2024-03-20 Meeting notes


Mar 20, 2024


  • @Gabriel Weinberg



 Discussion topics









15 minutes

Button component names (brand and primary)

@Gabriel Weinberg

Paragon overrides Bootstrap’s “primary” and “secondary” button variant names by calling them “brand” and “primary” respectively.

This naming convention has been causing confusion with team members. There is a desire to rename buttons to match Bootstrap and common design system naming conventions.

“Primary” and “secondary” appears to be a more common naming convention, and removes any opinionated usage from the name of the variant.

Is this a significant breaking change? Are there any other risks?



  • [Brian] Communication will be very important

  • Some buttons would inadvertently adopt the wrong styling if the update goes through without updating the buttons

  • brand → primay should be fine, primary → secondary is where there is risk

    • we won’t have brand anymore, builds will fail if people continue to use brand

    • we will still have primary, it will just have a new meaning

  • [Hamzah] it would be a breaking change in our case, we pin versioning and we can be explicit on release notes in edX enterprise

  • [Brian] no one is automatically pulling in breaking changes

  • [Braden] Can brand button be a deprecated alias? How will it show up if brand is no longer accepted? [Brian] We can do alias route, or we could just add secondary instead of removing brand?

  • [Kevin] Confusion is there is usually 3 states

  • [Mike] If we add secondary and change primary to a true primary, how does it impact the LMS?

  • [Braden] Can we have more usage guidelines on the docsite? When to use primary, when to use secondary, etc

  • [Gabe] We don't need to decide today, let’s also get 2U product design input


 Action items

@Gabriel Weinberg open discussion with 2U product design to get input on button naming changes
