Notifications: Resources

Notifications: Resources

Product Discovery

Design Documents

Message Bus / Pub-Sub Architecture

  • Event Notifier Design Pattern
    • A dated document, but describes the basic elements of a pub/sub design pattern
    • In particular, the Event hierarchy design described in the Modeling Events section, seems worthy to support, resulting in a more code-scalable implementation.
      • However, rather than supporting it through a strongly-typed hierarchy (since we need to support it across IDAs/services/languages), we can do so via structured strings.
  • https://www.rabbitmq.com/
    • Already used by the platform - and sufficient for our needs
    • Build a modular eventing interface layer on top of this
  • http://kafka.apache.org/
    • A more scalable alternative
    • Possibly reusable by Analytics team

Delivery Channels

Governance on Notification Delivery