Devstack Poll Results
Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated)
Jinder Singh (Deactivated)
Devstack Docs Discovery (2021-03-30)
I emailed folks for futher clarification on their answer. Here is the email and their responses:
Thank you for answering the poll question of "Where do you read devstack's documentation". The feedback was very much appreciated and I hope you will be willing to provide some much needed clarification.
The answers in the poll suggest the majority of people use Github to read devstack’s documentation. This conflicts with the data we have on Github traffic and google analytics for ReadTheDocs. The data suggests users use Github to read the readme, and they go to ReadTheDocs for all other documentation.
You and many others answered “Github” in the poll. Would you be willing to further elaborate as to what you meant. Below are some possibilities of what you meant:
I use Github to read most of devstack’s documentation.
I go to Github when I want to read documentation and go wherever the links on readme take me.
I only ever read the readme and don't read other documentation.
Other(please elaborate)
8 our of the 24 responded with following:
Most people put themselves in 3 bucket:
“I only ever need to read the readme (& other details which live in rst files split off from the readme)”
“I would put myself into bucket 3. I primarily use Github to read the readme because it offers formatting where I don't have rst formatting setup in my IDE. For anything additional I need out of devstack, I'll typically just read the code to find out what is going on and what I need to do. I don't think I have ever used readthedocs for devstack.”
“For me it's 3. I only ever read the readme and don't read other documentation...If I need more information, I use my local copy.”
“For me it's largely #3: I only ever read the readme and don't read other documentation”
“3. I only ever read the readme and don't read other documentation.
Fwiw, I used the README a lot when I was first setting it up, but I don't think I've looked at it in a long while either. Any new additional devstack things I've read have been through slack.”
“For myself (when I was coding more than I am today): 3. I only ever read the readme and don't read other documentation.
We had 2 responses in the 2nd bucket:
“Definitely #2! I go to Github when I want to read documentation and go wherever the links on readme take me.
I use the README constantly for dumb things like looking up ports or remembering the super user account name. I go to RTD for stuff about tests, but only because README takes me there.”
“ The best way to describe how I use the documentation is option #2.”
We had 1 persons in ~1 or 4th bucket:
“Hmmmmm I guess 1 or 4. Basically I use github to read documentation on everything except the Makefile commands. For that, I just cat the Makefile. That's usually all I need at this point, but during troubleshooting/initial setup I exclusively used Github.”
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