2022-04-27 Meeting notes


Apr 27, 2022


  • @Bronwyn Hawkins

  • @Gabriel Weinberg

  • @Jennifer Gregory

  • @Jon F

  • @Jeff Witt (Deactivated)

  • @Sharon Wang

  • @George Schneeloch

  • @Eugene Kang



 Discussion topics









7 minutes

Display Headline

Bronwyn Hawkins

  • Proposing a change to the mobile size for Display headings to better differentiate them from H1s

    • Mobile sizing is funky

    • Tech question:

      • Theming, would this apply to open edX theme or just edX? Should apply to open edX and edX theme

      • Create a ticket for engineering backlog

      • One mobile display size that is larger than h1, the other 3 are not needed

5 minutes

Upload component

Jenn Gregory

  • Seeking information about leveraging the upload component in progress for an enterprise project

5-10 minutes

Layout components


Walkthrough of new design components in Figma

10 minutes

Drop Zone (Uploader)


Showing updates based on our discussion of early wires


  • Can we limit selections based on file size?

  • Icon is nice, makes the drop zone seem bigger

  • Color alone is not enough, so icon helps with state/status

  • For the drag error state, showing a message along with the error helps, also making the error sticky, so its not dependent on mouse hover only

  • for the loading state, can we use progress bar? not unless it will be more than 5 seconds

  • We wont make the user wait for the large file upload with a progress or spinner on the submit action, what is the pattern for background uploading?

  • drop zone could support progress or background progress

  • Does React Dropzone and React Dropzone Uploader get us the MVP level of features, it wont get us uploader, engineering concern is what is the interaction of whats in the paragon component vs what is baked into the component?

  • Consumers should pass in logic for the pre warning state, but the component would be extensible


5 minutes

Material icons


Icon library available in Figma

 Action items

Ticket for font updates
Ticket for uploader
Ticket for a11y investigation of React dropzone and uploader, and Paragon implementation notes for Raccoon Gang
