as in our interactions with guests. I'm sure this is the case in most places, as it has been at every restaurant I've worked at thus far, but we really are expected to bend over backwards for our guests. This is a restaurant in the city's most central shopping district: on Chicago's Magnificent Mile, and when someone walks in with Gucci bags expecting something from us, it really doesn't matter what it is, the company wants them to spend their money there. It makes for a very dystopian feeling experience when you go from working a shift interacting with probably some of the most moneyed people in your city, serving them, and you walk out after closing (sometimes as late as 4 am), the life you see being lived on the streets is so vastly different, and when you're leaving downtown at 4 am, you're either getting an Uber before you even look at the price, or if you saw the price, you got your sad self on the train, and if you work the morning shift the next day, you wonder what would really happen if you just slept in the breakroom. I don't hate my job by a longshot, I love it, when we're not overwhelmed by hours and double shifts. Frankly, I don't think it matters how much you like your job: if you get scheduled to work 60 hour weeks for long enough, it will stop being fun.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-06-23T19:26:39Z", "updated_at": "2020-06-23T19:26:39Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "355d02c967150d407efd769d083acc3ccdd78ba3", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-06-23T19:26:39Z", "username": "Rdyke", "user_id": "19518141", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@323d4556f2874d5b822044e02d3066df", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Reflect on Happiness at Work"}, {"id": "5eeefdf9eac4b40877a1d705", "title": "4.5", "body": "I am the kind of person who is happy with whatever I do, in the moment. However, on reflection, I am not really happy with my work. I felt that I did not contribute anything to mankind. Working for or doing business with big corporations is hideous. So, I am not satisfied with myself and my job.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-06-21T06:28:09Z", "updated_at": "2020-06-21T06:28:09Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "355d02c967150d407efd769d083acc3ccdd78ba3", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-06-21T06:28:09Z", "username": "maiwah", "user_id": "17392442", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@323d4556f2874d5b822044e02d3066df", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Reflect on Happiness at Work"}, {"id": "5ee50cff3b790108300b477f", "title": "G'day", "body": "Hello all, I'm Henry and I work with a government agency. I'm a strong believer in having a happy workforce, and approach this course looking for new insights on how to make this a continuous reality.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-06-13T17:29:35Z", "updated_at": "2020-06-13T17:29:35Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "95c666d9f890afcc840e98fa3bd428f1c67ec7c2", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-06-13T17:29:35Z", "username": "MRuba", "user_id": "13476919", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@5e45c434a0434049b2556ce03307b98e", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Introduction"}, {"id": "5ee40aafeac4b40832a15302", "title": "Satisfaction and happiness", "body": "I find the work I do satisfying to the extent that I am good at it, but it does not make me happy. 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Have a great day!", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-06-10T15:48:26Z", "updated_at": "2020-06-10T15:48:26Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "95c666d9f890afcc840e98fa3bd428f1c67ec7c2", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-06-10T15:48:26Z", "username": "backgroundcolour", "user_id": "34485484", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@5e45c434a0434049b2556ce03307b98e", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Introduction"}, {"id": "5ecd1a1bcd56ad08f69f68f9", "title": "Maximum score!", "body": "I got a 7, and it must be because the company I work for has a lot of qualities, and also my colleagues. I'm working for them since March, it isn't a long period, but I already feel that I belong there. I was really well recieved. Because of that, I'm glad to say I'm HAPPY!", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-05-26T13:31:07Z", "updated_at": "2020-06-03T14:18:42Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "57df2c6ff1f84f510ef8c60769d9ca7c5c6c1735", "comments_count": 1, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 1, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-06-03T14:18:42Z", "username": "stapenhorstm", "user_id": "29413633", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@d455e9134d0b4d148a275f6690388c6c", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Job Satisfaction"}, {"id": "5ebfdd2ceac4b40829a13dc2", "title": "I've found my calling!", "body": "QUESTION: Did your score make sense to you? 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Please take a moment to share your perspective on the practices that you have tried thus far: Three Funny Things at Work and Mindfulness at Work. 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Where are you from, what do you do, and what do you think makes you more, or less, happy at work?", "at_position_list": [], "closed": false, "commentable_id": "95c666d9f890afcc840e98fa3bd428f1c67ec7c2", "comments_count": 2159, "last_activity_at": "2020-10-14T15:31:59Z", "type": "thread", "updated_at": "2020-10-14T15:31:59Z", "title": "Now Introduce Yourself!", "user_id": "3201225", "anonymous_to_peers": false, "created_at": "2019-12-20T23:23:31Z", "anonymous": false, "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "endorsed": false, "unread_comments_count": 2159, "read": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@5e45c434a0434049b2556ce03307b98e", "context": "course"}, {"id": "5dfd5b4b7febe5094600216d", "pinned": true, "username": "jslindsey", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Reflect on Happiness at Work", "votes": {"count": 6, "point": 6, "up_count": 6, "down_count": 0}, "body": "Now that you've responded to the Happiness at Work scale questions, seen your score, and explored how it compares to scores from others in this course, what do you think? 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Why or why not?", "at_position_list": [], "closed": false, "commentable_id": "57df2c6ff1f84f510ef8c60769d9ca7c5c6c1735", "comments_count": 1065, "last_activity_at": "2020-10-14T09:50:36Z", "type": "thread", "updated_at": "2020-10-14T09:50:36Z", "title": "Job Satisfaction", "user_id": "3201225", "anonymous_to_peers": false, "created_at": "2019-12-20T23:28:45Z", "anonymous": false, "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "endorsed": false, "unread_comments_count": 1065, "read": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@d455e9134d0b4d148a275f6690388c6c", "context": "course"}, {"id": "5e0e78c795b0620956002e7c", "pinned": true, "username": "jslindsey", "courseware_title": "Module 2 / Resilience at Work", "votes": {"count": 2, "point": 2, "up_count": 2, "down_count": 0}, "body": "Now that you've learned a little bit about Resilience at Work, seen your own Resilience at Work score, and explored how it compares to scores from others in this course, what do you think? Did your score make sense to you? Does Resilience feel like it taps into something that contributes to being happy at work? 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And you what do you think?\nMy experience in trying to improve employees satisfaction tell me that Engagement is the most important factor, but maybe it's not a good reflect.", "at_position_list": [], "closed": false, "commentable_id": "dc73d76baa72fce060662559d49f616b85998d26", "comments_count": 2, "last_activity_at": "2020-05-06T18:04:50Z", "type": "thread", "updated_at": "2020-05-06T18:04:50Z", "title": "I think that Engagement is the most important factor of happiness at work within the P.E.R.K. model. And you what do you think?", "user_id": "27618806", "anonymous_to_peers": false, "created_at": "2020-03-14T03:20:33Z", "anonymous": false, "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "endorsed": false, "unread_comments_count": 2, "read": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "question", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@b0d0d2aaab3d43bcb085d46c6603c1de", "context": "course"}, {"id": "5f4e3d10d1eb0c0a90a6d38a", "pinned": false, "username": "CareKen", "votes": {"count": 0, "point": 0, "up_count": 0, "down_count": 0}, "body": "I feel like at the times that I have felt the most pride or passion about my work - that is when I have felt like this was my calling. I am wondering if that is the same thing? I welcome others' thoughts. 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Theory & practical on ground are different from each other.", "at_position_list": [], "closed": false, "commentable_id": "d0d8328908f8b75289b677671847d4fa1046cc05", "comments_count": 1, "last_activity_at": "2020-05-12T22:11:10Z", "type": "thread", "updated_at": "2020-05-12T22:11:10Z", "title": "Unhappy People", "user_id": "28695693", "anonymous_to_peers": false, "created_at": "2020-05-11T15:27:27Z", "anonymous": false, "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "endorsed": false, "unread_comments_count": 1, "read": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "question", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@6048afc6750b48e5854199b847cf2aab", "context": "course"}, {"id": "5ea752cd3b7901080e0a9c75", "pinned": false, "courseware_title": "Module 2 / Three Funny Things and Mindfulness", "votes": {"count": 0, "point": 0, "up_count": 0, "down_count": 0}, "body": "How to help a friend where the employers make funny jokes and the jokes are about you. Making racist slur is jokes for the day. Gossiping about one another. Yelled at you like your dad. Curse all the time except in front of strangers and make passing remarks on colleagues or when a female passes by. Clang at work place. Now, he is depressed, thinking every human being out there are like that and not feeling confident going back to work because of such environment. I asked around realizing that there are quite a few out there feel the same way about their work environment and some quit their jobs but others just tolerate their colleagues behavior in order to keep the job. Sadly to say, you found out that your HR is the same. 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If employees feel happy and motivated, you will see that of the productivity. In other hand, an employee with no motivation will no sum to the team work.", "at_position_list": [], "closed": false, "commentable_id": "355d02c967150d407efd769d083acc3ccdd78ba3", "comments_count": 0, "last_activity_at": "2020-09-29T03:02:12Z", "type": "thread", "updated_at": "2020-09-29T03:02:12Z", "title": "Happy employee = better productivity", "user_id": "37295455", "anonymous_to_peers": false, "created_at": "2020-09-29T03:02:12Z", "anonymous": false, "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "endorsed": false, "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "question", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@323d4556f2874d5b822044e02d3066df", "context": "course"}], "num_pages": 2, "corrected_text": null, "annotated_content_info": {"5eb96edfeac4b4087aa11303": {"voted": "", "ability": {"can_openclose": false, "can_delete": false, "can_vote": true, "can_reply": true, "editable": false, "can_report": true}, "subscribed": false}, "5ea752cd3b7901080e0a9c75": {"voted": "", "ability": {"can_openclose": false, "can_delete": false, "can_vote": true, "can_reply": true, "editable": false, "can_report": true}, "subscribed": false}, "5e6c456511186e0970ee2963": {"voted": "", "ability": {"can_openclose": false, "can_delete": false, "can_vote": true, "can_reply": true, "editable": false, "can_report": true}, "subscribed": false}, "5f370e82d1eb0c0ab4a6b79b": {"voted": "", "ability": {"can_openclose": false, "can_delete": false, "can_vote": true, "can_reply": true, "editable": false, "can_report": true}, "subscribed": false}, "5e6c4d8111186e0985ee298b": {"voted": "", "ability": {"can_openclose": false, "can_delete": false, "can_vote": true, "can_reply": true, "editable": false, "can_report": true}, "subscribed": false}, "5f4e3d10d1eb0c0a90a6d38a": {"voted": "", "ability": {"can_openclose": false, "can_delete": false, "can_vote": true, "can_reply": true, "editable": false, "can_report": true}, "subscribed": false}, "5f72a3b426ea960a5bfdd737": {"voted": "", "ability": {"can_openclose": false, "can_delete": false, "can_vote": true, "can_reply": true, "editable": false, "can_report": true}, "subscribed": false}}, "page": 1}
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Where are you from, what do you do, and what do you think makes you more, or less, happy at work?", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 25, "up_count": 25, "down_count": 0, "point": 25}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2019-12-20T23:23:31Z", "updated_at": "2020-10-15T17:14:35Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "95c666d9f890afcc840e98fa3bd428f1c67ec7c2", "comments_count": 2167, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 26, "read": false, "pinned": true, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-15T17:14:35Z", "username": "EmilianaST", "user_id": "3201225", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@5e45c434a0434049b2556ce03307b98e", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Introduction"}, {"id": "5dfd5b4b7febe5094600216d", "title": "Happiness at Work", "body": "Now that you've responded to the Happiness at Work scale questions, seen your score, and explored how it compares to scores from others in this course, what do you think? Did your score make sense to you? Does the Happiness at Work scale feel like it taps into or captures what it means to be happy at work? Why or why not? 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Generally I feel my work calling and I get enough self-satisfaction:\nOur lives speak through our actions and reactions, our intuitions and instincts, our feelings and bodily states, perhaps more profoundly than through words. If we can learn to read our own responses, we'll receive the guidance we need to live more authentic lives. The soul speaks only under quiet, inviting, and safe conditions. If we take some time to sit silently listening, the soul will tell us the truth about ourselves\u2014the full, messy truth. An often ignored dimension of the quest for wholeness is the need to embrace what we dislike about ourselves as well as what we're proud of, our liabilities as well as our strengths.\n", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 2, "up_count": 2, "down_count": 0, "point": 2}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-06-09T20:54:05Z", "updated_at": "2020-06-20T20:33:37Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "340e4fcc6528f9ce1eb891360ac2f4c94a91bf6d", "comments_count": 2, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 2, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-06-20T20:33:37Z", "username": "galaleldien", "user_id": "28039082", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@a560fa81d8584ee0afe60f16fe8a879d", "courseware_title": "Module 2 / Work as Calling"}, {"id": "5e95ac08cd56ad09179eb78d", "title": "Mabuhay!", "body": "I'm Engr. Ragos from Philippines, It's my pleasure to be your classmate here.\nI decided to take this 2nd course for I know that it can help me a lot, especially during work. I also wanted to learn and watch lessons while I am on the bus going at my work field also not to make myself bore at the bus.\nI also wanted to help myself using english because it's my weakness . Hehe mabuhay.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 2, "up_count": 2, "down_count": 0, "point": 2}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-04-14T12:26:48Z", "updated_at": "2020-04-29T00:55:59Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "95c666d9f890afcc840e98fa3bd428f1c67ec7c2", "comments_count": 4, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 4, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-04-29T00:55:59Z", "username": "Jhonel_Ragos", "user_id": "29287666", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@5e45c434a0434049b2556ce03307b98e", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Introduction"}], "annotated_content_info": {"5dfd57f3c76277093f0031cc": {"voted": "", "subscribed": false, "ability": {"editable": false, "can_reply": true, 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to be here!", "body": "Hello everyone, my name is Shelby. I work in an project management role for a large construction company in Canada. I'm looking forward to pursuing a greater sense of fulfilment and happiness within an industry that I find so exciting.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-10-03T23:05:13Z", "updated_at": "2020-10-03T23:05:13Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "95c666d9f890afcc840e98fa3bd428f1c67ec7c2", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-03T23:05:13Z", "username": "sbarnstable", "user_id": "37374050", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@5e45c434a0434049b2556ce03307b98e", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Introduction"}, {"id": "5f72a3b426ea960a5bfdd737", "title": "Happy employee = better productivity", "body": "Yes, my score makes sense. If employees feel happy and motivated, you will see that of the productivity. In other hand, an employee with no motivation will no sum to the team work.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-09-29T03:02:12Z", "updated_at": "2020-09-29T03:02:12Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "355d02c967150d407efd769d083acc3ccdd78ba3", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "question", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-09-29T03:02:12Z", "username": "ilianatovar22", "user_id": "37295455", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@323d4556f2874d5b822044e02d3066df", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Reflect on Happiness at Work"}, {"id": "5f6e0ac4d1eb0c0ac3a6f036", "title": "Presentation", "body": "hi i'm carlo, i work as a chef in singapore, the days are long and often tiring, but this is the job... i have always wondered if i have to be hard in my job, or i need to be kinder ... i want to take this course to improve different aspects that unfortunately ruin the world of catering, make the days more positive and happier", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-09-25T15:20:36Z", "updated_at": "2020-09-25T15:20:36Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "95c666d9f890afcc840e98fa3bd428f1c67ec7c2", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-09-25T15:20:36Z", "username": "castellini1981", "user_id": "35801539", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@5e45c434a0434049b2556ce03307b98e", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Introduction"}, {"id": "5f6e074626ea960a2afdcce4", "title": " 23/5000 my work inspires me", "body": "my work inspires me, gives me empowerment, gives me joy, gives me strength. I am very happy as a lawyer, having my office and I try to improve myself every day to deliver the best to my client. @Roeseladvogados is my realization.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-09-25T15:05:42Z", "updated_at": "2020-09-25T15:05:42Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "57df2c6ff1f84f510ef8c60769d9ca7c5c6c1735", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-09-25T15:05:42Z", "username": "claudianeroesel", "user_id": "28455721", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@d455e9134d0b4d148a275f6690388c6c", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Job Satisfaction"}, {"id": "5f68d16cecdbe809dd7d3cf7", "title": "Status at work", "body": "In this matter I believe that in your career people is searching for a point of growing and gaining status, what it is important always to remember is what comes with it, is more that responsibilities but keep it humble, that keep the power you gain projects in the right way and not taking the worst of you as a leader and as a person.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-09-21T16:14:36Z", "updated_at": "2020-09-21T16:14:36Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "8ef25da869c25c4e76fd1a79b8c4031fc31020dd", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-09-21T16:14:36Z", "username": "Monica_gomezd", "user_id": "35021311", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@ea770ae538524bfa9f669d7cde184ca0", "courseware_title": "Module 4 / Workplace Status"}, {"id": "5f60b948d1eb0c0a9fa6e7eb", "title": "Leadership and Workplace Happiness", "body": "Based on my experience, the quality of leadership is at the heart of having everyone walk into work happier. This intricate relationship impacts most, if not all, aspects of your work life. This will set the precedent of not just your happiness, but your performance and your future where you work.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-09-15T12:53:29Z", "updated_at": "2020-10-12T13:50:24Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "0e9c59023d68b1d916694efd9722dce36a63abea", "comments_count": 4, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 4, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-12T13:50:24Z", "username": "Zarah_Edralin", "user_id": "36534362", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@c815f08e61634cfc92004758440ef42e", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Why Happiness at Work?"}, {"id": "5f4f9451d1eb0c0a90a6d548", "title": "Job Satisfaction", "body": "I am very happy in my job so I expected the satisfaction score I received. Being able to feel satisfied with you overall job, coworkers, and participation within the organization can directly relate to the overall happiness one feels at work. When you don't feel that your contributions are important this could lower the satisfaction you feel about your position and therefore lower your feelings of happiness at work. I realize that every job is different, smaller companies can allow for more freedom and participation, but no matter what your role and the size of the company you work for there are lots of ways to showcase your knowledge and bring more happiness into the workplace. \nI am also a very strong believer in if your work doesn't make you happy and satisfied you should move on and find the job that you will actually be happy working in. We spend so much of our lives 'at work' that it doesn't make sense to waste this time being unhappy.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-09-02T12:47:13Z", "updated_at": "2020-09-05T07:29:01Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "57df2c6ff1f84f510ef8c60769d9ca7c5c6c1735", "comments_count": 1, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 1, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-09-05T07:29:01Z", "username": "NicoleSpinks14", "user_id": "14121936", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@d455e9134d0b4d148a275f6690388c6c", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Job Satisfaction"}, {"id": "5f317600cd56ad090e9ffa2e", "title": "Happiness Scale ", "body": "I scored average on the happiness at work scale, which mirrored my own perception. I've not reached a threshold where my (un)happiness is tainting other facets of my life and I need to leave the organization, but I am definitely cognizant that my work is a source of lower happiness than the other key facets of my life and have made allowances for that. While the scale may be good at determining how happy I am, I would also like to understand which PERK aspects are really contributing to my score. Maybe that will come later in the course...:)", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": true, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-08-10T16:29:52Z", "updated_at": "2020-08-28T15:27:27Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "355d02c967150d407efd769d083acc3ccdd78ba3", "comments_count": 1, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 1, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-08-28T15:27:27Z", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@323d4556f2874d5b822044e02d3066df", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Reflect on Happiness at Work"}, {"id": "5f13fd72cd56ad090e9fd4b0", "title": "CHO from Hong Kong", "body": "hi i am Amen Lee from Hong Kong and promoting Chief Happiness Officer program here", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-07-19T07:59:46Z", "updated_at": "2020-09-12T18:33:41Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "95c666d9f890afcc840e98fa3bd428f1c67ec7c2", "comments_count": 4, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 4, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-09-12T18:33:41Z", "username": "Amenlee", "user_id": "20183792", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@5e45c434a0434049b2556ce03307b98e", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Introduction"}, {"id": "5efc340aeac4b40835a15555", "title": "Being happy at work in Corona times", "body": "Are your scores in Corona times different than usual? ", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-07-01T06:58:18Z", "updated_at": "2020-07-10T07:03:59Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "355d02c967150d407efd769d083acc3ccdd78ba3", "comments_count": 3, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 3, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-07-10T07:03:59Z", "username": "gam18696", "user_id": "23147523", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@323d4556f2874d5b822044e02d3066df", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Reflect on Happiness at Work"}, {"id": "5ef2576fcd56ad09179fae06", "title": "Barista/ Carryout- Covid19 became a weird and slightly morbid opportunity", "body": "So, I work at a restaurant, and specifically at the barista/carryout counter there, or at least this is what compromises most of my shifts (definitely the preferred ones). I definitely don't feel like I'm contributing anything meaningful to my community, and to be frank, there's a lot of things about our work that feels like if anything, it would be more harmful to our community than anything, because of wage issues and managers really not having an understanding of where our employees are coming from- both mentally and physically, as well as in our interactions with guests. I'm sure this is the case in most places, as it has been at every restaurant I've worked at thus far, but we really are expected to bend over backwards for our guests. This is a restaurant in the city's most central shopping district: on Chicago's Magnificent Mile, and when someone walks in with Gucci bags expecting something from us, it really doesn't matter what it is, the company wants them to spend their money there. It makes for a very dystopian feeling experience when you go from working a shift interacting with probably some of the most moneyed people in your city, serving them, and you walk out after closing (sometimes as late as 4 am), the life you see being lived on the streets is so vastly different, and when you're leaving downtown at 4 am, you're either getting an Uber before you even look at the price, or if you saw the price, you got your sad self on the train, and if you work the morning shift the next day, you wonder what would really happen if you just slept in the breakroom. I don't hate my job by a longshot, I love it, when we're not overwhelmed by hours and double shifts. Frankly, I don't think it matters how much you like your job: if you get scheduled to work 60 hour weeks for long enough, it will stop being fun.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-06-23T19:26:39Z", "updated_at": "2020-06-23T19:26:39Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "355d02c967150d407efd769d083acc3ccdd78ba3", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-06-23T19:26:39Z", "username": "Rdyke", "user_id": "19518141", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@323d4556f2874d5b822044e02d3066df", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Reflect on Happiness at Work"}, {"id": "5eeefdf9eac4b40877a1d705", "title": "4.5", "body": "I am the kind of person who is happy with whatever I do, in the moment. However, on reflection, I am not really happy with my work. I felt that I did not contribute anything to mankind. Working for or doing business with big corporations is hideous. So, I am not satisfied with myself and my job.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-06-21T06:28:09Z", "updated_at": "2020-06-21T06:28:09Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "355d02c967150d407efd769d083acc3ccdd78ba3", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-06-21T06:28:09Z", "username": "maiwah", "user_id": "17392442", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@323d4556f2874d5b822044e02d3066df", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Reflect on Happiness at Work"}, {"id": "5ee50cff3b790108300b477f", "title": "G'day", "body": "Hello all, I'm Henry and I work with a government agency. I'm a strong believer in having a happy workforce, and approach this course looking for new insights on how to make this a continuous reality.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-06-13T17:29:35Z", "updated_at": "2020-06-13T17:29:35Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "95c666d9f890afcc840e98fa3bd428f1c67ec7c2", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-06-13T17:29:35Z", "username": "MRuba", "user_id": "13476919", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@5e45c434a0434049b2556ce03307b98e", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Introduction"}, {"id": "5ee40aafeac4b40832a15302", "title": "Satisfaction and happiness", "body": "I find the work I do satisfying to the extent that I am good at it, but it does not make me happy. I am really looking forward to discovering more about being happy with my work.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-06-12T23:07:27Z", "updated_at": "2020-06-26T14:46:56Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "57df2c6ff1f84f510ef8c60769d9ca7c5c6c1735", "comments_count": 1, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 1, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-06-26T14:46:56Z", "username": "backgroundcolour", "user_id": "34485484", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@d455e9134d0b4d148a275f6690388c6c", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Job Satisfaction"}, {"id": "5ee11c453b790108490b5b3e", "title": "Hello!", "body": "I'm a phone banker. 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I'm hoping I will be able to implement what I learn here to my job and actually make changes.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": true, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-06-10T17:45:41Z", "updated_at": "2020-06-10T17:45:41Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "95c666d9f890afcc840e98fa3bd428f1c67ec7c2", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-06-10T17:45:41Z", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@5e45c434a0434049b2556ce03307b98e", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Introduction"}, {"id": "5ee100ca3b7901080e0b3819", "title": "Contractor looking to change careers", "body": "Hi classmates, my name is Michelle and I'm so thankful for this course. I have worked with the expectation that work is intrinsically unhappy for everyone, and I'm glad to have solid teaching that will help me move forward in delightful, optimistic, evidence-based ways. Have a great day!", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-06-10T15:48:26Z", "updated_at": "2020-06-10T15:48:26Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "95c666d9f890afcc840e98fa3bd428f1c67ec7c2", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-06-10T15:48:26Z", "username": "backgroundcolour", "user_id": "34485484", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@5e45c434a0434049b2556ce03307b98e", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Introduction"}, {"id": "5ecd1a1bcd56ad08f69f68f9", "title": "Maximum score!", "body": "I got a 7, and it must be because the company I work for has a lot of qualities, and also my colleagues. I'm working for them since March, it isn't a long period, but I already feel that I belong there. I was really well recieved. Because of that, I'm glad to say I'm HAPPY!", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-05-26T13:31:07Z", "updated_at": "2020-06-03T14:18:42Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "57df2c6ff1f84f510ef8c60769d9ca7c5c6c1735", "comments_count": 1, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 1, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-06-03T14:18:42Z", "username": "stapenhorstm", "user_id": "29413633", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@d455e9134d0b4d148a275f6690388c6c", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Job Satisfaction"}, {"id": "5ebfdd2ceac4b40829a13dc2", "title": "I've found my calling!", "body": "QUESTION: Did your score make sense to you? Does having \"a calling\" at work feel like it taps into something that contributes to being happy at work? Why or why not?\n\nANSWER: My score (5/5) definitely made sense to me. I've always had a calling to help people and I've been able to do so in various ways in numerous jobs. I think the fact that I have found my 'calling' is one of the reasons I love my job. Of course it contributes to being happy at work. I'm doing something that I've always wanted to do and I'm enjoy doing it!", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-05-16T12:31:40Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-16T12:31:40Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "340e4fcc6528f9ce1eb891360ac2f4c94a91bf6d", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-05-16T12:31:40Z", "username": "JHodgson86", "user_id": "27186847", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@a560fa81d8584ee0afe60f16fe8a879d", "courseware_title": "Module 2 / Work as Calling"}, {"id": "5ebd1208cd56ad091a9f395a", "title": "Even naturally resilient people need techniques", "body": "Sometimes factors outside your control can conspire to make life hard at home or at work. In these situations even someone who is naturally optimistic might need to have a few techniques up their sleeve to bring their emotions back to equilibrium. In fact, a person who usually doesn't have to work at seeing solutions to life's problems can find themselves stuck when their natural ability fails them.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-05-14T09:40:24Z", "updated_at": "2020-07-04T11:24:09Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "1d42261c80fb3ec2fc914bab8e05d3ac252020dd", "comments_count": 2, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 2, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-07-04T11:24:09Z", "username": "OrnaOH", "user_id": "31467098", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@e4887781f03c48f1b38dd3aaa6fd0ade", "courseware_title": "Module 2 / Resilience at Work"}, {"id": "5ebc0800eac4b40838a1584b", "title": "Resilience ", "body": "I feel resilient at work. 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recognition and thanks are an everyday occurrence at my work and a big part of our celebrations throughout the year. It makes sense that this contributes to happiness at work because it relates to having purpose at work and making connections with coworkers.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-05-13T03:09:26Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-13T03:09:26Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "ce0368c540fff748f0fbd40ef99814dd2c1538a5", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-05-13T03:09:26Z", "username": "LBlanshan", "user_id": "32366620", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@e260f18017bd4c70aeb361737a963361", "courseware_title": "Module 3 / Gratitude at Work"}, {"id": "5eb9ed55cd56ad08f69f3824", "title": "Calling", "body": "I like this course. I didn't know that there's was a difference between meaning at work and meaningful work. I was trying to find meaning by my permormance at work. Now, I understand why I am not very satisfied or I get bored while working. I need to think of how I want to contribute to the world, find my calling, and find a better job.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": true, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-05-12T00:27:01Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-12T00:27:01Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "340e4fcc6528f9ce1eb891360ac2f4c94a91bf6d", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-05-12T00:27:01Z", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@a560fa81d8584ee0afe60f16fe8a879d", "courseware_title": "Module 2 / Work as Calling"}, {"id": "5eb670563b790108190aa841", "title": "work calling score", "body": "my work calling score is 5 and it makes sense as im interested in my job. and is related to my field also.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-05-09T08:56:54Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-09T08:56:54Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "340e4fcc6528f9ce1eb891360ac2f4c94a91bf6d", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-05-09T08:56:54Z", "username": "Sana-Alvi2", "user_id": "33038277", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@a560fa81d8584ee0afe60f16fe8a879d", "courseware_title": "Module 2 / Work as Calling"}, {"id": "5eb5bf14cd56ad09329f56a8", "title": "My Calling?", "body": "After looking at my own Work Calling score, and explored how it compares to scores from others in this course, I think it makes sense. My job isn't something I've ever looked at as a calling. I think I would feel far happier at work if I did feel that it was my calling. 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Did your score make sense to you? Does the Happiness at Work scale feel like it taps into or captures what it means to be happy at work? Why or why not? \n\nANSWER = My score definitely made sense to me because I am quite happy at work at the moment. No, I do not believe that the Happiness at Work scale taped into or captured what it means to be happy at work. The questions were too vague. There are a lot of factors that can contribute to happiness at work and having more specific questions would allow respondents to TRULY narrow in on what makes them happy (or not).", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-05-06T03:28:26Z", "updated_at": "2020-06-03T14:33:54Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "355d02c967150d407efd769d083acc3ccdd78ba3", "comments_count": 1, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 1, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-06-03T14:33:54Z", "username": "JHodgson86", "user_id": "27186847", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@323d4556f2874d5b822044e02d3066df", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Reflect on Happiness at Work"}, {"id": "5ea064cd3b790108490a8ddc", "title": "job, career, or calling", "body": "my current work situation is just a job. i feel like my calling is as an educator. i have coached youth sports in the past and i loved it. going to practice was always the brightest part of my day. my current job has an educational aspect to it, but it is mostly customer service. 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It should not be a strategy to get people to like us or to think that we are awesome. Kindness should be a spontaneous reaction in all our interactions, expecting nothing in return.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-04-20T10:29:00Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-15T17:34:26Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "course", "comments_count": 1, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 1, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-05-15T17:34:26Z", "username": "Meenakshi82", "user_id": "27875934"}, {"id": "5e9d3f38cd56ad08f69ed4df", "title": "Calling", "body": "If I'm being honest, I'm not sure what my calling is at work. A lot of this could be attributed to my second guessing of myself a lot. I feel like when a person knows their calling at work, it does contribute to their happiness at work because they know that what they do matters. ", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-04-20T06:20:40Z", "updated_at": "2020-04-28T13:11:04Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "340e4fcc6528f9ce1eb891360ac2f4c94a91bf6d", "comments_count": 2, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 2, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-04-28T13:11:04Z", "username": "AshleighRG101", "user_id": "7283029", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@a560fa81d8584ee0afe60f16fe8a879d", "courseware_title": "Module 2 / Work as Calling"}, {"id": "5e948e06cd56ad091a9eaf53", "title": "satisfaction at work", "body": "Circumstances at work at different times would impact answers to these questions. Overall impact would be influenced by the current state at work. Glad to see a sizeable majority in my satisfaction level at work.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-04-13T16:06:30Z", "updated_at": "2020-04-18T11:28:43Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "57df2c6ff1f84f510ef8c60769d9ca7c5c6c1735", "comments_count": 1, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 1, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-04-18T11:28:43Z", "username": "RachitRoshyan", "user_id": "28644225", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@d455e9134d0b4d148a275f6690388c6c", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Job Satisfaction"}, {"id": "5e8ddc493b790108550a4262", "title": "Happiness at work ", "body": "Yes happiness at work scale is helpful as it shows you where currently you stand and how happy you are with your work. However it also helps you to self analyse the situation and find out ways where you can be happier.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-04-08T14:14:33Z", "updated_at": "2020-06-18T12:20:05Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "355d02c967150d407efd769d083acc3ccdd78ba3", "comments_count": 2, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 2, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-06-18T12:20:05Z", "username": "idevani_98", "user_id": "28508853", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@323d4556f2874d5b822044e02d3066df", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Reflect on Happiness at Work"}, {"id": "5e89e866cd56ad090b9e9a8a", "title": "More than 50% answered above average which is funny", "body": "Most people, based on the previous survey feel that they are happier than others. So that should make most of us feel lucky, no? But also, makes it seem like;\n\na) people who are already happier at work are inclined to take this course\nb) we aren't very good at gauging our/vs others happiness", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 1, "up_count": 1, "down_count": 0, "point": 1}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-04-05T14:17:10Z", "updated_at": "2020-04-28T08:07:39Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "355d02c967150d407efd769d083acc3ccdd78ba3", "comments_count": 7, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 7, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-04-28T08:07:39Z", "username": "RebeccaGZ", "user_id": "24656641", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@323d4556f2874d5b822044e02d3066df", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Reflect on Happiness at Work"}, {"id": "5f88511fecdbe809c27d5693", "title": "Job satisfaction and happiness ", "body": "Am quite happy with my score. In most cases we become what we choose to be, that aplies even at work place, irrespective of the challenges I still find a room for my happiness because it matters otherwise I wouldn't be able to work ", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 0, "up_count": 0, "down_count": 0, "point": 0}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-10-15T13:39:43Z", "updated_at": "2020-10-15T13:39:43Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "57df2c6ff1f84f510ef8c60769d9ca7c5c6c1735", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-15T13:39:43Z", "username": "Tumi_22", "user_id": "26790746", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@d455e9134d0b4d148a275f6690388c6c", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Job Satisfaction"}, {"id": "5f881d28d1eb0c0acca70cd5", "title": "Simple Introductione", "body": "I have already posted my presentation in the discussion. Anyway I'am Paul from Italy. I work in an Informatic Industry and I am happy in find and implement new solution. ", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 0, "up_count": 0, "down_count": 0, "point": 0}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-10-15T09:58:00Z", "updated_at": "2020-10-15T09:58:00Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "95c666d9f890afcc840e98fa3bd428f1c67ec7c2", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-15T09:58:00Z", "username": "Peccher", "user_id": "381763", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@5e45c434a0434049b2556ce03307b98e", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Introduction"}, {"id": "5f881bbe26ea960a2efde3ec", "title": "My simple presenttion", "body": "High I'am Paul from Italy. I work in an Informatic Industry and I am happy in find and implement new solution.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 0, "up_count": 0, "down_count": 0, "point": 0}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-10-15T09:51:58Z", "updated_at": "2020-10-15T09:51:58Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "95c666d9f890afcc840e98fa3bd428f1c67ec7c2", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-15T09:51:58Z", "username": "Peccher", "user_id": "381763", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@5e45c434a0434049b2556ce03307b98e", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Introduction"}, {"id": "5f87dce8ecdbe809e37d59ec", "title": "Introduction", "body": "Hii everyone my name is virender singh,i am from India,I am a Ex cabain crew qith qatar airways,i am very excited for the course because inhave exprience ,actually i saw people who are working are actually not happy,the hace something to tell, they want someone to listen them..so from this course i will learn something new and then i can help myself and people around me at work or any phase of my life.\n", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 0, "up_count": 0, "down_count": 0, "point": 0}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-10-15T05:23:52Z", "updated_at": "2020-10-15T05:24:11Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "95c666d9f890afcc840e98fa3bd428f1c67ec7c2", "comments_count": 1, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 1, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-15T05:24:11Z", "username": "virasingh45", "user_id": "15296613", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@5e45c434a0434049b2556ce03307b98e", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Introduction"}, {"id": "5f8785ff26ea960a2efde386", "title": "Why I'm not happy at work...right now", "body": "I am a retail operations manager and am not at all passionate about what I do for a living. My driving force has been my ability to positively affect the lives of the people I'm responsible for \"managing\". Seeing others grow into more effective workers, leaders, and providers is the most rewarding workplace achievement. My score is admittedly skewed by recent developments which have lead me to accept an immediate transfer from my home location of 10 yrs.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 0, "up_count": 0, "down_count": 0, "point": 0}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-10-14T23:13:03Z", "updated_at": "2020-10-14T23:13:03Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "course", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-14T23:13:03Z", "username": "pwaltersjr", "user_id": "37546148"}, {"id": "5f87821fecdbe80a0a7d54a1", "title": "Job satisfaction", "body": "I scored extremely low on the survey but due in large to recent negative events at work, this was expected and accurately reflects my current state. But as I write this, I realize that these same events were the motivation to enroll in this course and will ideally lead to identifing the root causes of the workplace dissatisfaction.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 0, "up_count": 0, "down_count": 0, "point": 0}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-10-14T22:56:31Z", "updated_at": "2020-10-14T22:56:31Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "course", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-14T22:56:31Z", "username": "pwaltersjr", "user_id": "37546148"}, {"id": "5f86a6a326ea960a69fde560", "title": "Emotion and happiness at work", "body": "The score makes sense to me because I enjoy what I am doing. Even though I am not highly paid, I have a chance to learn new things from trainings at work. I have sort of freedom to use my creativity on daily basis. So, that makes me feel positive to my job. That's why I am kind of happy at work.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 0, "up_count": 0, "down_count": 0, "point": 0}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-10-14T07:20:03Z", "updated_at": "2020-10-14T07:20:03Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "5ffba78a51bf08c25d9d1bbbdeed779b4b863019", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-14T07:20:03Z", "username": "amyaungkyaw", "user_id": "10795343", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@510e2ba6dfa24df6a7e078b8d4556d05", "courseware_title": "Module 2 / Emotions at Work"}, {"id": "5f8665b9d1eb0c0ac9a706b8", "title": "Hello!", "body": "My name is Juana Rodriguez. I'm from Kansas USA. I'm very interested in taking this course to help myself and my coworkers have an even better work environment.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 0, "up_count": 0, "down_count": 0, "point": 0}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-10-14T02:43:05Z", "updated_at": "2020-10-14T02:43:05Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "95c666d9f890afcc840e98fa3bd428f1c67ec7c2", "comments_count": 0, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 0, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-14T02:43:05Z", "username": "infanteb26", "user_id": "37566468", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@5e45c434a0434049b2556ce03307b98e", "courseware_title": "Module 1 / Introduction"}], "annotated_content_info": 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Please take a moment to share your perspective on the practices that you have tried thus far: Three Funny Things at Work and Mindfulness at Work. ", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 2, "up_count": 2, "down_count": 0, "point": 2}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-01-02T23:18:14Z", "updated_at": "2020-10-15T18:31:42Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "3ae05b0b53adee97d5facd441a22ae83a080e44a", "comments_count": 215, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 215, "read": false, "pinned": true, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "discussion", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-10-15T18:31:42Z", "username": "jslindsey", "user_id": "18243589", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@1c3779cb201642b982facc478379d5c1", "courseware_title": "Module 2 / Three Funny Things and Mindfulness"}, {"id": "5dfd6e9695b062091a002926", "title": "Work Calling", "body": "Now that you've learned a little bit about the idea that your work can be \"a calling,\" seen your own Work Calling score, and explored how it compares to scores from others in this course, what do you think? Did your score make sense to you? Does having \"a calling\" at work feel like it taps into something that contributes to being happy at work? 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Did your score make sense to you? Does Resilience feel like it taps into something that contributes to being happy at work? 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Did either feel like it could be a good fit for you or your workplace? How could you imagine implementing the practices collectively, and what might change if you did?", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 0, "up_count": 0, "down_count": 0, "point": 0}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-05-12T18:35:57Z", "updated_at": "2020-06-26T02:42:33Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "c61a6c86d09680e569e228bf1f0ba77bfa8158d4", "comments_count": 32, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 32, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "question", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-06-26T02:42:33Z", "username": "EmilianaST", "user_id": "3201225", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@649fae56298d4a3992f6557d62755184", "courseware_title": "Module 2 / Reminders of Connectedness and Speed Dating at Work: Leadership & Happiness"}, {"id": "5eb9da363b790108190aafba", "title": "How well do you recover from work?", "body": "The data suggests that we are more effective, efficient, and productive when we take time to recover from the stressors, pace, and focus of activities at work. 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What impact do you think it would have to allow yourself more recovery from work?", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 0, "up_count": 0, "down_count": 0, "point": 0}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-05-11T23:05:26Z", "updated_at": "2020-06-27T08:00:42Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "d15d0d4b0c89c29d019a199fd6089b4090607962", "comments_count": 31, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 31, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "question", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-06-27T08:00:42Z", "username": "EmilianaST", "user_id": "3201225", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@9900ddad28cc4581b8d7a0bdff8f0bdd", "courseware_title": "Module 2 / Recovery from Work: Leadership & Happiness"}, {"id": "5eb9c460cd56ad090b9f3c9c", "title": "Did your happiness at work score feel right?", "body": "Now that you've rated your own Happiness at Work and seen how your score compares, what do you think? 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And you what do you think?", "body": "I think that Engagement is the most important factor of happiness at work within the P.E.R.K. model. And you what do you think?\nMy experience in trying to improve employees satisfaction tell me that Engagement is the most important factor, but maybe it's not a good reflect.", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": false, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 0, "up_count": 0, "down_count": 0, "point": 0}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-03-14T03:20:33Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-06T18:04:50Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "dc73d76baa72fce060662559d49f616b85998d26", "comments_count": 2, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 2, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "question", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-05-06T18:04:50Z", "username": "Perrard", "user_id": "27618806", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@b0d0d2aaab3d43bcb085d46c6603c1de", "courseware_title": "Module 2 / Engagement at Work"}, {"id": "5f4e3d10d1eb0c0a90a6d38a", "title": "is having a passion or pride in your work the same as feeling a calling?", "body": "I feel like at the times that I have felt the most pride or passion about my work - that is when I have felt like this was my calling. I am wondering if that is the same thing? I welcome others' thoughts. 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Is there a way to change this kind of environment at work place or you just pretend to be like them to keep your job?", "course_id": "course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020", "anonymous": true, "anonymous_to_peers": false, "endorsed": false, "votes": {"count": 0, "up_count": 0, "down_count": 0, "point": 0}, "closed": false, "created_at": "2020-04-27T21:46:53Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-05T08:00:05Z", "type": "thread", "commentable_id": "3ae05b0b53adee97d5facd441a22ae83a080e44a", "comments_count": 1, "at_position_list": [], "unread_comments_count": 1, "read": false, "pinned": false, "abuse_flaggers": [], "thread_type": "question", "context": "course", "last_activity_at": "2020-05-05T08:00:05Z", "courseware_url": "/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020/jump_to/block-v1:BerkeleyX+GG201x+1T2020+type@discussion+block@1c3779cb201642b982facc478379d5c1", "courseware_title": "Module 2 / Three Funny Things and Mindfulness"}, {"id": "5e6d94c435589507d95df061", "title": "In another hand how the flow could affect personal life and work balance?", "body": "In another hand how the flow could affect personal life and work balance?\nThe could affect the relationship with other like family members or friends. 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