2021-01-19 Meeting notes

2021-01-19 Meeting notes


Jan 19, 2021


  • @Adam Butterworth (Deactivated) @Lael Birch (Deactivated) @Bronwyn Hawkins (Deactivated) @Adam Stankiewicz @Jeff Witt (Deactivated) @Ange Romanska (Deactivated) @Marco Morales @Sree Lenhart (Deactivated) @Stacey Messier (Deactivated) @Eugene Kang


  • Review/Accept updates to fills

  • Review/Accept Popovers and Tooltips

  • Discuss a new Help Text component

  • Review/Accept Checkboxes and radio buttons

  • Review/Accept Search field

  • Review/Accept Breadcrumbs

Discussion topics










@Eugene Kang

Re-review of fills

  • Check that we need Warning border. if so make sure it is 3:1 contrast

  • Warning icon colorN

No comments or concerns. Good as defined now.



@Bronwyn Hawkins (Deactivated)

Popovers and tooltips

Lael: how are these different from what exists?

Semantic colors are what’s new
LB: Seems like these can be a variant of the current Popover

Ange: let’s update example text to match microcopy guide (sentence case


Adam: let’s clarify color usage (dark or light)

Ange: we need the 4 positions

Jeff: onclick vs on hover? Do tooltips allow links? – No it’s only text. Jeff/Marco: Add description for usage. Popovers okay for links inside, and tooltips not. Generally you don’t put interactive things inside stuff that only opens on hover.

Ange: what about character count and wrapping. – Bronwyn: we’ll add a max width. Popovers (480), Tooltips (300). Bronwyn will add size guidelines.
AB/MM: Let it wrap even if it looks terrible, because we’re not always in control of the string

  • Discuss Help Text component



@Bronwyn Hawkins (Deactivated)

Checkboxes and radio buttons

Jeff: wcag requirement for size is going down to 26px in case that changes your design

Lael: Disabled contrast, looks hard too see. - AB: this doesn’t have to meet standards because it’s disabled

Ange: what about animation?
AB: I think I don’t want us to spend time on things that are not critical/contributing to productivity? The question is then, when do we add this? But I think now might not be a good time.
JW: indeterminate, do we need this? – LB: we use it in Tables right now.



@Bronwyn Hawkins (Deactivated)

Search field
Mashup of two components we have already, replaced with icon if you don’t use a button

Is there a clear button for search fields with content entered in them? (Consensus: let’s add this)



@Adam Butterworth (Deactivated)

Breadcrumbs Breadcrumbsarchived
This is work that Hillary did.
Use the muted version of our link for standalone link
Update to chevron everywhere

AS: On a technical note, let’s be sure it’s compatible with React-Router

What’s left for us to do

Our goal is to complete the design of everything in https://openedx.atlassian.net/browse/PAR-33 by Feb 8th, we’re about 33% done (a bit more because things will be checked off today)
A lot of stuff is in progress.

Action items


  1. Accept fills, borders, radiuses as designed
  2. Use sentence case in mocks
  3. Search approved
  4. Breadcrumbs approved
  5. Checkbox and radios approved
  6. Tooltips and Popovers approved

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