2023-07-26 Meeting notes

2023-07-26 Meeting notes


Jul 26, 2023


  • @Adam Stankiewicz



 Discussion topics










Introductions | Interns



5 minutes

Deprecation of compound components in Paragon (e.g., Form.Control).

@Adam Stankiewicz


Example: Form.GroupFormGroup

5-10 minutes

Bundle size CI checks for Paragon (and other frontend repos)

@Adam Stankiewicz


[inform] Request for Axim to add support for such tools to openedx GitHub organization: https://github.com/openedx/axim-engineering/issues/837

[Brian] Great idea! Concern: relying on any third-party CI could be temperamental (could the service be down?).

  • Lean towards something that can run locally in the repo (no external service).

  • Does this have to be a required check or can it be optional?

0-1 minutes

[resource] Recent Paragon design tokens slide deck

@Adam Stankiewicz


This presentation about Paragon design tokens should help give an overview of the vision for the design tokens project and high-level technical details.

10 minutes

Brief exploration: into Figma Dev Mode + Figma for VSCode

@Adam Stankiewicz

Dev Mode

Gives developers a space within Figma, and makes it more approachable / less overwhelming.

  • Mark as “Ready for dev”

  • Component playground

  • Dev resources

Figma for VSCode

Brings Figma into VSCode (VSCode Extension)

  • Browse recently opened / shared Figma files.

  • Collaborate in VSCode with Figma comments.

[resource] Designer and developer workflows unlocked using Dev Mode - Jake A, Avantika G, Lauren A, Jenny L

5-10 min

WYSYWIG for Paragon

@Vladyslav Zadorozhnii

In the https://github.com/openedx/frontend-lib-content-components there is WYSYWIG. Maybe it is good idea to move to Paragon?

  • When should components be created in Paragon vs. frontend-lib-content-components?

    • May not intended to be truly generic; could be specific to course authoring (content creation) and library authoring domain.

    • Built on top of Paragon components.

    • Name can be confusing.

  • There was some discussions in the past. Open source concerns around TinyMCE plugins for edx.org vs. Open edX.

  • Is there value in having a non-TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor?

    • [Gabe] “we have plenty of use cases for a WYSIWYG in paragon and there is value imo”



@Jeff Witt

Q: What is source of truth for Paragon docs: Figma or docs site?

  • Docs site is code, and is what gets shipped to users and product teams.

  • If there is a discrepancy,



@Jeff Witt

Don’t trap focus! edx.org search input header gets trapped…

  • Jeff put in a CR; not sure who owns it. Possible buggy behavior in terms of bug fix related to flash.

  • We should prioritize a fix for this.

  • Search input uses SearchField but does appear to be implementation specific to edx.org.

 Action items
