2022-05-09 Meeting notes

2022-05-09 Meeting notes


May 9, 2022


  • @Adam Stankiewicz



 Discussion topics





@Ben Warzeski (Deactivated)

  • TextEditor update

    • There are some complicated nuances here that will require extra effort/scope to bring this into Paragon due to TinyMCE implementation.

    • [question] What are the security risk of certain things like TinyMCE?

      • Notably, for the end user (e.g., injecting an alert)

      • In collaboration with Security Working Group

      • E.g., stripping <script> tags

    • May not be a UI component per se, but more so a higher level component

  • More generally, where are the security holes in our Paragon component library?

  • At least for the short term, we should add a drag-n-drop component for designers in Figma (@Gabriel Weinberg (Deactivated))

@Adam Stankiewicz

  • We have a Segment source created and events are coming through

  • Google Analytics is still TBD

@Gabriel Weinberg (Deactivated)

Let’s zoom out on Paragon…

  • where did we come from, and where are we going?

  • Does any of the work we’re doing help support business goals like LTV, etc.?

  • Organisms components

  • Paragon is a design system for “learning applications”

    • But do we actually have components specific to learning applications?

      • e.g., is a rubric / wizard / file manager / video preview a component?

    • What does open source truly mean for us?

  • @Gabriel Weinberg (Deactivated) put together a few slides to document where we are, and where we could go, document common some pain points,

  • Ideally, we can also jam with stickies session on this list.

    • Fears/Concerns

    • Opportunities

    • Things we’d like to see

  • Evangelize more frontend devs across the org.

 Action items
