2021-09-29 Meeting notes

2021-09-29 Meeting notes


Sep 29, 2021


  • @Adam Stankiewicz

Discussion topics











@Adam Stankiewicz

  • [inform] @edx/paragon-working-group Github team was created, with the initial members as Ben W., David J., George B., and myself.

    • This Github team will be marked as the code owners of Paragon (and automatically request reviews when PRs are opened), and will require review/approval from at least one member of this team before merge.

  • I’d like to add Gabe and Marco to the Github team as well; same for at least the lead of RacoonGang in support of the blended development efforts.

  • Will update governance docs (including notes on how to escalate should PR reviews take longer than expected) and share decision around code owners later this week.

    • [discuss] What is a reasonable amount of time to get something reviewed? Within 24 hours? Within 48 hours?



@Adam Stankiewicz



@Adam Stankiewicz



@Adam Stankiewicz

  • [clarification] Why is Card.Status it’s own distinct thing when it’s essentially an Alert used within the card contents?

  • Does Alert need an additional variant for Primary/500 background?

@Adam Stankiewicz

  • [clarification] What is the difference between Menu and Dropdown components from a design POV?

    • I’m slightly concerned that we have 2 components that are doing nearly the same thing without much guidance around when to use which and why.

Action items


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