2023-02-24 FC-0011 Meeting notes

2023-02-24 FC-0011 Meeting notes


Feb 24, 2023


  • @Marco Morales

  • @Colin Brash

  • @Poornima Hanumara (Deactivated)


  • Align on Mobile project goals and key initial observations based on project goals and initial demo of Raccoon Gang mobile applications.

  • Discuss next steps / potential paths forward for project coordination + tracking

 Discussion topics









  • Started covering overview of project goals, an initial list of questions for the project

  • Key among these questions was the 2U mobile team lead’s thoughts on the prototype demo for the new mobile repositories

  • Marco’s Paraphrased summary of teams thoughts on prototype in next entry (these notes were formulated after meeting based on very rough bullet points!)

Mobile Proof of Concept high level thoughts

Colin / Poornima

  • Clear architectural improvements in new application

  • Much of the core application exists in the current proof of concept (RG-POC) as demoed, though following the pareto principle it may be that the 20% remaining is 80% of the development time (something to size / understand as part of this project for sure!)

  • Excitement to switch over to / use the new foundation proposed by RG-POC though timelines and how to get to this switch are still very much TBD for 2U (but also by extension all others using the applications as they exist today!)

  • Modularity of code based due to architectural improvements might also help with migration

  • MVVM model is helpful for communtiy development

    • Currently using MVC for iOS (maybe the same for Android)

    • Architecture should facilitate richer theming, customization, etc.

    • Shared navigation would still be complex and require more refactoring to handle.

    • core vs plugin model for mobile apps is a distinction is worth a detailed deep dive.

  • Likely 6 figure development cost estimate for next steps and feature gap closure

Key Feature Gap areas for RG-POC


  • Key areas that aren’t yet in the RG-POC:

    • Video offline mode

      • Video storage settings / SD card storage / etc

    • Login experience items

      • Auth via JWT? / Social Auth / etc

    • Analytics tracking

    • Programs

    • Discovery / search ?

    • Ecommerce

    • Dates

    • Progress Visualizations

    • Motivation Messaging

  • General note that many items from the last 2 years of the apps development not yet in the RG-POC and would need to be sized / incorporated

  • Should identify impact of what phones are supported by new patterns, are any older phones not covored that are critical to still support?

New Features / Roadmap from 2U


  • Still have information / context to gathers from others at 2U (including Ashley, Poornima to follow up internally)

  • Example Areas (some in progress others in queue)

    • In Progress Navigation Updates and changes based on design research done to date

    • Course Dashboard / Home - designs exist here

New Feature Areas / Directions


  • Offline Text / Problem components

  • Improved Mobile authoring (mobile previews, section titles, etc)

  • Improved Completion Rates

    • via gamification, nudging, celebrations (v1 exists for celebrations)

  • Course Home as hub + happiness not listing and logistics

  • Notification support and settings for this

  • Improved Localization (including RTL)

 Action items

@Poornima Hanumara (Deactivated) to gather broader roadmap items / input from other 2U team members on mobile direction (no specified timeline on this)
@Marco Morales notes and trackign for meeting
@Marco Morales finding time for team to connect in mid-March 1-2 times if possible before Open edX conference



  1. General alignment on RG-POC as solid basis (based on demo) for accelerating mobile development, though much more work to ratify this + get input from community

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