Skilljar - Assessment Setup

Skilljar graded assessments are called Quizzes. Quizzes and plugin content such as SCORM packages appear to be the only graded assessment types. Quizzes are submitted as a single object - you answer each question in turn, then submit the quiz to be auto-graded.

Quizzes have the following options available to them:

  • Passing score

    • Each quiz has its own grade threshold to record a passing or failing grade for the quiz. If enabled, passing the quiz is required for completing the lesson, which is in turn required for course completion. There are effectively three modes enabled by this setting:

      1. Reach the passing grade in order to complete the lesson

      2. Complete the quiz (regardless of grade) to complete the lesson

      3. Leave blank, and the quiz is optional

  • Show Results On Failure

    • This allows staff to show or hide whether the answers the learner chose were correct after they’ve submitted the quiz and failed.

  • Max Attempts

    • How many times the learner can attempt the quiz before being locked out of further attempts.

  • Require Correct Response To Proceed

    • As Skilljar quizzes are presented question-by-question rather than through scrolling, this option effectively prevents learners from moving on to the next question before they have gotten the current answer correct.

    • Question attempts are unlimited in this mode, so it is only suitable for formative quizzes, as any learner who completes the quiz will always achieve a perfect score.

  • Randomize Order Of Questions

    • As expected, this presents the questions in the quiz in a completely random order, with no option for certain questions to be fixed in place.

  • Limit Question Count

    • This only functions when the randomised order of questions setting is true, or when the quiz is pulling questions from a question bank. It allows instructors to configure a wider pool of questions, and then limit the number of randomly selected problems that are displayed based on this setting (for example, to display 5 out of 20 available questions).

  • Randomize Order of Answers

    • Randomises the order of answer options for multiple choice and multiple answer problems. This is controlled at the quiz level, rather than the problem level.

  • Time Limit

    • Adds a time limit to the quiz to require submission before the time runs out. After the time expires, their quiz is submitted and will pass or fail based on their current grade.

  • Enable Question Level Feedback

    • Allows staff to provide feedback on each question based on whether it was correct or incorrect, revealing to the learner if their answers was correct prior to quiz submission.

Changing core settings and configuration on a running quiz causes the quiz to automatically be reset with grades removed for learners whose results are no longer compatible with the quiz, such as learners who have answered questions that no longer exist, changes to answer correctness, or case sensitivity.

Questions in the quiz interface can be dragged around to reorder them, and quizzes can pull problems directly from question banks. Certificates are earned as an automated action that is set up on course completion, so quizzes effectively do not feed back to a final grade, but act as a barrier to completion - in order to complete a quiz you must reach its passing grade, and in order to earn a certificate you must complete all content.
