[BD-03] 2020 Dec Sync: Agenda & Notes

[BD-03] 2020 Dec Sync: Agenda & Notes



  1. Status update

    1. @David Joy (Deactivated) : went through & tasked out milestones; next up, going to start look at the course authoring repo PRs, goal to get them working & merged in (part of M1.1)

      1. M1.1 includes some UI stuff - @David Joy (Deactivated) to point @Ange Romanska (Deactivated) / @Jon F in the right directions here.

      2. Ange to follow up on David’s Miro questions

    2. @sburch (Deactivated) : getting up & iterating on ADR & models. Outstanding: roadmap for LTI integration w/i that model. Working on getting tests passing

    3. @Kshitij Sobti : working on configuration model. Storing LTI config id in tab data so know what config it’s associated with. that id will become part of the URL, so wondering if should add another uuid based id in lti config so you have more random Id in the URL (rather than sequential)

      1. @Kshitij Sobti link to the PR?

      2. [steven] sounds like best practice

    4. @Ange Romanska (Deactivated) / @Jon F been going through prototypes of thread interactions/moderator experience/etc with lo-fi mocks with partners.

      1. Good feedback & validation

  2. Look over milestones 1 & 2 tasks that @David Joy (Deactivated) set up in Jira

    1. https://openedx.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=672 has all the 1.0 & 1.1 tasks - board for us to look at as a team

    2. Good job overall. Let’s continue this work in early January for the next 2 milestones

  3. PL: timeline on 1.0/1.1

    1. 1.0

      1. 7742/7805 - Kshitij working on now, confident in this sprint

      2. 7350 - Steven working on tests; pretty sure we can merge this soon. Are we good to merge initial config w/ LTI config model as-is?

        1. Doesn’t support LTI 1.1, so, yes(?) but not okay for long as not functional at the moment

        2. >>>> move fast and break things <<<<

    2. Some work that’s done has landed in 1.5+ because we’ve shrunk initial goals to just get something through

    3. In terms of 1.1, app selection & config UIs are close, just need polish (Kshitij has done a bunch here) - good amount already in place

    4. @Piotr Surowiec : we discussed leveraging core committers as reviewers, where are we at with that?

      1. Since MFE is milestone 1.6, doesn’t make sense to drive too hard at that. but once we do, it’ll go faster as we have core committer access

      2. Goal from edX side is to be 100% on this project so hope we aren’t a blocker anymore / don’t need to leverage core committers as much

  4. PL: LtiConfiguration

  5. PL: Way we link the tab to which LTI model it should load

  6. PL: Ange review of mocks

    1. Modal dialog for “Piazza” is just a screenshot of an existing modal.

      1. Needs to know what to include in the LTI 1.1 modal for Piazza

        1. Fields:

          1. Consumer ID

          2. Consumer Secret



  1. Discussions Moderator Experience - UX Discovery Review

    1. Discussion design - partner review - MIT - password Discussions2021

    2. one note - Moderation tools not covered in this presentation, still in early design discovery (and also not likely to be in Phase 1 scope anyways)

  2. Status updates

    1. @David Joy (Deactivated) - because of internal priorities, have not been able to make much progress. Had a task to make more tasks based on realignment, but haven’t been able to get to it.

    2. @sburch (Deactivated) - haven’t had as much focus as I’d like. Been iterating on config ADR, one parking lot Q on auth/LTI

    3. @Kshitij Sobti wasn’t available last week, now investigating LTI tabs for discussions. Thinking about that with generalness in mind - something similar to the way static tabs work right now.

  3. Review Milestone Planning: Discussions Improvements + Integrations (Phase 1 + 2)

    1. v1.0: LTI scope creep could blow things up

    2. Worry that Rebranding won’t end

    3. 1.5 sprints left - LTI config, LTI course tab, after that can manually add LTI course tab which gets us to what we need - approach might be possible over the next sprint.

    4. Django admin - annoying but simple approach; @Kshitij Sobti there needs to be some config that is outside django admin

  4. @Kshitij Sobti LTI Course tabs discovery

  5. Auth/LTI

  6. How can we communicate/iterate faster?

Action Items

@David Joy (Deactivated) Model diagram
@sburch (Deactivated) ADR on configuration model - pushed today
@David Joy (Deactivated) Task to make more tasks based on realignment
@Kshitij Sobti Generic LTI Course tab
@Kshitij Sobti Prototype: Discussions LTI tab based on the above and the configuration model
@Kshitij Sobti Add support for LTI1.1 to LTI configuration model


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