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Overview | Marco | Started covering overview of project goals, an initial list of questions for the project Key among these questions was the 2U mobile team lead’s thoughts on the prototype demo for the new mobile repositories Marco’s Paraphrased summary of teams thoughts on prototype in next entry (these notes were formulated after meeting based on very rough bullet points!)
Mobile Proof of Concept high level thoughts | Colin / Poornima | Clear architectural improvements in new application Much of the core application exists in the current proof of concept (RG-POC) as demoed, though following the pareto principle it may be that the 20% remaining is 80% of the development time (something to size / understand as part of this project for sure!) Excitement to switch over to / use the new foundation proposed by RG-POC though timelines and how to get to this switch are still very much TBD for 2U (but also by extension all others using the applications as they exist today!) Modularity of code based due to architectural improvements might also help with migration MVVM model is helpful for communtiy development Currently using MVC for iOS (maybe the same for Android) Architecture should facilitate richer theming, customization, etc. Shared navigation would still be complex and require more refactoring to handle. core vs plugin model for mobile apps is a distinction is worth a detailed deep dive.
Likely 6 figure development cost estimate for next steps and feature gap closure
Key Feature Gap areas for RG-POC | | Key areas that aren’t yet in the RG-POC: Video offline mode Login experience items Analytics tracking Programs Discovery / search ? Ecommerce Dates Progress Visualizations Motivation Messaging
General note that many items from the last 2 years of the apps development not yet in the RG-POC and would need to be sized / incorporated Should identify impact of what phones are supported by new patterns, are any older phones not covored that are critical to still support?
New Features / Roadmap from 2U | Poornima | Still have information / context to gathers from others at 2U (including Ashley, Poornima to follow up internally) Example Areas (some in progress others in queue)
New Feature Areas / Directions | All | Offline Text / Problem components Improved Mobile authoring (mobile previews, section titles, etc) Improved Completion Rates Course Home as hub + happiness not listing and logistics Notification support and settings for this Improved Localization (including RTL)