2024-03-06 Meeting notes

2024-03-06 Meeting notes


Mar 6, 2024


  • @Adam Stankiewicz



 Discussion topics










Missing official support for range input types

@Adam Stankiewicz

(on behalf of Maham Akif)

Form.Control (docs) supports several native input types:

  • text

  • textarea

  • select

  • password

  • date

  • number

  • time

However, there exists at least one use case for an accessible range input type:


Use case for range input

<input type="range"> - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN

Form.Control technically does support passing type="range", however it provides no theming support as it renders a natively styled range control.

Playground Demo


  • Usability issues?

  • What other theming concerns?

    • Accent color

    • Background color of slider

      • A11y

        • Filled state needs to have minimum 3:1 contrast vs. non-filled state.

  • Other use cases?

    • Labels positioned above vs. below range input.

  • What’s built-in to the component vs. up to the consumer?

  • [Jeff] We might have had a range slider use case before. We should try to dig it up.

    • a11y

      • Numeric value might not always be user-friendly (e.g., for screen readers).

      • Ideally can provide a user-friendly label instead of the numeric value.

        • [Adam] Tried this with VoiceOver with the above POC, but couldn’t get it to read the user-friendly label (would always read the numeric value instead, even with aria-valuenow (or the related attribute).

      • General preference for native HTML types over custom element with aria attributes.

      • Focus styling?

Next steps

  • Create Paragon issue, that we do want this to be officially supported.

  • Check in if we can link the new issue to a relevant PR for future reference, to ensure it suits the needs.

 Action items


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