2024-07-24 Meeting notes

All public Working Group meetings follow the


Jul 24, 2024


  • @Brian Smith



 Discussion topics









5 minutes

AlertModal Heading

@Adam Stankiewicz

10+ minutes

Design tokens rollout plan

@Brian Smith

Tentative plan:

  • Merge tokens support to v23 Paragon.

  • Merge frontend-build and frontend-platform PRs (non-breaking releases).

  • From an operator perspective, we do not want to have some MFEs consume tokens while others not, so we want to try to coordinate these releases.

    • Avoid using mismatching branch packages.

    • [Glib]: debatable? not all MFEs are student-facing; should we group student-facing MFEs together versus all (included) MFEs?

  • MFEs can upgrade to v23 in *-design-tokens branches, without impacting master immediately.

    • Should strive to keep these feature branches in sync with master.

  • DEPR?

  • Timeline:

    • Pre-Sumac is ambitious.

    • Instead, we want to get tokens compatible branches ready pre-Sumac but merged/released post-Sumac.

    • If operators want to run tokens sooner than a post-Sumac release, operators could deploy MFEs from the *-design-tokens feature branches as they’re ready.

  • Q: What is the plan for maintenance of design tokens post roll-out?


Design tokens brand migration

@Peter Kulko

  • Build out paragon CLI tool to automate

    • [Brian S] try to get 85% automatic and document how to manually migrate the last 15%

 Action items
