2022-03-29 Meeting notes


Mar 29, 2022


  • @Adam Stankiewicz

  • @Ben Warzeski (Deactivated)

  • @Jeff Witt (Deactivated)

  • @Gabriel Weinberg



 Discussion topics









5-10 minutes


@Adam Stankiewicz

Responsive behavior in components

Other use cases:

  • DataTable's bulk & table actions overflow menu: move the action buttons to overflow menu depending on whether the full button contents will fit in its container.

  • Card.Header action buttons


10 minutes

Layout components in Figma

@Gabriel Weinberg

Questions for the group:

  • Should we also include other page sizes like 1350px?

  • Should we create engineering components that are ready-to-use for things such as 2 columns, 3columns, etc, with spacing built in?

  • Should we use 12 columns in small containers?

 Action items

@Adam Stankiewicz For tabs dropdown, selected item should have a vertical thick bar on the left side of the selection
@Adam Stankiewicz investigate “titleAs” for modals ~and other places like stepper~
@Gabriel Weinberg update alert modal ticket with details



  1. Tabs component will consume responsive behavior in the LMS today, enabling replacement of the current tabs with Paragon tabs without losing any behavior in the LMS and allowing consumption of the pattern in all tabs.