April 9th 2020

April 9th 2020

Date, time, and location

Thursday, April 9th, 14:00 UTC (time converter)


  • Intro

    • Meet & greet newcomers if any

    • Recap of agenda items - any to add? comments?

  • Move of commitments page to the Trello board

  • Release working group & documentation update (Regis)

  • Value of the Open edX platform in time of Covid-19 (Nimisha)

  • Architectural investments update (Nimisha): Needed Architecture Investments

    • APIs & plugins (Xavier, Peter)

  • Marketing workgroup follow-up (Stefania)

  • Configuration repo changes (Xavier)

  • Retrospective & sprint planning (Trello board)

Forum thread


To join

Write to any participant to be added to the meeting invite, eg. xavier@opencraft.com

Video recording

Chat log

00:13:25 Régis B.: hi all! sorry for being late! 00:13:40 Nimisha: Welcome Regis! 00:13:42 Gabriel: Hey Regis : ) 00:13:56 Régis B.: thanks for the heads up Gabriel :) 00:23:31 Stefania Trabucchi: hi, sorry for being very late today… 00:24:23 vvoous: Hey! Just wrote an email to you :) 00:25:12 Jp Beaudry: Note: I’ll have to leave at 10h30. 00:27:19 Stefania Trabucchi: @vvoous all call started late today and people is going to be crazy. seems like people want go back to office to a regular job ;-) 00:31:08 Régis B.: https://github.com/edx/open-edx-proposals/pull/143 00:31:08 felipe: is it https://github.com/edx/configuration/pull/5723? 00:31:28 Ned Batchelder: yes 00:31:34 Bill DeRusha: yes 00:31:39 Ned Batchelder: (bill didn’t write much of a description :) ) 00:39:23 Stefania Trabucchi: we would like to have some feedback about our system: https://derex.page/ Contact us 00:40:09 Nimisha: Stefania - I have a topic I’d like to discuss with this group with you being here. 00:40:40 Nimisha: Stefania - I can ask we talk about this right after Bill. 00:40:49 Stefania Trabucchi: @Nimisha: sure! Let’s do it. 00:40:54 Xavier Antoviaque: Sure, we can do the marketing update right after 00:44:01 Bill DeRusha: I'm going to hop off. Thanks everyone! 01:01:21 Stefania Trabucchi: See you soon! THX a lot to all of you.


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