2023-03-15 Paragon Meeting notes


Mar 15, 2023


  • @Adam Stankiewicz

 Discussion topics










Default icons for Collapsible (docs)

@Jeff Witt


  • [Adam] Collapsible used to have +/- icons.

    • It was changed to use the current up/down carets in September 2021 (JIRA ticket & PR). I don’t have context into why this design decision was made.

  • [Jeff]

    • Will touch base with design team to propose this change. Likely will come back to this group once a design decision is made.


a11y rules for hyperlinks (docs)

@Jeff Witt

  • Working with Eugene, I have new rules for links:

    • opens in new tab (internal or external) gets box with NE arrow

    • External link (same tab) gets NE arrow without box

    • File download (link having download attribute) gets download icon.

      • HTML download attribute

    • Other variants that we’re opting to defer on:

      • Links that scroll user further down the same page.


  • “External site” (e.g., non-2U)

  • 2 of these icons are in the Paragon icon set

    • But we’ll need a NE arrow (without the box).

  • [Mike] Possible edge case:

    • What about courses cards to a new page?

  • We tend to prefer linking to external sites in the same tab. We need the affordance for it.

  • Jeff will file an issue for implementation.

  • [Adam] We will need to refactor Hyperlink to customize the icon and sr-only screenreader text.

  • [Adam] Will we update Paragon Design System ?

    • [Jeff] Yes.

WGAG 2.2 finishes next month

@Jeff Witt

  • Focus styling

    • We think we satisfy these requirements now, but maybe not on inline links?

    • Currently, underline for inline links is an alpha blend.

      • Proposal: just use underline, not an alpha blend.


Process for merging code into Paragon?

@Max Frank

  • After PR merge, semantic-release is called.

  • Only fix, feat, perftriggers a release.



@Max Frank

PR is up for Form.Autosuggest. Raccoon gang has started to take a look (). Looking for additional feedback, e.g., on accessibility.



@Jeff Witt

  • HTML dialog element

  • <dialog>: The Dialog element - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN

  • General advice: use semantic HTML elements where applicable (vs. aria attributes).

  • When a dialog is opened, from screen reader POV, it should block the reading of non-dialog elements on the page (inert).

    • Jeff does not consider this a high priority.

    • Solutions:

      • aria-hidden on the rest of the page somehow

      • inert attribute takes items out of the a11y tree.

    • Current dialog focus management:

      • Put focus on first focusable element in the dialog (usually a close icon).

        • This can be kind of unintuitive.

      • With the new dialog element, the entire dialog can be focusable.

    • [Hamzah] Is FullscreenModal an example of not putting focus on the close button, too?

    • [Hamzah] Does this apply to Toasts?

      • [Jeff] will take a look at the current Toast from an a11y perspective (e.g., duplicate role=”alerts” and focus on interactive elements).

        • Same with ProductTour.





 Action items
