• Rough draft
  • Omar's brain hash for Integrating Atlas with Open edX repos ADR

    I’m writing this in Confluence for initial feedback and should be moved in a more accessible place later such as the OEP-58 itself or the open edx docs.

    Integrating atlas with Micro-frontends

    Micro-frontends uses multiple message sources …TBD

    Integrating Atlas with edX Platform


    Integrating Atlas with XBlocks

    XBlocks has two features to support translations one for Python, the other is for JavaScript translations.


    XBlocks uses the XBlockI18nService to manage translations. This needs to be updated to find external sources.


    XBlocks uses the standards compilejsi18n to create. This needs to be updated to find external sources.

    edX Platform automation

    The make pull_translations edX Platform Makefile command needs to support both XBlock types and compile them properly in the correct location.