2024-07-24 Data WG Meeting Notes


July 24, 2024

Reminder: Start the recording!

Link to meeting recording


  •  @Chelsea Rathbun

  • @Jill Vogel

  • @Vladimir Susloparov

  • @Sara Burns

  • @Edward Zarecor

 Discussion topics









20 min

Open edX Conference Debrief

@Chelsea Rathbun


  •  Reserving this time to discuss any data related topics that came up during the Open edX conference

  • This agenda item is open for anyone who has data-related conference takeaways or discussion items to share them

 Meeting Notes

  • Discussed key conference takeaways:

    • People are excited about Aspects!

      • Some attendees wanted to know more about the out-of-the-box functionality offered with Aspects, so Chelsea will be recording a walkthrough of the course dashboard, individual learner dashboard, and the at-risk learner dashboard and will be sharing it with the community soon.

      • Some South African universities run their instances for students on campus and online, and are interested in tracking progress of a manually described set of users.
        Ideas to support this would be to allow Superset users to select multiple users when viewing charts, and add a “Save custom filter” feature to Superset to preserve these selections. This approach could also be used to examine data across “programs” of specific courses.

    • Jill had noted the timing of the Aspects release + conference and post-conference vacations made it difficult to troubleshoot issues for those trying to get Aspects set up on their instance - something we may all want to plan for for next year’s conference and Teak release.

    • Keep an eye out for conference recordings related to data - particularly Jill and Felipe’s Aspects talk! We can send a link in the Data WG Slack channel once the recording is available.

  • Vladimir had a great question about Aspects and permissions:

    • He was particularly interested in allowing instructors to see all Aspects dashboards and to have access to SQL Lab - this might be something we want to allow users more flexibility to configure in the future.

    • He had also mentioned being curious about what data he could make available to those with the Learner role.

  • We talked briefly about what’s next for Aspects in Sumac and Teak, this will be more clearly defined ahead of our next Data WG meeting (we can share all the details then), but for now:

    • For Sumac, we’ll be focused on:

      • Making a few minor improvements to the course-level dashboards developed for Redwood

      • Making it possible for course authors and course delivery teams (and operators) to compare key metrics across courses

      • Making informed improvements to the Operator Dashboard (some of this work may spill into Teak)

 Action items

@Chelsea Rathbun to share more detail about Sumac Aspects requirements next Data WG meeting
@Chelsea Rathbun to share Aspects demo recordings with the Data WG Slack channel as soon as they’re done
@Jill Vogel (if you do write up a blog post about your Aspects talk at the Open edX conference), to share with the Data WG Slack channel


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