2024-06-11 LTI/Learning Tool WG Meeting
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
| @Anna Aldric (Deactivated) | Expecting this to be a quick meeting. Requesting further feedback from community after presentations last week (during the WG or in the notes section below). |
Recording + Transcript
Recording (link)
Transcript (link)
LTI WG Meeting Notes: Feedback requested (please view recordings from past 2 WG meetings)
We kindly ask participants and anyone interested to watch the following two videos showcasing the prototype aimed at enhancing the administration and reuse of LTI tools. Please share your comments, questions, and feedback in the comments bellow to be addressed in our upcoming meeting.
2024-4-30 presentation: LTI Working Group (2024-04-30 10:05 GMT-4)
2024-4-16 presentation: LTI Working Group (2024-04-16 10:03 GMT-4)
You can explore the following clickable prototype: LTI Prototype
Feedback from Axim:
We will only be able to move forward on this after the OpenedX conference in mid-July.
Comments on prototype:
Would prefer for the Learning tools Center not to live under Libraries in Studio Home but under it's own new tab.
I can see expanding the tagging tools to LTI tools, but that's a future state thing. Leaving some space on the content cards for tag pills would be helpful, and we align on the same designs being used in Libraries. This doesn't need to be an immediate thing
Will want to make sure the sort and filter options align with the sort/filter experience on the new studio home
Would be curious for some input for users, is it helpful to have metadata attached to the cards that indicates which courses the tool is being used in? Again we have prior art to draw from in how the libraries content is being designed
What happens if settings are changed locally in a course? Do those settings change at the global level for that tool? Should there by messaging around that?
EduNext Response:
@Jenna Makowski
Cool we can work in that, we are going to update the las version of the prototype with that change
We can review it in mid-July when we return to this topic
Ok, we'll update that style in the prototype
In our current prototype it is already possible to see in which courses a specific LTI implementation is being used. As seen here
When a teacher implements an LTI tool previously configured by an admin, he or she is making a copy, therefore, if anything changes, these changes do not affect the original implementation. In our current prototype we already show a message explaining this to the teacher, as seen here
@Anna Aldric (Deactivated)
@Lisa Ishimaru
@Santiago Suarez
@Xavier Antoviaque (otterpilot)
Action Items (carry over)
Feedback requested