2023-03-24 FC-0011 Meeting notes

2023-03-24 FC-0011 Meeting notes


Mar 24, 2023


  • @Marco Morales

  • @Volodymyr Chekyrta


  • Reviewed updated to FC-0011 project re: product / design discovery on Confluence

  • Make continued shared progress on the Features + Capabilities listing page, as well as project plans / collateral coming in the next few weeks.

 Discussion topics









  • Reviewed the latest set of discovery pages in Confluence, as listed on the main project page.

  • Discussed the addition of a few new collateral references/plans for the various goals (product, technology, design).

Mobile Capabilities / Features

Marco / Volodymyr

  • Reorganized and updated the mobile capabilities and features

  • Added prioritization scheme details P1-->P3 to help organize these capabilities

  • Separated Core experience from other categories (Communication, Commerce, Infrastructure)

 Action items

@Marco Morales to set up a survey to have community team members contribute prioritization suggestions and other capability feedback for the Open edX mobile experience.



  1. Use of a survey to gather input on prioritization for capabilities / features in the existing Open edX Mobile applications from the community with simplified P1,P2,P3 scheme.