Notes and TODOs on the i18n workflow

Notes and TODOs on the i18n workflow

Repos notes


It needs a refactoring to remove Mako templates, extract Mustache templates.

Admin Portal MFE

May not need i18n.

Transitioning into Atlas workflow

Mar 20, 2023


LMS/CMS: XBlock merge and JavaScript i18n:

There’s a little known feature in XBlocks which makes them self-contain the i18n scripts in two ways:

  • Python translations are merged and managed via the i18n service.

  • JavaScript translations are self-contained via an object e.g. DragAndDropi18n.

Suggestion: Make Atlas manage and merge those files into the platform on build/deploy time. But atlas is written in shell, which makes it rather limited for such operations.

LMS needs to pull the following set of message:

  • All relevant LMS messages (loaded directly via Django)

  • All included XBlock set of messages (loaded via the new i18n service)

    • Brian: The constrain is to make the Developer Experience easier to update everything: make pull_translations in edX Platform works fine, that’s a

    • Sarina: Keep i18n docs in a single place except for the gotchas on the specific packages

    • Sarina: Outside the scope of this project, how to use i18n service to test Esperanto fake strings

MFEs and dependency translations

MFEs tend to have more than a set of messages for example:

  • A single MFE could have messages from:

    • paragon

    • messages from content-components-frontend-lib

    • the messages of the micro-frontend itself

Suggestion: Make Atlas manage and merge those files into the MFE on build/deploy time. But atlas is written in shell, which makes it rather limited for such operations.


Learning MFE needs the following set of messages:

  • Paragon:

    • Omar: keep translations outside paragon

  • Special exam components

  • Learning MFE