2023-06-26 Educator WG: Non-Linear Learning using Open EdX: Resource Hubs

2023-06-26 Educator WG: Non-Linear Learning using Open EdX: Resource Hubs


Monday, June 26, 1pm ET / 5pm UTC

Recording: GMT20230626-165852_Recording_2514x1414.mp4


Non-Linear Learning using Open EdX: Resource Hubs

  • Presentation from Arizona State University Team

  • A look at organizing ungraded, browsable “resource hubs” to be useful for self-directed learners.

  • Q&A Starting at 14:30

Goal: Knowledge Share around Pain Points

  • Encouragement of bringing common pain points to future agendas. Topics and questions for which experts and presentations might not exist, but would benefit from


  • Overview of a proposed process for Educators working group. Based on existing Documentation process from Axim, modified to avoid requiring RST

  • A complicating factor is the variation between versions. Especially as we roll out MFEs. It is important to use the most recent release. As we still work a lot of instances toward the most recent release, one strategy we can use is to focus on sections and topics that aren’t as affected by recent changes.

  • Decision: @John Swope will liaise with @Jenna Makowski on upcoming priorities to determine the first section.

  • Decision: Choose a simple section to start with. Map out the topics and start by documenting those topics.

  • Elizabeth Gordon and ASU has developed some of their own documentation, and can copy this over to a format that is ready for RST conversion.

  • Ask: Calling for volunteers to support documentation.

  • @Sarina Canelake is available for supporting/teaching documentation for folks who want a resource.

DemoX Course (v2)

  • Goal is to build a new version of the DemoX course that is inspiring and informative for new users of the Open edX platform.

  • Consensus was that people use this course as a basic “how-to” course for students and a reference for course developers.

  • There is appreciation for a course with a common course structure just being available, and so it gets used in a variety of ways.

  • An asynchronous survey will be sent out soon.

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