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Who is the key decision maker in this [Bootcamps] space?
Needs more holistic approach for LMS integration
Is it Open edX? Is it Canvas? Is it Moodle?
Challenge: we need more folks thinking about this.
10 minutes
2U’s design language for form inputs
@Adam Stankiewicz
Someone in Open edX Slack asked about floatingLabel on inputs, and if there’s an option (or should be an option) to force the floatingLabel above the input field so it doesn’t cover the placeholder while not in focus.
Jeff W. responded saying that 2U’s design language avoids floating labels, and that edX will have to use regular labels (or floating labels in a “floated” state), “except in instances where you really don’t want a regular label due to space or layout concerns”.
Was this discussed in a PWG? Is the design team aware of this? How was this decision made?
Paragon is a design system for Open edX; it feels a bit off to be adopting 2U-specific design language into the design system for Open edX?
[curious] Where do we stand on adding missing components/variants to Figma?
@Adam Stankiewicz
IIRC, Bronwyn was planning on tackling some of this… but I think it’s been a few months now without any updates? Just checking in.
Impact: designers don’t have the full breadth of Paragon components in the Figma library when designing UIs and/or might not know the existence of components/variants.