VEDA: HLS Phase I Work Proposal

TNL-6426 - Getting issue details... STATUS

HLS Encoding Feature Deployment

Video player HLS playback

TNL-6428 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Activate HLS encoding

TNL-5331 - Getting issue details... STATUS

HLS Encode Fault Tolerance

Refine default standardized encode parameters

Cloudfront video/manifest objects: Video object/Cache Invalidation workflow

TNL-6430 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Enable VEDA/Studio shared-token default workflowTrack new course obj. via VAL ID, Check ID table in VEDA

Legacy Video Object Support

TNL-6429 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Programmatically encode for HLS

Invalidate stale objects

Consistent storage schema ("Clean up" AWS streaming bucket)

Check legacy data consistency

TNL-5332 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Hotstorage URL validation & trackingDB Table sync
Ops Support
Setup:"Firewall" current terraform plan

TNL-5350 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Rebase github repoRebase secure/private repo

TNL-5347 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Rework Terraform plan, include DB support for control nodeAutodeploy ETA Celery task firing (Subtask of TNL-5347)

TNL-5349 - Getting issue details... STATUS

NGINX Config storage/deploy

Allow mgmt command support. (wrapped into TNL-5335)

TNL-5330 - Getting issue details... STATUS

New Relic Alerting

TNL-5360 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SSL Cert for

TNL-5359 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ELB for Control Node Deploy

TNL-5335 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Front-End/Mgmt Command UpgradeHEAL, Course Addition, About Video Workflow

TNL-5324 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Optimize DB tables 

Drop Unused metadata fields

URL table remodeling (Transport Stream support)
Optional/Tech Debt

Create release plan/release wiki

Improved tracking for encode product parameters/Training set

Video Thumbnail discoveryVEDA, Studio gen; Select one-of-three, scroll timeline

Bandwidth switching/overhead analytics workflow discovery

Shared token BY-DEFAULT to advanced settings in Studio

Transcription Workflow Discovery