[BD-19, BD-20] Meeting Notes
course-discovery deployed to prod
mostly going well. some small issues surfacing from prospectus builds
edX working to clean up the old usages of 1.5
talking to DE, we want to halt work on edx-analytics-data-api for now, because DE cannot spare the resources
try to work on this earlier in the day for edX
Hopefully one last issue will be resolved this week
If we find others, we will focus on getting RG a good dev setup to run the same tests we are
handled rebasing onto master
did some more testing on stage
some issues arose during testing
understand how to address these issues
should be handled by the next meeting
no updates at the moment
who can handle questions from DE while Stuart is out?
A: not sure, @Diana Huang will check in with DE but it’s possible that they are too understaffed at the moment.
test model that handles connection with ES
nothing has changed since last week
have not had any of Feanil’s time
one last question that needs to be addressed, having trouble replicating it
can we check the latest commit?
did a big debugging session between RG and edX
made progress on acceptance tests
tests are failing and logs will be sent to RG
waiting for edX to return feedback/logs
course-discovery had fixes added
found some new smaller issues
filtering for org field in exclude mode
fixes for this have been added
waiting for the next phase of testing
fix managed to handle other potential problems
one unresolved issue left behind
don’t have the same number of results between searches
have the database dump - trying to recreate on devstack
trying the old process of doing a debugging
blocked on Feanil’s time
asked DE about how the ES is run
run on AWS Elasticsearch
helpful if we run service tests using the OpenDistro image
cannot reproduce the issue locally, but will continue to try it
unfortunately, will need to reconfigure ES to work this way
check in with DE about what we might be able to do in terms of accelerating testing
Nikolay is back from vacation
working on resolving the outstanding issues with course-discovery
plans to do another testing session today
currently on stage - testing to happen later today
needed to handle requirements for the enterprise team(s)
add more filters to handle these cases
waiting for results
fixed Travis issues with the PR
need edX to run acceptance tests to verify that these changes are working
edx-analytics-pipeline is being worked on
Travis CI integration fixed
tests being added for integration with ES
should be ready to go
update acceptance tests to use ES7 cluster settings
talk with DE - create a thread in Slack where we can discuss the changes that may need to happen
waiting for Nikolay for course-discovery
resolving the last few issues
aiming for the first couple of weeks of December to deploy
deployed! currently no issues
just a note: cs_comments_service ES nodes are crashing periodically.
TNL team on edX is investigating why this might be happening - slow queries or similar
should we just allocate more memory to the nodes?
New PRs for course-discovery/Haystack replacement
RG hasn’t reviewed, but edX can/will do that review
Waiting on a few last issues to be resolved
Waiting for Nikolay to get back from vacation to address those issues
prepared PR to edx-analytics-pipeline
the code that was broken should now be fixed
once unit tests are green, we can ask DE/Stu to run the acceptance tests again
edX is working on testing this on stage
we’re seeing some failures indexing courses on stage. edX will be investigating this more closely and will inform RG if code changes are needed.
no blockers on course-discovery, edx-notes-api
waiting for feedback from edX
waiting for time to do the testing
when filtering ES, does not work case insensitively
differences between ES1.5 and ES7
came up with a solution to leave everything lower case
planning on doing some more testing
one issue found
getting a bad request into ES
tried to do a direct query
edX to try to do more testing and investigation into the issue
found strange error - ES library failing request to ES
need to investigate this issue
writing more tests
results need to be paginated to handle results
who should update platform side to support pagination?
RG for now
will reach out to edX if anything changes
conversation about accelerating syncing
trying to do a daily sync update. this seems to be going well.
finding new and unexpected bugs
last time, one issue with a POST request
added a fix - still a small problem
waiting to find some time to test the latest fix
found an issue on prod
couldn’t figure out why this was happening
have some tests for running against the ES instance directly
trying to test with the settings updated
found an issue in local yesterday - probably just an earlier version of edx-search being used incorrectly
RG to resolve the issue that found by the acceptance tests
all code to ES in this repo are mocked, so tests didn’t catch it
work at RG focused on bugfixing/testing/etc
course-discovery - actively working on testing and fixing bugs
results showing
Feanil prepared tests that needed to pass
500 error on some endpoints for course discovery
found one last issue on Monday - POST request issue with search all
fixes submitted this morning. we need to test to ensure these work
Talking with Robert about forums issues - trying to resolve issues that were found on prod
We can’t reproduce these issues locally - sort by vote issues that were found
This is the main issue found - can we find a way to reproduce it
Found a course, provided json to prove - can RG use this json to reproduce locally? if we need to provide staging comments data, we can probably pass it along
Seeing some issues with edx-search and edx-platform - can see if we can fix those issues with ES settings
Focused on two repos currently in deployment: cs_comments_service, course-discovery
Two other repos in progress: analytics work, mostly resolving conflicts, addressing requests
Adding tests to analytics-pipeline
RG to be on vacation on Wednesday
some progress being made
made some more updates and resolved conflicts
did some more testing against Stage data
lots of communication via Slack - managed to resolve issues
only 4 issues left - 3 of them have the same root cause
still didn’t have Stage data on RG - using raw ES queries to edX for testing
tests have been written for the new issues/cases we have so that we can try to triage
manual testing still showing issues
resolved conflicts
resolved all issues and comments
adding tests
Actively working on course-discovery
Did second round of testing on Stage - produced a list
Went through every item on the list - did a thorough evaluation of every issue
Submitted fixes and tests
Explanation on the issues posted in Slack
PR of fixes has some conflicts to resolve against edx master branch - just needs to be rebased - hoping Feanil can review new code today
Don’t need access to data for now
Resolved issues with edx-search
Added alias functionality back to cs_comments_service - responding to questions and review comments
Slack threads can be hard to respond to without context
Settings - @Diana Huang to submit PRs to update the settings against RG side
at least give an example for RG to look at
RG mainly focused on bugs handled on deployed services
course-discovery continuing work - addressed issues found on Stage
forums feedback from the TNL squad, addressing issues
edx-search and edx-platform updates and fixes based on feedback as well
progress happening here
initial testing on stage last week, found issues
working between edX and RG to resolve issues in course-discovery
more testing on stage with the fixes, some issues found. old ones not entirely fixed and new ones discovered
despite local testing with similar data, still seeing issues on stage with stage data
unsure if the data edX provided can replicate all the issues we are seeing
can we get a dump of data off of stage? - probably some PII concerns
edX to talk to DE about the security/PII concerns
planning on getting in fixes back for tomorrow
edx-notes-api is in production
with issues - had problems indexing all the notes
having some devstack problems, but ES seems be working
reopened PR against edx-platform
resolved test failures on branch
opened PR against edx-analytics-pipeline
code coverage issues - not enough code coverage of ES sections
hopefully the pipeline acceptance tests cover some of this
cs_comments_service PR being reviewed by edX
most of the issues resolved
planning on returning alias functionality to allow for swap between indexes, allowing for quick swapover
devstack issues
edx-notes-api uses the new ES7 code but still pointing at the old ES container
edX working to resolve devstack issues right now
focus on skipping notes in the devstack - high priority - @Diana Huang
last week - community asked about the devstack issues
issues with devstack and provisioning that need to get fixed
ES7 code deployed but not finished
course-discovery test was positive but some issues were raised
most of them are easily fixable, but some of them need to be discussed when Mike gets back
testing edx-platform and edx-search, PR raised some issues
can’t reproduce it locally
can see which tests are failing - exploring what the reasons for what they are
fixes for edx-search
responded to issues with edx-notes-api and edx-search questions
edx-analytics-pipeline PR is being prepared and will be ready be opened against upstream
will aim to get to edx-search and course-discovery onto stage to do some manual testing this week
more people being added to the project from the edX side, may see new names and new questions.
Updates first, then retrospective
edx-search and edx-platform changes
last week, we talked about removing the old interface
submitted updates and need to test this
forums is in testing - resolved some issues
unit test passed, but did some small manual testing
found that previously created indexes were not removed
waiting for review from edX/ @Diana Huang
working on edx-analytics-pipeline right now
What went well:
Generally - good and interesting job, an adventure
Did the best to get it done quickly and well
Good project for RG to pick up, due to familiarity with ES
Managed to handle the volume and complexity of the work well and adapted quickly
Team worked well together
Good communication channels, found solutions together
Good to look at PRs early
Good feedback loops between teams
Especially across timezones
Excellent transparency
Weekly checkins were a good cadence for discussion
Lots of tests already existed in the Open edX codebase - made it easier to ensure that functionality didn’t break in the upgrade/library change
Even if the project was larger, was able to react quickly
RG pro-actively suggesting retrospective!
What could be improved:
Underestimated the size of the project
Found a repo very far on into the project that needed to be converted as well
Always have to account for “padding” in cases where there are exceptions
When switching from Haystack to Elasticsearch-DSL, it was necessary to understand the difference between these tools and how different they are
Better documentation around the ES architecture +4
Want to take this on to improve the experience for Open edX overall
Maybe could have used more tests - better tests? +3
Didn’t have time to add tests that we saw were missing
RG wanted to do more manual testing +1 - parking lot discussion
Wanted to help with manual testing
Should be part of the project
How does this get delivered?
We did manual testing for course-discovery and will forums
Would like to test and deploy work sooner +3
Could we have done code in smaller PRs because of the changes? +1
PRs were are broken into smaller chunks - each commit
Documentation around ES architecture
Good for the decisions in the project
More comprehensive documentation
difficult to maintain
Is there a tool that could generate documentation of the ES schema?
HOWTO guides
how does this impact Koa?
these are easier to keep up to date
Put together a proposal of work for documentation for RG
timebox - maybe a few days, maybe more
can decide on what combinations of work
Manual Testing - or Testing
What concrete actions can we take?
Local testing for ES - take a look at how it works in action
Could we add more unit tests(?)
Found some unit tests were missing
Three API views without any tests
Manual testing will help us to find things immediately
Introductions for the team, welcoming Robert to the group
Close to the end
Want to have a retrospective on the project
Discuss what went well and what didn’t
Extend Sept 8 meeting for an hour
Estimate: only 1-2 weeks to discuss
Who will be doing manual testing?
edX will start doing deployment preparation
RG will do some limited manual testing
When is schema created?
All READMEs in the PRs should have instructions on creating the new schemas using management commands
cs_comments_service PR
one review comment from edX
what are we doing about DEPR?
course-discovery PR
lots of feedback from edX
still waiting for more review
may open PR against edX soon
Travis CI build is passing
Still worried about testing
Want to get this done sooner rather than later, due to recent context
Lower risk on upgrade (since not active writes in real-time)
Action Item:
Schedule a retrospective/wrap-up for second week of September - @Diana Huang
cs_comments_service PR
still under review
addressing review comments
still waiting on edX review
once we switched back to the old
LMS tests are passing with some minor changes
switching two document types to two indexes requires work in Studio
tests are passing after removal of Haystack and switching over to elasticsearch-dsl with global
multi-processor mode issues with xdist
old prefixing strategy wasn’t working with ES7/elasticsearch-dsl
found solution for handling this
do we need aliases?
yes, we want to keep this as a sanity check for our work
this feature is now in the codebase
all tests related to this are passing
connected course-discovery PR to travis
travis is now passing, lots of issues with style-checkers like pylint errors that needed to be fixed
still some style issues can be fixed
working with edx-platform, edx-search changes caused breakages in tests, will try to update edx-platform
the current plan:
switch interface back to old one, run edx-platform tests to ensure that there are no issues
once tests are passing, update edx-platform code to use new, better interface from edx-search
cs_comments_service changes are up for review internally, will be looked at by Diana
be on the look out for the PR against edx org
course-discovery - making progress
got comments/review from Mike Terry on the PR
ES7 doesn’t support some of the features that ES1 and Haystack relied on
close to getting final code review - some blockers are in the way
lots of tests in course-discovery, only 6 tests are still failing - related to index creation
do we need these tests? can we delete them now that we are changing them.
take a look at them in the pull requests
still some places where Haystack is still being used, like filters.py
will be rewritten into elasticsearch-dsl-drf
running tests for course-discovery - take 40 minutes to complete
cannot make use of xdist to run ES tests - connection fails to ES container
will take a look at the prefixing used to make this work, see if we can get it working with elasticsearch-dsl
Optimistic that we will have a course-discovery PR next week
Lots of changes needed, going to be a big, in-depth code review
About 1000 tests pass, a bunch of tests still fail
Only have edx-haystack-extensions in course-discovery left
Need to configure Travis CI
Update documentation
Still the question of testing manually
Test coverage
Three apis in search.py that are not tested via unit tests
Look at percentage of coverage
Both edx-notes-api and course-discovery will be on our end
PRs on edx-search - all tests are passing
needs review from TNL
need to be tested against edx-platform tests
Making lots of progress
Cleaning up code
PR against internal repo for review
edX internally is ramping up the process of working on upgrades and deployment
going to focus on edx-analytics-data-api
Got edx-analytics-data-api review comments from DE
Updated based on the
Working cs_comments_service
remove aliases from indexes
two schemas.
Updating tests
Lots of cleanup
Open WIP PR for course-discovery
tests passing in test_search.py, test_models.py
Moving up on ES7 as well
Good pace on course-discovery
Can take a look at the intermediate PR
Lots of legacy code that needs to be dealt with
edx-notes-api - need SRE approval and review - blocked on edX side
Only Mike was able to attend from edX side this time
BD-19 Update
Made PR, possibly done with this
comments service
Starting work here
BD-20 Update
still understanding full scope while getting some work done
getting some tests to pass
working on course run index and aggregators
working on translation layer from haystack query language to es5 (more haystack language use than we thought)
floated possibility of bumping the API version of some endpoints, to speak pure elasticsearch query language, and be able to eventually one day drop the above translation layer. May need more discussion here. Let’s wait for Diana’s feedback.
Open edX PR needs review
Action Items
Two PRs - edx-notes-api, edx-analytics-data-api need review
BD-19 Update
Review needs to happen
Request DE to also review
Rewrite search method which builds a complex query that needs to be converted
BD-20 Update
edx-notes-api - opened against edx repository
need SRE/Devops Support for anything merged
focus on course-discovery
much more complicated
lots more search
haystack uses features for ES1 that might not exist for ES7
there will be many changes to course-discovery
worried about breaking things unintentionally
what acceptance criteria can we do this testing?
manual testing
check in with website and enterprise teams about usages of course discovery
How strict around we going to be about the API interfaces for course discovery?
elasticsearch-dsl-drf doesn’t match the Haystack API
URL structure is based on Haystack assumptions, ES-dsl-drf has different URL
A: most of the cases where we have query params, this is passed through to ES backend
Can write an adapter for the differences
Planning on breaking the current index into four different indexes
Need to write ADR around the decision
Diana and Mike to review this ADR when it’s ready
Action items - Diana - get information on ES cluster sizes, review PRs in edx-notes-api
First PRs ready
Devstack changes for smoketesting
Will require some updates from someone after changes are done
BD-19 (Upgrade)
edx-analytics-data-api PR available
Resolving some remaining issues
Starting on edx-search next
BD-20 (Haystack)
Almost done with edx-notes-api
PR available
Test passes
Looking into course-discovery
Starting to do discovery on this service
Will be bigger and more involved
Action items - Diana - get information on ES cluster sizes
BD-19 (Upgrade) -
BD-20 (Haystack) -
edx-notes work
run tests on Juniper with Haystack, good 20%
updated ES to latest - runs test without replacing Haystack - almost all tests related to ES failed
working on replacing Haystack with elasticsearch-dsl, django-elasticsearch-dsl, and elasticsearch-dsl-drf
dug into migration issue - saving existing data will not be possible
Need a ES7 image in devstack
Can repurpose the ES5 image → make it into an ES7 image
Set up the teams and the project infrastructure
BD-19 (Elastic upgrade): Igor and Sergiy
Starting to create the testing infrastructure
Plan: (start with phase 3) Upgrade and fix tests as they come up
BD-20 (Haystack): Nikolay
Starting with edx-notes
Currently using Ironwood
4-part phase
Evaluation (DONE)
very different libraries
but it’s all Python code at the end of the day
Tests (DONE)
all tests are passing (pre-changes)
currently, there is 40% test coverage in one model; but 90% coverage in general
anticipating issues even within Haystack-supported versions
Migration, within the context of ES-7
PR workflow
RG will work off of their own fork
edX prefers smaller PRs
edX (Diana) is open to being tagged on RG’s fork while work is in progress so early communication happens.
edX review should not block RG PRs
Action Items