2023-07-26 Meeting notes


Jul 26, 2023


  • @Adam Stankiewicz



 Discussion topics










Introductions | Interns



5 minutes

Deprecation of compound components in Paragon (e.g., Form.Control).

@Adam Stankiewicz


Example: Form.GroupFormGroup

5-10 minutes

Bundle size CI checks for Paragon (and other frontend repos)

@Adam Stankiewicz


[inform] Request for Axim to add support for such tools to openedx GitHub organization: https://github.com/openedx/axim-engineering/issues/837

[Brian] Great idea! Concern: relying on any third-party CI could be temperamental (could the service be down?).

  • Lean towards something that can run locally in the repo (no external service).

  • Does this have to be a required check or can it be optional?

0-1 minutes

[resource] Recent Paragon design tokens slide deck

@Adam Stankiewicz


This presentation about Paragon design tokens should help give an overview of the vision for the design tokens project and high-level technical details.

10 minutes

Brief exploration: into Figma Dev Mode + Figma for VSCode

@Adam Stankiewicz

Dev Mode

Gives developers a space within Figma, and makes it more approachable / less overwhelming.

  • Mark as “Ready for dev”

  • Component playground

  • Dev resources

Figma for VSCode

Brings Figma into VSCode (VSCode Extension)

  • Browse recently opened / shared Figma files.

  • Collaborate in VSCode with Figma comments.

[resource] Designer and developer workflows unlocked using Dev Mode - Jake A, Avantika G, Lauren A, Jenny L

5-10 min

WYSYWIG for Paragon

@Vladyslav Zadorozhnii

In the GitHub - openedx/frontend-lib-content-components: [Moved to openedx/frontend-app-course-authoring] A library of high-level components for content handling (viewing, editing, etc. of HTML, video, problems, etc.), to be shared by multiple MFEs. there is WYSYWIG. Maybe it is good idea to move to Paragon?

  • When should components be created in Paragon vs. frontend-lib-content-components?

    • May not intended to be truly generic; could be specific to course authoring (content creation) and library authoring domain.

    • Built on top of Paragon components.

    • Name can be confusing.

  • There was some discussions in the past. Open source concerns around TinyMCE plugins for edx.org vs. Open edX.

  • Is there value in having a non-TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor?

    • [Gabe] “we have plenty of use cases for a WYSIWYG in paragon and there is value imo”



@Jeff Witt

Q: What is source of truth for Paragon docs: Figma or docs site?

  • Docs site is code, and is what gets shipped to users and product teams.

  • If there is a discrepancy,



@Jeff Witt

Don’t trap focus! edx.org search input header gets trapped…

  • Jeff put in a CR; not sure who owns it. Possible buggy behavior in terms of bug fix related to flash.

  • We should prioritize a fix for this.

  • Search input uses SearchField but does appear to be implementation specific to edx.org.

 Action items
