Enhancing Instructor Dashboard

Enhancing Instructor Dashboard

One of OpenCraft's clients would like to add two functionalities to the Instructor Dashboard:

1. The ability to send the reminder e-mail to all students who have been invited to a course but have not enrolled yet.
2. The ability to get a report of all students invited to the course together with their status.
OpenCraft was thinking of the following ways of implementing these functionalities:

1. The ability to send the reminder e-mail to all students who have been invited to a course but have not enrolled yet.

We could add Send a reminder to all invited students section in the Membership tab of instructor dashboard. The section would just contain Send button. The content of the reminder e-mail would be specified in the template (as the other templates e-mails here).

2. The ability to get a report of all students invited to the course together with their status.

We could merge two subsections: Download profile information as a CSV and Download a CSV of learners who can enroll into one. The new section would have a checkboxes where one could choose the type of users that should be included in the CSV (invited but unenrolled, enrolled etc.). All type of users would share the same CSV fields (e-mail address etc; also Enrollment status) although the ones that have been invited but haven't enrolled yet would have certain fields (e.g. country) empty.

We would appreciate a lot if you could let us know:
  • Does this proposal sound good?
  • If so, would this be accepted upstream or you'd like us to provide some more extra information?

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