2024-03-27 Meeting notes

2024-03-27 Meeting notes


Mar 27, 2024


  • @Gabriel Weinberg (Deactivated)

  • @Chelsea Rathbun



 Discussion topics









10-15 minutes

Component proposal: Feedback Widget

@Gabriel Weinberg (Deactivated)

  • Looking for initial input on adding this component to the library

  • The value is in a consistent UI for collecting learner feedback at scale and ability to write to a DB


10 minutes

Unit-type Icons: Can we/ should we add to Paragon?

@Chelsea Rathbun

Looking for initial input on adding new unit-type icons to the Paragon library (I don’t believe other unit-type icons currently exist in Paragon)Open_edX_side_nav (See second frame, labeled sidenav, tier 2)


Action items:
* Get a link with all the icons so we know what needs to be added
* Add new “LMS Icons” page similar to https://paragon-openedx.netlify.app/foundations/icons/ - add these icons there
* Follow up: Update https://paragon-openedx.netlify.app/foundations/icons/ to use a data table with filters and include other icon categories such as https://paragon-openedx.netlify.app/foundations/brand-icons/and the new LMS Icons page
* Note for usage: screen reader text should be complete-name as opposed to name-complete

< 5 minutes

Confluence cleanup

@Gabriel Weinberg (Deactivated)

Can we consolidate past years of PWG meeting notes into yearly folders? The list of meeting notes is 4 years long now

[Brian S] I will look into getting Gabe the access to put stuff into folders, if I can’t figure that out I’ll just do it


Design tokens questions/discussions

@Adam Stankiewicz

@Kaleb Davenport

Oscar Chavarria

and others

TBD (I believe 2U Storefront team may be attending with questions related to design tokens?)

  • Paragon CLI bug: "Error: Cannot find module '../utils'" when using Paragon CLI on latest `alpha` versions · Issue #3022 · openedx/paragon

  • [For Axim]: What’s the current thinking / timeline wrt alphamaster?

    • High-level plan:

      • Get to point where we can merge alphamaster

      • Frontend-platform/frontend-build PRs

        • Changes should be additive-only (no breaking change / alpha needed).


      • Update an MFE as POC (e.g., the PR that exists in frontend-app-profile?).

    • Need to sync masteralpha first.

      • Out of sync since late December 2023.

    • Timeline: In 2 Open edX named releases.

  • Q: Where do you store the tokens?

    • brand package

  • Q: why Paragon for 2U Storefront?

    • A11y fixes/support not available in other design systems.

    • Intentional for LMS, but can apply generally.

    • Consistent look-and-feel / usability from edx.org → Open edX UIs.

      • Consistency across the full ecosystem == trust.

 Action items


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