2024-07-31 Meeting notes

2024-07-31 Meeting notes

All public Working Group meetings follow the Recording Policy for Open edX Meetings


Jul 31, 2024


  • @Brian Smith



 Discussion topics









5-10 minutes


@Brian Smith


  • Short term - fix the icons. Will continue/follow up in thread.

  • Caveat:

    • No colors in the icon SVGs within Paragon.

10-20 minutes

Landing alpha

@Brian Smith


  • Will maintain a 22.x release with backports including fixes, etc.

  • Semantic Release’s .releaserc file will be updates to include 22.x (e.g., no longer publishing against alpha).

  • To ensure Paragon contributors are aware of the two branches that may need to be contributed against, pre-tokens (22.x) and post-tokens (23.x), we should update the PR template description.

    • E.g., forward-porting

  • Is there anything we want to land any open PRs before we merge alphamaster?

20 minutes

Adding types

@Brian Smith and @Adam Stankiewicz

  • Adding types to components - anyone want to dive in?

    • Might be worth bringing up in Frontend WG to see if anyone who wasn’t in Frontend study group

  • TypeDoc

  • Type coverage

    • CI-integratation?

      • GitHub app?

      • Manually run the type coverage as part of ci.yml or similar (manually configured CI config defined per MFE).

        • We would prefer this approach vs. a GitHub app integration so it can’t break on it.

        • The output from this would ideally be discoverable (e.g., as a distinct CI step, or as an automated comment on the PR).

      • Probably worth bringing this to Frontend Working Group (FWG), to define a more holistic strategy around code coverage, type coverage, etc.


  • Came up during @Braden MacDonald Frontend Study Group.

  • Braden is continuing to add types to Paragon components/hooks/etc.

  • @Adam Stankiewicz tackling extending Hyperlink (PR) with types (e.g., for as).

    • Exploring defining hyperlink types with intersection per these docs.

~5 mins

SearchField usability/a11y bug?

@Adam Stankiewicz


Clicking inside the input field properly adds focus on the search field. Clicking again in the same spot then removes focus from the search field.

It would appear this might be a bug that could cause some user frustration?

Next steps:

  • It is a bug, prevents users from double clicking the text to highlight/delete it.

  • @Adam Stankiewicz to file a GitHub issue and share in PWG Slack.

 Action items


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