State of Locust

State of Locust

A rough take on what works, what's hard to grok, and what needs improvement.


Doesn't seem to work.  Used pip to install the "platform" and "test" requirements, but complains about missing "csm.locustsettings", which appears to be related to the fact that the test depends on edx-platform itself and wants to load Django environment settings from it.


This load test has seen some changes since I last tested it. Fully migrated to settings files


This test does not request JWTs so it is very difficult/impossible to setup (you have to provide the JWT secret key, and the JWT token generation might even be wrong/out of sync with the LMS).


Works fine and straightforward to set up.  fully migrated to settings files.


Goes through the LMS, and requires the comment service to be running, and teams to be enabled on the course.  Fully migrated to settings files


Seems to run and work.  Goes through the LMS, and requires the comment service to be running.  Fully migrated to settings files.


Retiring this service in progress as of writing.


Not hard to get working.  Fully migrated to settings files.

Requires the comment service to be running.